Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Like A Stranger [Open]

Arryn Jhanson

The establishment was a frenzy of activity, not all of which was entirely civil. The blaster-fire echoed within the closed confines of the Cantina and gave a deafening ring to those closest to the incident. Arryn's right hand instinctively moved for his side-arm, though he refrained from pulling it free of it's holster just yet, wanting to ensure it wasn't he himself that was being fired upon. A hot minute was all it took to realize that someone else had been on the receiving end; and Alistair Abbott Alistair Abbott (he whom had served Ajay the Whiskey) soon moved towards the commotion as it appeared there might be another incident soon to follow.

Ajay's gaze returned to Tadietti Tann Tadietti Tann and her entourage however, the Twi’lek holding a certain aura about her, a presence that suggested someone of importance. Perhaps not famous around these parts, but rather infamous? These were Arryn's types of people, those with a little more intrigue to them than the average do-gooder of the Galaxy.

"You a local?" he spoke up, still not having been given an answer as to the occasion for the free drinks. The previous remark less important now, rather that he had a growing business on the side and it always paid to know those of influence wherever one found themselves. Perhaps he was mistaken, perhaps they were a nobody, however the Zeltron that seemed to follow her lead gave Arryn a different idea.

The "NOMAD" was Ajay's pride and joy, the Freighter he lived and worked upon, providing a mobile service to those whom chose to purchase arms either built by he himself, or otherwise 'acquired' through other means and passed on under the table, so to speak. It was the perfect gig for someone like himself, with a love of mechanics and firearms to boot. Even still, however...-It never hurt to build one's list of contacts and possible credit chips further down the line.

"Throwing your cred's around the way you are..." He continued, speaking his mind seemingly without much concern for who might take offense; "Does that ever attract the wrong sort of attention...-Or is that your 'thing'?" he asked with a half smirk, confident in himself. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not complainin'" he raised his glass of whiskey in toast; "Guess I'm just wondering where my drink's coming from".

@The Commotion

What people might or might not see is five assassins had chosen to take their drinks between the commotion and Blue, still chatting away to each other. All professional and dangerously calm, these weren't the old thugs Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt kept. Blues immediate entourage never even moved from the bar, because they weren’t here to protect the bar, the hulking red female Twi’lek Sienn raised her head briefly but only briefly.

Beginning their journey into drinking the five bottles of anything, Blue barely even broke her rhythm as she turned to one of her aides. Hutts? That word hadn’t been expected. As she looked toward the Trandoshan’s former table it was now empty. How clever, wondering if her appointment from the Pyke Syndicate arranged that little show to try to throw her back into conflict with the dreggs of what was left of the cartel. Petty, very petty.

The occasion? The Zeltron looked to Blue, who was in a characteristically celebratory mood despite the potential doublecross, but also an uncharacteristically open mood, she mouthed what turned into a smile she couldn’t contain beneath her veil.

Arryn Jhanson

“We acquired a bank.” The zeltron raised his shot glass in cheers to Arryn, pressing a finger to his lips, drunk with their heightened success after success more than liquor, which made for looser lips than usual. Acquired was a nice way of saying three interested parties had ripped the Uos Family fortune apart and were now pulling at the pieces, but things didn’t happen in a day. Loose ends.

Aeyih'dira hmmped, a green twi’lek who looked something of a cross between a model and an accountant, which incidentally was exactly why she was hired to put people off-kilter in negotiations, any edge was used. Lowering a sleek looking grey visor with her finger to reveal, then blink her tired eyes. She was clutching what looked like a clipboard with huge streams of numbers running across it, “the financials are… a mess,” she sighed.

A local? Was he a local then? Business as usual even with the potential blaster bolts behind them, until the man continued his line of questioning, which raised suspicion somewhat. “Are you perchance, with the cartel?” The Zeltron offered on his own initiative this time to Arryn Jhanson. There was a matter of clearing up they were not behind shooting up a bar in their territory. If the cartel was back in business, it was better to make these things abundantly clear.

