Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lilla Syrin

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t

A single word.

A solitary syllable.

To billions in the galaxy, a word uttered daily and without value or even meaning. Countless trillions of litres are used daily to save lives on each and every planet. Yet more soaks the battlefields of war, in the name of peace, liberation, or even the immortal line that is is good triumphing over evil.

Technically it is no more than a body fluid in humanoids and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.

Yet to some it is a traceable commodity, and for others its a compelling concept.

Often times it refers to a family, or a clan, or even a species. And it can even start the wars in which it is so willingly lost.

Yet none of those that use, buy, sell, spill, or measure allegiance by it can have imagined what one twisted mind had in store for a few drops of it.

The previously mentioned battlefields were indeed soaked crimson — and more often than not it was the life-enabling fluid of Jedi and Sith that provided the stain that the ground sucked up so readily. And a determined and well resourced individual could — if he had sufficient time, information and minions to take all of the risks — seek out a particular Jedi or Sith’s blood. For sport. For nothing more than the whim of a man with an insatiable curiosity and a disregard for the accepted wisdom of the day.

Nature versus nurture. A time-old conundrum that has never been truly proven one way or another. And when you have all of the toys you ever wanted and boredom sets in, what better way to slake your mind’s inquisitive thirst than to conduct your own experiment. Take the spilled DNA of someone perceived to be wholly good, or wholly bad, and see what impact circumstances could play given the right push here or prod there.

Would the genetic offspring of a Jedi even be Force sensitive? The data suggested they would.

But would the offspring of a Jedi be good? The offspring of one that would never turn to the darkness? And what if the offspring was given no opportunity to find the path of the righteous? What if their upbringing pushed them only towards the dark?

To an idle playboy, it would be a fascinating game. In fact two fascinating games. For what if the offspring of a Sith were given every chance to be an exemplar of moral fortitude? Would a path to the Jedi be inevitable, or would genetic programming override their upbringing?

There is a well worn phrase that is entirely appropriate under the circumstances.

Only time will tell…

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
NAME: Lilla Syrin
RANK: None
SPECIES: Human (planet of origin still unknown to the character)
AGE: 21
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.78m
WEIGHT: 62kg
EYES: Violet
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Pale


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):
There is a duality to Lilla. What she is and what she displays. What she wants to do and what she ends up doing. Yet despite the contrast, there is a moral compass guiding her actions and most times this is subliminal. And it began long before she became a Jedi – in fact it has guided her for her entire life.

So, when she believed she overstepped some moral line in the Tatooine sand, the truth is that she didn’t. She is a survivor and she managed to live into her mid to late teens by being inventive, tenacious and patient. But she was no killer. Or a bully. And she justified theft on the basis that the only alternative was starvation. And she only targeted the unlawful and morally corrupt – despite the additional inherent risks this entailed. This part of her life is behind her now, but the approach to the law has not changed – and has slotted into her understanding of the Jedi Code. If she breaks a law, she is prepared to face the consequences.

For she lives by the Jedi Code, which many see as a weakness – the moral code of conduct dictating a course of action she feels compelled to follow, regardless of the limitations it imposes.

An honest and impartial appraisal of Lilla would describe her as courageous, self-reliant and self-determining, fearless to the point of being foolhardy and above all street-wise.

When she was young – at an age she can’t remember as she has no reference point – she used to hear voices in her head. These, she surmised, were the thoughts of those around her. Initially she enjoyed the gift, given she lived much of her life in the desert and encountered people rarely – but as she spent more time in settlements, she learned (she had no idea how at the time) to block these out. To reduce the noise to a murmur. But when she lost focus, her guard dropped and she could be overwhelmed by the mental images and sounds – which could be debilitating. Now she has the Force as an ally, this process is under more control and she can not only turn the ‘tap’ on and off, she can also vary the flow.

She has an almost eidetic memory – historically handy for remembering names and faces. Knowing which doors were locked depending on who was around. And she didn’t just remember the big facts. She could recount the name of every guard, and their partner – as well as their lovers – and even their neighbours. Or where they have their hair cut, or choose to drink.

Today, she applies that memory to her studies – catching up on many years of learning Jedi her age had been afforded.

And a relatively new issue for her, is her lack of interpersonal skills. She is street-smart, yes, but she grew up without family or friends and has yet to form any bonds with fellow Jedi. She has a good Master-Padawan relationship, but since becoming a Knight, rarely speaks to her Master unless it is to gain advice.


She is tall for the average female humanoid and slim. Since she has joined the Republic Remnant’s Jedi Order, her balanced diet means she has gained a good level of muscle mass, but she still uses her lightness to her advantage.

She sports many scars from her young days – near misses with animals, Tuskens and petty criminals alike. Lately these have been added to by a similar crowd – but she can add Force users to that list.

She dresses in the traditional Jedi cloak and robes.

Her first memories were of a Jawa transport crawling over the sandy road to Mos Espa. It collected her like just another piece of tradeable item that they might pick up en route – if it had value, then it was worth stopping for. It wound through canyons of red rock, where the wild Sand People once raised their hubba gourds in abundance, and took shelter from the fierce desert storms.

She left the Jawa a prisoner – sold to a moisture farmer and put to work fixing machinery too small for adult hands to manage. Or she was expected to wriggle into spaces only a young child could. In those days, she knew no different and thought slavery was the norm. Like having no parents. No history.

But time taught her the truth, or at least some of it. The first time she ventured into Mos Espa she understood. It was innate. There was no lesson in right or wrong, she simply instinctively knew that she was a free person and should not be owned by anyone. And she figured that she’d repaid her ‘price’ many times over by now. She’d understood that her three predecessors hadn’t lasted a season. She’d managed three already.

She slipped away at the first opportunity, blending into the crowd and deep into a world of poverty. She survived on her wits and what some might call a sixth sense. Others might call it Force sensitivity, but Lilla had never even head of Jedi or Sith. And where she frequented, neither showed their faces. She lived in the dark underbelly of the space port, where crime lords ran the show and you measured success by how many days you lived, not by wealth gained.

So, the young loner became a teenage loner and despite the understanding there was a world outside of the corner of the galaxy where corrupt leaders ruled only because decent citizens did not dare to resist, she chose to remain. Perhaps it was because this was all she knew? Maybe it was i the hope that one day she would find some answers as to who she was and where she came from? In her waking hours, she dismissed such notions as fanciful. But in that time between sleep and consciousness, her mind would drift to places. Other worlds. Other times.

And although she did not care to admit it to herself, she yearned for a life that did not revolve around heat, sand and the meagrest of existences.

A fascination with the Jundland Wastes led to a discovery of what transpired was a holocron, and she subsequently met a Jedi Master who identified her as Force sensitive and took her as his Padawan. Recently the Cerean has proposed her to the Jedi Council for advancement to the rank of Knight and she has begun to take on Padawans of her own.




A small dwelling on Tatooine
Ben Neluenf would have been proud
For such a desolate, backwater world...
Jedi training on Nadiem
Making an example
Only those that have been slaves...
Sandstorms, oceans of sand dunes...
Sandy adventures of the sand kind
Thank you but...
The Boonta is far more dangerous...
The fractured planet
The knighting ceremony
The tree of life
The trial of courage
The trial of insight
The trial of the flesh
The trial of skill
The trial of the spirit
There is no place more sacred...
They're never exactly the
Well...hello there!
What a desolate place this is

Updated - but role-plays nowhere near up to date

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