Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Like Old Times



Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: N/A
Location: Coruscant, Briana's Apartment
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Despite having moved out a little over a month ago, it was still strange living alone after spending so many years living together with Iris, not that Briana was usually home long enough for it to bother her, most of the time. She had her responsibilities as a Jedi to keep her busy, and when she wasn't doing that, she was either swamped with familial obligations or trying to steal time with Aiden before he was called away on some mission or another.

When she did have those quiet moments however, Briana found herself missing the loud and unpredictable ones and the comfort that came from knowing a good friend would be there at the end of a long day.

Which was why Briana hadn't been able to stop smiling when she'd gotten the acceptance reply from Iris to come over and hangout together, unable to remember the last time they'd actually done so without it being something Jedi related—and even that had been sparse of late, what with Iris being a Knight and a Shadow and her directives shifting towards that. Time was a luxury neither could squander these days.

The plan for the evening was rather simple and laid back, at least as simple and laid back as one could expect from a person like Briana. Dinner, followed by a movie, with probably some girl talk sprinkled in between.

She'd pulled a few of her favorite holo-vid options to share with Iris, sprinkling in some new ones she'd heard were popular, but hadn't seen yet, and even tried cooking for a change—despite having never cooked anything more complicated than cereal in her life. The results were...not exactly amazing, but...probably edible? Briana put her dish at the far back of the counter, making sure to hide the indecipherable blob behind the engine roasted tip-yip, the mirial teacakes, and the wawaatt sprouts that she'd had delivered from a local restaurant, just to be on the safe side.

Last thing she wanted to do was give Iris food poisoning on her first visit.

Standing in the living area of her expansive flat and giving everything a final once over, Briana's ears perked when she finally heard an expectant knock at the front door. "Coming!" she called in a sing-song tone just before crossing the flat to go and greet her friend, having felt that familiar Force signature flood her senses as soon as Iris' presence brightened her doorstep.


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It'd been a little while.

No, that was an understatement. It was an eternity for Iris. There was so much she had to do every day, so much she needed to keep track of, so many lies to handle, so many faces to remember, it felt like an absolute eternity. She missed her friends, all of them. But few did she miss more than Briana. Her first friend, her best friend. She rarely got to see her, and after everything with Kai it was like Bri was only available for her family. She understood, but it didn't stop Iris from feeling any worse than she did.

She stood on the doorway, just staring at the door. Unsure what to even do. Was this okay? Were they finally just free enough to actually be around each other again?

So she knocked, and she waited for the door to open.

Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren



Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: N/A
Location: Briana's Apartment, Coruscant
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

The door slid open once she got the security latches down, revealing Iris as the porch lights flickered to life, Briana's smile seeming to widen - if that were at all possible. "Ahh! I'm so glad you're here!" her crystalline eyes seemed to shine with excitement, wrapping her friend in an embrace before ushering her into the apartment.

Normally, Briana wasn't one for warm sentiment or even a lot of physical contact, but it had been such a long while since they last saw one another that it felt not only necessary, but over due.

"Come on in,"
Briana gestured, pausing in the entryway to assist Iris if needed, "You can leave your coat and bag in the closet there and make yourself at home, dinner is ready when you are and I have some refreshments in the kitchen."



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