Blue touched the Zeltrons arm and he withdrew his suspicion. She took a step toward Arryn, which caused Sienn the most protective of the bunch to frown, her towering red armored form now present somewhere to the side of them both. “Enjoying a respite.” Blue's mouth spoke beneath the veil. “breathing when we can” Her smile had barely left her lips since she entered, and she drunk the bottle of ‘anything’ very slowly, enjoying the freedom of letting loose.

“Would you tell me your name?” Arryn Jhanson
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Darth Quercus

Amidst the uproar, someone bumped the folded mechno-chair at the corner table. The glass of water wobbled.

Duel of the Fates blared, and the blank-eyed Sith sat bolt upright. The table jolted again. The glass wobbled.

The potted plant rustled furiously, but so far, not one drop had spilled. So far.
"My family was also affected," Nimdok muttered gravely. He knew enough about the Primeval to add context to his fabricated story. They were a beastly cult that had ravaged whole worlds, committing genocides as they cut a swath through the galaxy.

“We were torn apart by the conflict,” he went on, deftly mixing a pinch of truth with fiction. “I don’t know if some of my relatives are dead or alive.”

He accepted the hand Amea Virou Amea Virou offered, only for his friendly exterior to falter. She, an archaeologist? His mind went back to the contact he was supposed to meet—but no. If she was the contact, surely she would have recognized him. He had not hidden behind an anonymous persona.

“On Dantooine, I had the opportunity to study history and anthropology in my youth. Until recently, I had no intention of making a career out of it, given my responsibilities at home. But now—”

He was interrupted by shouting nearby. Eldin Daine Eldin Daine leaped from his chair and joined in the fray between Nartaga Nartaga , a Tusken raider, and several other patrons. This prompted Alistair Abbott Alistair Abbott to retrieve a rather large weapon from a safe behind the counter in a peacekeeping gesture.

Nimdok’s eyes scanned the room. Seemingly the entire bar, by now crammed well past capacity with various individuals seeking shelter from the sandstorm, had gotten involved in one conflict or another. It was difficult to keep track of who was angry at whom, and for what reasons.

The risk of a stray blaster bolt hitting him was too high for Nimdok to turn his back on it all, but he endeavored to stay out of it. Turning back to the young woman, he finished his earlier statement.

“...I seem to have become something of an archaeologist myself.”

Arryn Jhanson

Glancing aside to the Zeltron's questioning his possible connection to the Cartel; One could only assume he meant the Hutt Cartel in this neck of the woods, so to speak. "And no, I'm freelance" He replied, "Mostly in fire-arms at the moment, working my way up..." he elaborated a little.

Machine Jack Mechanix was more a pet project of his, rather than a full-time business; Arryn worked it like a beloved hobby and not a full-time job, instead choosing to live his life day to day and letting opportunity arise wherever he found himself. His life wasn't fashioned like the 'working-man', and he sure as hell didn't pay any dues to government or some notion of a greater power; Arryn Jhanson was his own man.

He was however, just one man and as extraordinary as he might think himself, he couldn't help but notice the number of people with Tadietti Tann Tadietti Tann , not to mention how well equipped they all were. The red Zeltron being the closest to him, Arryn gave something of a smirk as he commented on the entourage of assassins; "Your friends look expensive" he gestured to the table, voicing himself in a way that he might sound to be admiring their profession as opposed to actually seeing a little more indication of whether or not they were here on a job.

The blue Rutian however seemed to dismiss her red companion and in turn, asked for his name. "Name's Ajay..." he replied casually, his attention returning to Tadietti Tann; "And yours?" he countered with that age ol' smugglers grin. It might come as a surprise that the rogue wasn't familiar with the more infamous faces of Tatooine these days, further indication that he wasn't local.

"Remind me not do my banking on Tatooine in the future" he added with a snicker, a joke at the expense of whomever her competitors were. Banks were usually fairly complicated jobs, and certainly not something he had tried to do on his own. There was always an element of excitement when one shared company with others as equally displaced with the law as he was, and Arryn quickly found himself becoming more intrigued by this group.

