Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lions, Tigers and ...Rancors?

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Having sent off the main part of the contract, the who and the why and the what they were creating to the legal department. The rest, the animals, were just the icing, the simple things that were going to happen now. What he needed was just the right group of animals and pulled up another program on his datapad. What could they use… Something simple, and varied.
“I was thinking we could do a section of a few different worlds. We’re operating the two ships in different areas, one along the Mara Corridor, and one in the South Systems, between the System Authority, Black Suns space, and around the Omega Protectorate.” Unless the latter was going to join in. “Maybe some of the more…” What was the term, charismatic mega fauna? “Attractive species?” Cute was the word. “A few different enclosures, maybe a dozen or two air breathing species from each region for the opposite ship.” Mara Corridor ship would get South Systems animals and vice versa.

“Plus aquatics?” He looked the Togorian over. "I'll trust you to pick the right ones. Ones that can be trained." And low cost of maintenance.
Mrrew frowned slightly, but nodded nontheless. That ruled out plenty of species, if only species from certain regions of space would be allowed. So, Mrrew's task was to find easy-to-train, small enough for an indoor zoo, but still interesting enough to get people's attention. Hmm.

"Fair enough. Though, I don't have much to work with... I'll find some suitable species. Jubba birds from Dagobah, for one... As for aquatics- I trust Naboo is far enough south to count? Any specific training with any of the animals, or just make sure they're tame enough they won't take a bite out of someone?"

The Togorian frowned, wondering how he'd find suitable animals on the select few planets he could choose from... Would be an inetresting challenge.

(This'll be some fun research. :))
[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
See, there was the novelty of this first instance. He wanted to keep it low key first. That would be the best way to ensure that they could handle the creatures and crowd. [member="Mrrew"] was the expert here.

"If we need to expand the borders of our search, I say go ahead. It was merely an idea to start. As far as training, why not something that is fun enough to cause a scare but enough to be safe? At least with avians. Honestly I think any form of scare or thrill while still being able to he greeted afterwards?"

Hourly shows sounded fun to Marek.
Mrrew nodded. "I'll look into animals from those two regions first, and if I don't find the two dozen you asked for, I'll expand around the regions. I'll get as many from the regions as possible, however. We could probably get the Jubba birds to sing- their songs are famous, it would be a good attraction." He shrugged, trying to think of what other tricks they could teach the animals. "Any suggestions?"

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Logistics. The way any great war was won or lost. That was either a quote from Lex Luthor or Sun-Tzu. Regardless it worked here. And expanding the region was probably for the best. He never paid much attention to the fauna of many worlds, and that was proving a disaster here.

"How well do you know thr galaxy at large? And those regions? What if we use the areas as epicenters, and work our way out from the center. Find the animals the locals use as attractions. Train them to do those tricks."

People would come to the one-stop animal spectacular that way.

"The galaxy at large? I'm clueless. Species of the galaxy? I know enough. It may be difficult to actually find animals already used to do tricks, but it won't be hard to find some capable of training. How large of tricks do you mean? Oppee sea killers doing flips? (Giant crab shamu) Jubba birds singing? Ropos on trapeze?"

Mrrew smiled slightly. Ropos on trapeze... that would either be hillarious, or an utter disaster. Who knows.

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Those idea made Marek laugh. Politely of course. But it still meant that he needed to do some leg work. The galaxy was a big place, and if he sent some of his representatives out to fact find, well that would help.

"It depends on the animals. I know some aren't so charismatic as to be the biggest attraction, but we can't have a show with too many stars. I can send out talent scouts to look around and report to you. I'm thinking just seeing some of these beasts in recreated habitats while songbirds sing and monkey-lizards dance?"

He knew he had seen that before. How many worlds?

Dancing monkey lizards? That could be interesting. Mrrew nodded. "I'll find some smaller, but still interesting, animals for the ship-zoo. The larger ones will have to wait... nothing bigger then a human or so should be kept on a ship. Bad things can happen. I'll look into monkey lizards, Jubba birds, Ropos, and see what other animals could be interesting for a 'teaser' zoo, as you call it. We don't want the best animals out yet, just an appetizer, correct?"

