Kian Karr
Kel Dorable
Hello All,
This thread is open to all members of Epsilon, though I recommend anyone who wants to jump in shoot me a PM to get caught up on the general story line that we are looking to play out. You are not obligated to be a part of this story and can RP your own story on top of this one. I'm looking for this to be a rather long thread with multiple parts.
Have fun!
This thread is open to all members of Epsilon, though I recommend anyone who wants to jump in shoot me a PM to get caught up on the general story line that we are looking to play out. You are not obligated to be a part of this story and can RP your own story on top of this one. I'm looking for this to be a rather long thread with multiple parts.
Have fun!

The Blade of Dorin II broke from hyperspace and Kian was immediately greeted with a sight that was both splendid.....and a bit terrifying. The informants he'd spoken too hadn't lied. The planet was in fact there, despite the fact that no planetary chart he could find showed it. And as his informants had said, the planet was surrounded by dense, dangerous asteroid belts and navigation into the system of space had been treacherous at best, given the presence of a number of black holes and nebulae. But, following the instructions of several seasoned smugglers who Kian had befriended years back, he had made the trip unscathed. Kian maneuvered his Jedi-Class Heavy Starfighter cautiously into the first belt as he made his way toward the looming planet in the distance. It was a large planet, and from appearance, was a temperate world. The pilots he had spoken too had indicated that it was habitable and lush.....but had a reputation for being a graveyard to those who landed. Kian wouldn't have made the trip here, however, if it hadn't been important. Rumors had reached him of Sith activity in the area....and while he usually didn't give much heed to rumor when not backed by fact, this had come from multiple sources.
As Kian had dug, he had found more and more reports of this activity with reference to this region of space, and yet he could find no mention of any planets. It wasn't until Kian contacted his smuggler friends that he was finally informed that there were in fact planets in that region of space. The names that those men had rattled off had been new to Kian's ears. Ciomia was what they'd called this place, and the Jedi Archives had revealed nothing on the planet.
Breaking through the ring of asteroids, Kian began to cut into the atmosphere of the planet. For some time he saw nothing but the misty clouds before him, water running rapidly across his viewport. When he cut through the last layer of clouds, Kian's eyes widened beneath his mask as he saw the planet's surface below him.

To say that the planet looked like it held life was an understatement. Vast rock formations jutted out of the ground, while beneath these rocky formations there were vast expanses of jungles. Kian could see no oceans, but knew that there would have to be a source of water for all this plant life. Kian saw a sudden flash in the distance and saw as a massive bolt of lightning struck in the distance as he lowered the ship down to just above the treeline. Running his hands over the control panel, Kian began to search for signs of life....power sources and technology. Then it struck. With a brilliant crash of light, a massive bolt of lightning collided into the wind of Kian's ship and he felt the ship rock violently as it turned sideways from the impact. "Damn!" Kian yelled as the controls in front of him exploded showering Kian in small pieces of shrapnel and blinding light. As Kian struggled with the stick of the ship, he glanced up....
.....just in time to see the tree he was about to crash into.
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - [member="Varus Shatterstar"] - [member="Lavrenti Valdier"] - [member="Bronwyn Pehluos"]