The Tusken scanned the room as more eyes drew to the standoff between himself and the other beings at his reveal to the crowd, a panic setting in as the bartender, Alistair Abbott Alistair Abbott , came out with a large blaster and began yelling. With his heart pounding in his ears he was only able to make out a few words. "" The Tusken saw the hesitation in the Snivvian's eyes as the alien weighed his options, almost in disbelief that only a few other patrons had joined in his cause to kill the Tusken savage. The small group that had now come up beside him were two other humans and a Devaronian, who drew their blasters at the bartender, Eldin Daine Eldin Daine , as well as the Tusken. The sand people had caused much pain in the eyes of many on Tatooine, and those that were victims of the never ending conflict between the settlers and Tuskens were unlikely to forgive them, regardless of any consequences.

As the alien chuckled at the bartender, turning his attention away for a moment, the shaman grabbed one of the knives from his belt and threw it at the Snivvian, the blade sinking into his shoulder. The Tusken would raise a hand a send out light force push in the direction of the trio of allies the Snivvian had brought to his cause, knocking them off their feet. The Snivvian's blaster shot up into the ceiling as his trigger finger pulled inward at the pain, and he snarled as he brought his blaster back up and tried to take a shot at the Tusken.

Nartaga would use the confusion of what had just happened to dive out of the direct line of fire and behind the wandering CLEM, using the GONK as cover to try and find a clear path through the crowd and to the door.

Eldin Daine Eldin Daine Amea Virou Amea Virou Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok Chybo Fenn Chybo Fenn Darth Quercus CLEM Alistair Abbott Alistair Abbott Tadietti Tann Tadietti Tann
Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok

Amea’s parents were most certainly dead, if the records on Sullust had been anything to go by. As she struggled to remember why said archives were important to her however, Amea’s mind blanked out again. Must have been one of the casualties from the mindwipe then.

“This resurgence of the Primeval has come at an odd time then.” She said and nodded along as the man spoke. She noticed his shift in stance, the small ways that someone would inspect someone. And even if he was expecting someone else in the midst of this Hutt-protected water hole, Amea would hardly be one to point it out. His business, his life, not hers.

As the hotboy leapt into the fight and the kid announced the fight was over “or else,” Amea stayed where she was. Her back towards the fight, her focus on her drink. Nearly twenty years of fighting, of practicing ways to perfect her senses and reflexes hadn’t failed her yet — barring that one mindwipe thing — and as such she had little to no reason to doubt it now, or so she figured.

“Seem to have?” She added with an amused smirk. “What it seems like to me is that this business is one you either study for, or sort of just stumble upon.”

“I am more of the latter. Signed on with the wrong ship, took me straight to a planet nearly wiped once by the Gulag Plague. Intense cult following the force, built a massive trap-riddled temple to keep the diseased riff-raff out. Died of the plague nonetheless and the temple had gone untouched since.”

And somewhere in the background, the fight was getting a resolution too. So, once again, not getting involved had proved to be a better alternative. Then, that was to say that the fight was resolved. It certainly died down for a bit.

Maybe Amea should toss lies about the hutt around every now and then? It seemed to work. She made a note to try.


intergalactic bird of mystery
Kingsley didn't even notice the blaster fire. Petty duels and minor scuffles were all too common in a dive like the Raider's Tomb. It was exactly his kind of place. He didn't get out Tatooine way much any more, a silly misunderstanding with the Black Bha'lir involving a death mark. It was a shame. Mos Eisley was the perfect kind of place for a spice dealer. The trick was managing it under the noses of whoever ran the underworld these days.

It was a trick the smuggler had never quite mastered.

"Rrrrawk! So anyway like I was saying," he continued with his story, "I'm just minding my own business when these Judges and their Jedi pals board my freighter on my wedding day and kidnap my fiancee! That's the last time I saw her. To Nida Perl Nida Perl , the one that got away."

He let out a soft yelp of agony after downing his gargle blaster and stumbled to his feet. The vulture had credits to spend and they could use another round. On his way he caught sight of a blast from the past.