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Now he was starting to consider a few things. If [member="Mrrew"] was finding the larger ones, well, they would be breaking ground probably a month or so after the twin zoo-ships launched, he could keep hunting, tracking and seeing what he could find. "I'd keep an eye out for the larger ones. I've got a good feeling about these ships. Going big will be quickly to follow." Marek nodded.

"And just no gizkas..." He smirked. "I was thinking just that way, an appetizer, a teaser. Then we release the entrees. Do we want to start work soon? I can send a list to my builders as soon as we're ready, or I can just send a concept to them to prepare. Get you and your team hunting, my teams scouting, and then, what? Another few weeks and we'll probably be ready to run the basics out." And the paperwork would be fine and ready within the day.
Mrrew smiled. "I'll send you a list of suitable creatures for the twin-ships, befreo i start capturing them, so you can express any preferences. I'll start researching as soon as possible, and then send my teams and myself out to collect the animals. I can have a dozen different species ready in a few days."

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Sipping his whiskey and idly wondering if he should start his own distillery, or if a vineyard would be a better idea, he shook his head. No need to get too big, but that could be another fun venture. Maybe he could contact the people from Whyren's... good old Corellia whiskey. Still, he needed to focus. Meeting at hand. He nodded to [member="Mrrew"] again, the.... monstercat knew what he was doing and how to work with Marek. That was good for a business partner.

"If you can get me the lists in a few days, I'll send them off to my public relations team, and to the contractors building the enclosures. We'll approve which ones and assist in funding the capture. I feel splitting fifty fifty, as well as profits from the venture should be fair?" They were both doing the same amount of leg work, just in different ways. And while Bright Star might be fronting the real estate, Beast Hunter Guild was getting hazard pay.

"If you'd like, I understand waiting until the contract is fully drafted before hunting." He figured he'd offer that bit of wisdom and understanding.
Mrrew shrugged. "I'll start compiling the lists as soon as possible. When you're ready, I'll start getting the animals captured, safely, and trained. 50 / 50 sounds perfect." The Togorian smiled. He was worried he would only get a tiny part of the profit, as Bright star was the one doing most of the work. Then again, he thought, it's not as if [member="Marek Starchaser"] could or would go out and capture rancors himself...

Mrrew nodded again. "Anything else?"

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
That was what he liked to hear. Marek nodded at [member="Mrrew"] and smiled. “Lets get to work on that, and we’ll get this working. Finding the animals, finding the tricks and then getting the caught, trained and shown that its human and safe. That’s probably going to be important, to not cause a PR disaster.” Marek looked over the Togorian.

“Not anything else I can think of. I’ll transmit the contract to you as soon as its ready? And I don’t mean to sound like I’m chasing you off. You’re welcome to enjoy the casino, I did put a room aside, for the meeting.”
Mrrew nodded, another fanged smile showing itself. "I'll start compiling the list." The Togorian rose from the large chair, raising a large clawed hand to shake the human's. "A pleasure doing buisness with Brightstar Entertainment, [member="Marek Starchaser"]. I am sure this will make us both a fortune..."

(Y'want me to PM you the list when I make it, or..?)

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Marek smirked at the Togorian. When the larger being rose, Marek followed suit, and their hands met. At least his hand was still attached to his arm. A firm hand shake among sapients of different species could always go poorly. But this one? Not so much.

Plus, there was business to be done.

"We're looking forward to working with the Beast Hunter Guild. And I'll forward the contract out to you shortly."

(Awesome thread! yeah, just PM it, we'll have a contract ready to sign in like 1-3 IC days, once we get the list of animals, our end will be able to have the ships ready within 30 IC days as the ships are mostly created already, hull, etc)

Mrrew nodded, and spun around, moving back towards his ship. If all went well, this could be extremely good for both companies. And the Guild's name would get out there a bit more... The Togorian smiled as he stepped up the ramp of his ship. The meeting went well.

(Agreed, that was a fun thread. :) Will start researching good animals soon, i've got a to-do list as long as my arm. XD)

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

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