Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Limit Capital Planet Changes

I am calm, relaxed and approaching this from a rational - although admittedly blunt - manner, but I appreciate the concern for my mental wellbeing.

However, this isn't really the place for such kind words. :)

I'm glad that you agree that a cooldown is something worthy of being looked at, but I disagree with your reasoning for a shorter time frame. As I've mentioned in my previous response(s,) anything shorter is more likely to be abused by major factions wanting to hopscotch their capital hex across their territory. Since Invasions are usually two week affairs, with roughly a week or so devoted to the judgment process - having a shorter cooldown will allow them to move their capital before they know if they win or not.

60 days is the same timeframe that's already been established for Faction Mandates and for destroyed Major Factions to recoup their losses and try again. It's definitely on the extreme side of the spectrum, but whenever I make suggestions for anything, I do try to stay within what's already established to make any changes easier. Every 30 days might be the best bet, as that's essentially the benchmark for any major faction earning themselves an SSD, or territory on the map.

EDIT: For the New Republic falling back during the Dark Empire series, it was because the Imperial Coalition conquered the planet. It would've been quite foolish for the New Republic to pick up and run away beforehand. Almost every time that anyone in the Star Wars universe fell back and changed their Capital Worlds was when they lost, defeated, or destroyed - never before.

Unless you want to count the nucanon New Republic's round robin system, but that was meant to be the opposite of the centralized Imperial regime, and was destroyed too. lol
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Kairi Leidias

It was actually a broad scope suggestion to everyone, to be honest.

As I said, I have a minimal stake in this situation - I just think 60 days is a long time.

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