"Stacy! Stacy!" Kingsley waved his hands frantically at Amea Virou Amea Virou .

That was odd. It must be all the noise because she didn't seem to notice him. He staggered over towards her and Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok ...and right into Nartaga Nartaga .

"Whoa there, buddy!" powerful hiitian talons grasped at the tusken, "What's the rush? Wanna buy some death sticks?"

He leered.
Born standin' up and takin' back.
The blast from the Snivvian’s gun hit the ceiling and a lump of good old Tatoonie plaster fell on his head making the man fall to the floor in a daze, that would not last for long though. The standoff was over in the trice, but not the tension. Eldin quickly put his blasters away into the folds of this clothes, he had to distract the fight from blasters to something else. He turned to the person standing next to him, did not know them from Adam whoever he was, and punched him in the face. That was all it took. The cantina erupted into a fight.

The man Eldin punched growled and sprang at him, throwing a round arm that Eldin was able to duck. The man’s eyes went blank as if he could not believe his hit did not land a blow, at least that is how Eldin read it, the reality was he was hit over the head with a bottle and fell forward to the floor.

Suddenly, he felt two strong furry hands take hold of him, the Wookie grabbed him by the scruff and threw him across the room and Eldin slide across the floor headfirst until crumbling in a heap under a table. In his path, he clipped the chair carrying the flowerpot sending it into a spin, pot and all.

His shoulder shot with pain as he had hit the leg of the dribbling Zabrak, they were thick hard legs with the brain to match. In his attempt to get out from under the table, he bumped the bottom of it, causing the glass of spring water to tetter and spin, slowly riding the edge of its base at dangerous angles. Eventually however, it settled back in place.

Not one drop was spilt.

Back in the fight, Eldin launches himself toward the Devaronian that had turned guns on him, he lands a punch to the jaw, only to receive one for his efforts. Sending Eldin off balance and tumbling toward the bar, and try as he might to regain his footing, he fell all over the pretty girl at the bar pushing up against her, cheek to cheek. Her skin had promised so much in how soft it looked, and it didn’t disappoint.

“Pardon me ma’am”, he was not sorry at all, and she would know it as he flashed his smile at her ( Amea Virou Amea Virou ) once again. “Allow me ta make it up ta ya later”.

“Now where’d that Tusken go”, he was nowhere to be seen. Eldin started toward the melee but trampled on a bird and fell ass over the Donk droid, bird and Tusken. But there was no time to do anything but save his own neck as the Wookie stood over him, held a table high over his head with the intention of hitting Eldin with it.

Tadietti Tann Tadietti Tann | Kingsley Kingsley | Nartaga Nartaga | Chybo Fenn Chybo Fenn | Alistair Abbott Alistair Abbott | Darth Quercus | CLEM | Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok | Arryn Jhanson


CLEM, having ceased to sing when folks went weapons free, gonked in alarm. He did his best to shelter Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok . The archaeologist seemed a decent sort, or at least he'd picked decent music, which was pretty much the same thing.

A large and rough-looking human lunged his way and yanked on the speakers, presumably to use them as an improvised weapon. Not for the first time, CLEM found himself grateful that his specs omitted olfactory sensors. The human yanked again. Metal squealed and wires twanged.

CLEM took a step back, treading on some part of Nimdok's clothes or person. The attacking human lurched forward, off balance.

CLEM stepped forward, and the human's face ran into CLEM's top edge. He staggered down to one knee.

CLEM sidestepped right and fell left. His boxy frame slammed down on the human, flattened him to the grimy floor, and knocked him out cold.

CLEM wiggled his feet in triumph.

"G O N K."
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Location: Raider's Tomb, Mos Eisley - Tatooine
Status: Ready to Quit
Weapons: E-5C | Hospitality Worker's Fury

- - - - -
His lie about the Hutts seemed like it was working, right until the blasted Tusken threw the knife. The Snivvian let out a porcine squeal, inadvertently firing his weapon as the blade bit into his shoulder. Alistair winced as the blaster went off, instinctively pulling himself back until he’d realized the bolt had merely hit the ceiling.

