Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lirielith Zari

Felran Natri

Well [member="Lirielith Zari"] if you ever want to thread with me, just tell me and I can make it so.

Felran Natri

You can try.....but it is unlikely it will happen. We can still do a thread though

[member="Lirielith Zari"]
[member="Felran Natri"]

Alright, but I'm coming armed with a box of corgis! You stand no chance, I bet you'll break into tears, turn into the light side and tell me about how it's all been because of how your mommy was gone when you were young and you tried to hide the little fuzzball that just wants affection that you are with hate and dark side stuff. It's ok, let it all out. <3


Felran Natri

......No it's mostly that my ancestor's (Darth Maul) destiny of becoming one of the most powerful Sith was destroyed by filthy Jedi.
[member="Felran Natri"]

*Pours Felran some more hot cocoa.* ..Have you tried getting a hobby, like gardening or tabletop games? I think it would help you deal with these anger issues. I'm sure you can make your ancestors proud another way than killing or hurting others? What I do when I feel sad is curling up in my bed in the Jedi Academy, I hug Blarp and cry. Maybe you should try it?

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