Then, all hell broke loose.

The slick man holstered his two weapons and laid into the others, fisticuff style. Always rearing for a fight, the other patrons quickly joined in and the simple exchange of blows turned into a full-on brawl. He groaned inwardly as a bottle was broken, already realizing the mess he’d have to clean up.

‘I don’t get paid enough for the chit’ Alistair thought, backing up as mean looking Gamorrean approached him. The big guy lunged forward, trying to wrap his arms around Alistair, prompting the boy to unsling the weapon from his shoulder. He didn’t bother swinging the rifle around, instead shoving the butt of the gun viciously into the pig-man’s large belly and bringing it up to slam underneath his chin. The green-skinned alien tottered once before falling down in a heap.

Two more potential hostiles approached, but Alistair managed to ward them off with a few threatening motions with the E-5C. He saw Bobby from the corner of his eye, making his way back behind the bar and resuming the dispensing of drinks. To his surprise, a large subset of the people ignored the scuffle, through he supposed a fight was hardly a rare occurrence on Tattooine.

The slick man rushed past him, barely avoiding Alistair only to wind up tangled with a Hiitian and the Sand Person. A Wookie, seeing his advantage, grabbed a table and raised it above his head – poised to throw it down onto the trio. “Don’t even think about it” Alistair growled, swinging the barrel of the gun around. He pressed lightly on the trigger, causing the end of the weapon to glow red. The wookie paused, in an almost comical way, before gently putting down the table and backing off.

He let out a deep sigh, slinging the large firearm across his back. Skirting past the trio, who were attempting to untangle themselves, he retrieved the broken bottle and let out a loud string of curses. Someone had stolen it from the bar, probably while he was distracted, only to have it used as an improvised weapon. He walked back and addressed the human amidst the pile.

“You’re in deep chit, partner” he said grimly. “We don’t sell Merenzane Gold by the bottle, which means you’ve just racked up quite an expensive tab”.

@Commotion | Eldin Daine Eldin Daine | Alistair Abbott Alistair Abbott

For a time the commotion in the bar picked up further. Nobody had been stabbed yet, that was always bonus. Tatooine a regular destination for them all. Eldin and Alistair identified as the owners might find themselves assisted by someone falling over before they caused trouble, or put into a sleeper hold to calm them down. Like a certain gungan who now lay snoozing by the wall behind them, just who had assisted however might be harder to spot.

Arryn Jhanson

Expensive? Priceless. “They have their uses,” her voice affirmed with a tensing of her lekku, playing down just how important they were to her, even if she wasn’t quite believable. She didn’t put a value on the people that had come up with her through the Uos slave pits, then through the hutt cartel’s casino and finally to the top of the pile. They were as close to her family as she could have, after she had burned her real family Nima Tann Nima Tann . Her one weakness was that she cared.

Somethings you wanted people to know, like bank acquisitions that others disputed. Somethings you didn’t, like who or what was important, and sometimes names were worth a great deal. When Ajay asked for Tadietti’s name, her smile had a curious quality. Sipping her drink and giving herself time to decide which something his question was. Her veiled face was more known on Nar Shadda, these days after Goros’s death she kept herself mobile like he used to, never in one place for long, an advantage of his she’d taken to heart. Tatooine had the benefit of being don’t ask don’t tell for a lot of people coming through here, not many pried for fear of the answers they got.

Shielded by almost a ring of ex cartel assassins, they were almost in their own conversation. “Did you know on some worlds Ajay means unconquered, unsurpassed and invincible.” Blue complimented politely. All a well-practiced way of distracting him from his own question, he’d even find one of the aides offering him a second drink while...

Behind Ajay the decision Blue was making about how open to be, was being run through a list of known Hutt associates, which would never cover even a fraction of them, but the bigger triggermen and bounty hunters' faces were recognizable to a search. If Ajay turned again he’d see the other green twin Kinsa, the specialist, doing her thing in the database search. All he might really see is the back of a pad and a equally model-worthy smile, only this expression was hidden under all manner of techno-wizardry like a slicer might wear, so much so you could see even less of her face than Blue’s.

Checking out any potential guns Ajay was carrying, “Arms dealer.” Tadi’s voice and interest piqued ever so slightly more. Blue, tapping her finger on the rim of her ‘anything’ filled glass. She looked over to Opel who despite looking the most innocent of all of them, now produced Sere Reene Sere Reene 's contact details on a holocard and handed them to Tadi as a bargaining chip for later. It could just as easily have been a dagger the way Opel moved, yet somewhat overdramatically as a dancer might.

"Good advice" Tadi let out a genuine chuckle at not banking on Tatooine and rested her glass down, “ Hmm, we trade sometimes, our credit line is good” the holocard was held back as a negotiating tool, and tapped on top of the glass now in place of her finger, “what arms do you stock?” More importantly, “where do you stock them?” If he was clever he wouldn’t tell her all this for free, she was testing him. He’d given his name and if he was sharp, he’d noticed she still hadn’t given him anything else yet. Games? Nope. Very much business and they might already be negotiating. How would he handle it?
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"For all that the galaxy has experienced nigh-constant warfare, I don't think anyone ever expects a hostile takeover of their homeworld," Nimdok's reply to Amea Virou Amea Virou 's comment was sympathetic, but also puzzled. The young woman seemed to struggle to speak of her family and background, though not in the way victims of trauma usually did. No, this was clearly the result of something else. His first guess was deliberate (or forced) amnesia, since her expression betrayed a curious blankness marred by no deeper emotion than confusion and frustration. Curious.

Her story about a case of random chance intrigued him. "If I may ask, what planet did you visit?"

But their conversation was interrupted again - first by the screeching of Kingsley Kingsley , then by the eruption of further chaos. Repelled by the fighting, Eldin Daine Eldin Daine was knocked into the young woman at around the same time CLEM backed into Nimdok, trying to fend off a human thug. The archaeologist watched in detached bewilderment as the gonk droid successfully knocked his attacker unconscious, only to fall on top of the body from the momentum of the finishing blow, its legs kicking in the air.

Nimdok promptly stooped and righted the droid. The speaker attached to its top was sparking faintly, torn wires spilling out. What little sound it was still making was heavily distorted and no longer sounded like music - except perhaps to the strangest, most dissonant and anti-melody of alien cultures.

Thankfully, the commotion seemed to have died down, thanks to the diplomatic efforts of Alistair Abbott Alistair Abbott and his large peacekeeper. Nimdok settled back into his seat, vainly hoping it would stay that way -

Another combatant, reeking of booze, slammed into the bar mere inches from Nimdok. As the thug struggled to his feet, preparing to leap back into the fray, Nimdok picked up a glass bottle laying on the counter near him by the neck and brought it firmly down on the would-be brawler's head. The bottle shattered on impact, and the recipient of the blow promptly slumped down, out of commission. Nimdok would do his part to bring the conflict to an end.

Nartaga Nartaga Tadietti Tann Tadietti Tann Darth Quercus Chybo Fenn Chybo Fenn Arryn Jhanson
“Oh, it was called Li-” Amea tried to say ‘Linden’, a planet that had once been known for its — well, trees. But fate and drunken idiots had a different idea. She felt the presence of someone stumble over her and just as she was about to move out of the way she felt their weight cover her. Her back hit the ground and with it a solid thud.

The air in her lungs burned, the pain in her back pulsating against the surface of her skin. A great variety of liquids soaked through her tank top and her hair, and as the man tried to smooth it all over with a smile she did little more than glare at him. He got up and off of her, and in that moment all Amea could do was watch as a small transparent container seemed to fall straight towards her. Her eyes went wide before they quickly shut from the impact of the small glass that struck against her right eye.

Her nails dug into the floor before she got up with another glare that could have melted steel beams. It traversed around the room searching for the hotboy but what they found was something far, far worse. Because amidst the crowd was the one thing that had ruined a perfectly good night on Bespin.

She saw Kingsley.

And she pretended very much that she had not.

Her hand rubbed at her eye as she turned back towards where Nimdok had been, but it seemed that between the point where she had a good conversation, to the point where she had fallen flat into a pool of liquid, things had changed.

She grabbed the glass off of the ground with a telekinetic grasp and quickly threw it into the crowd. Maybe it would hurt someone, maybe it wouldn’t. She had an ego to tend to either way.

Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok Kingsley Kingsley
Nartaga did not have a chance to properly respond to the Hiitian who was accosting him about something the Tusken did not understand before Eldin Daine Eldin Daine and the Hiitian Kingsley Kingsley and himself were all on the ground, tangled in each other with Nartaga at the bottom of the pile. He could not reach any of his other weapons, pinned as he was, nor could he unsling his gaderffii from his shoulder. The Tusken could only watch as the man who had come to his aid without reason was about to get slammed by a rather angry Wookie with a table.

The Tusken closed his eyes, but did not any hit from the bottom of the pile. Opening them to see the Wookie returning the table to a resting position slowly, as the bartender Alistair Abbott Alistair Abbott had heated up the blaster he was aiming to make the large sentient comply. As the other people slowly got off of him, Nartaga wriggled himself from under the avian being, he crawled backward until his back hit a wall. His breathing was heavy and under his mask the Tusken was panicking. This was a feeling he did not like, being exposed in an Outsider city, and the confined space seemed to make the subsiding threat even larger, despite the fight coming to a a conclusion. He reached his hand down to right side and flipped his gaderffii around, holding the twin piked weapon out in front of him, to keep any at bay who attempted to come near.

The Snivvian, now recovered from the plaster falling onto his head, finally took the hint, and he and his spur of the moment gang of ruffians left the safety of the cantina and out into the sandstorm, swearing and cursing that they would be back for their revenge with whatever authority or mob they could find.



intergalactic bird of mystery
"Tell you what kid," Kingsley's talons gripped Nartaga Nartaga like a vice apparently oblivious to the tusken's incomprehension, "I'm gonna cut you a deal. First stick is on your pal-rrrrawk!"

Eldin Daine Eldin Daine crashed into them. He was strong by humanoid standards but surprise mixed with intoxication knocked him off his feet along with his would be victim and CLEM. He fell right on top of the little droid in a puff of feathers. On instinct his talons lashed out, raking against Eldin's cheek in alarm more than anger. His shrills of pain grated on the ears of everyone in the cantina.

Staggering to his feet in a blind rage the vulture hooked one of the Snivvian's fleeing ruffians and lifted the lowlife bodily over his head. Kingsley threw him clear over the bar and into a jukebox which shattered but lit up and started coughing out some upbeat outer rim folk music.

"Groovy," the bird bobbed his neck back and forth.

He felt the rhythm take over him and surrendered to it. Now seemed as good a time as any for a dance party.

Arryn Jhanson

Did you know on some worlds Ajay
means unconquered, unsurpassed and invincible
Arryn couldn't help but let loose an abrupt laugh at the remark, hardly the type of man to think of himself as invincible or anything close to that grand a scale of fiction. "I don't know where you've been sweetheart, but they probably need to get out more if that's the case. I may know how to throw a punch but you won't see me gambling my life away like some sort of God" Arryn smirked back at Tadietti Tann Tadietti Tann , figuring that she'd understand why he found it so amusing given that she herself had such a well armed and composed entourage, clearly knowing the difference between a good story and the reality of the Galaxy they lived in.

The fact that she hadn't given her own name hadn't escaped Arryn, although he himself had only given her his abbreviated name, a nickname for which he had been referred to since his youngling years on his homeworld, Lirra. Pulling his Blaster Pistol from it's holster, his eyes glanced to her group of capable looking killers giving them a slight lift of his head as if to say 'relax', soon turning the pistol around to hold it by the barrel and reaching out to offer the firearm to Tadietti. Fully loaded.

"This is one of my newer projects, yet to be put on a production line" he explained, "The M1 Aegis, a Blaster Pistol originally intended to be a Slug Thrower though I changed my mind during the early days of it's make. It comes with a small range of attachments and can be fired in semi-automatic or burst fire modes. You'll notice it's quite light compared to most pistols, easy on the draw in those emergency situations. While it's not military grade, you won't find anything else like it just yet".

Admittedly, his business was still a new venture and the Aegis was the first of his works made for the open market. Aboard the 'NOMAD', his droid crew would set to work on the factory line and put the pistol into high production as soon as Arryn was ready to give the word, however he was always first to design and create his projects, only ever referring to his droids after he was happy with the product.

"I never stay in one place for long, I like to get around" he replied on the subject of where his products came from. "There's always something new to see and hear" he turned his attention to the rest of the Cantina and those within, having a good time or in the case of the man who'd been shot, not having such a good day. "I have a private line for potential customers, encrypted from any undesirables..." he was speaking of the law when he said it, although his rival competition fit the bill too.

Born standin' up and takin' back.
The Wookie let out a bleating gurgle of a noise as he held the table aloft, Eldin tilted his head to see the kid behind the bar armed and dangerous. More and more he was liking this kid ( Alistair Abbott Alistair Abbott ). The thought only just flittered from his mind when pain shot through his cheek, the damn bird scratching him on the face which drew blood even thought it was superficial. But that was the least of his worries.

Slowly he stood up off the floor, his hands splayed to indicate his submission to the fighting, as everything seemed to go quiet, mostly because everyone in the bar had finally come to the point where they no longer knew who they were pissed at. Music played; the bird danced the evening could not get any stranger?

The bar was a mess, broken furniture, booze stains on the walls, broken glass, blood on the floor, ripped clothing and unconscious bodies. Whether or not the sandstorm had passed did not matter, as people started to leave, and head home battered and bruised.

“Thanks kid”, he wiped the blood from a split lip on the back of his hand. “Yeah ‘bout that .. I owe ya one. But I don’t owe for this”. Well he was partly to blame for it, had Eldin not intervened the place would have been littered with bodies.

“How ‘bout a three-way split on the bill. Blue lady for offering free drinks, the Snivvian for starting this whole mess, and the rest .. send the bill to the high ups of the OPA”, they could take it out of his pay if necessary. Just as he turned back to the bar, a glass whistled passed his face and smashed on the floor, the room went deadly silent again, eyes darting everywhere not sure if that signalled round two.

Eldin turned to see who throw it, it was soft cheeks ( Amea Virou Amea Virou ). She stood there fuming, soaked to the skin and glaring with laser eyes and she looked, violent. Just when he thought she could not get any more attractive. He picked up a stood and righted it next to soft cheeks, and threw himself on it, his body ached from head to toe, his throat tight and dry and he was down to his shirt and ripped trousers. At least he still had his pistols, that was all that really mattered to him.

He leaned on the bar with a bent arm, other hand raked his fingers throw his hair and he was glad that was over, and the blood bath nipped in the bud. “Don’t suppose there is anything left to drink”, he asked the kid and could not help but grin, but boy he could do with one right about now.

Where the hell that Tusken go? He turned to find him.

Nartaga Nartaga | Tadietti Tann Tadietti Tann | Chybo Fenn Chybo Fenn | CLEM | Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok | Arryn Jhanson | Kingsley Kingsley


Helped up, knocked down, helped up, knocked down again - the last few minutes had been a blur for CLEM. All he knew for sure was that he still liked Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok and that someone had ripped off his speakers. The battered GNK unit shuffled away. Just away. No destination, no direction, bound for a nebulous and quintessential elsewhere.

In the absence of music, he started singing to himself, an Imperial military march.

"Gonk gonk gonk gonk ga-gonk gonk ga-gonk. Gonk gonk gonk GONK ga-gonk, gonk ga-gonk. GONK gonk GONK gonk ga-gonkagonk ga-gonk..."

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