Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Little by little, one travels far.... (Open to Epsilon Members)

Hello All,

This thread is open to all members of Epsilon, though I recommend anyone who wants to jump in shoot me a PM to get caught up on the general story line that we are looking to play out. You are not obligated to be a part of this story and can RP your own story on top of this one. I'm looking for this to be a rather long thread with multiple parts.

Have fun!
The Blade of Dorin II broke from hyperspace and Kian was immediately greeted with a sight that was both splendid.....and a bit terrifying. The informants he'd spoken too hadn't lied. The planet was in fact there, despite the fact that no planetary chart he could find showed it. And as his informants had said, the planet was surrounded by dense, dangerous asteroid belts and navigation into the system of space had been treacherous at best, given the presence of a number of black holes and nebulae. But, following the instructions of several seasoned smugglers who Kian had befriended years back, he had made the trip unscathed.

Kian maneuvered his Jedi-Class Heavy Starfighter cautiously into the first belt as he made his way toward the looming planet in the distance. It was a large planet, and from appearance, was a temperate world. The pilots he had spoken too had indicated that it was habitable and lush.....but had a reputation for being a graveyard to those who landed. Kian wouldn't have made the trip here, however, if it hadn't been important. Rumors had reached him of Sith activity in the area....and while he usually didn't give much heed to rumor when not backed by fact, this had come from multiple sources.

As Kian had dug, he had found more and more reports of this activity with reference to this region of space, and yet he could find no mention of any planets. It wasn't until Kian contacted his smuggler friends that he was finally informed that there were in fact planets in that region of space. The names that those men had rattled off had been new to Kian's ears. Ciomia was what they'd called this place, and the Jedi Archives had revealed nothing on the planet.

Breaking through the ring of asteroids, Kian began to cut into the atmosphere of the planet. For some time he saw nothing but the misty clouds before him, water running rapidly across his viewport. When he cut through the last layer of clouds, Kian's eyes widened beneath his mask as he saw the planet's surface below him.

To say that the planet looked like it held life was an understatement. Vast rock formations jutted out of the ground, while beneath these rocky formations there were vast expanses of jungles. Kian could see no oceans, but knew that there would have to be a source of water for all this plant life. Kian saw a sudden flash in the distance and saw as a massive bolt of lightning struck in the distance as he lowered the ship down to just above the treeline. Running his hands over the control panel, Kian began to search for signs of life....power sources and technology.

Then it struck. With a brilliant crash of light, a massive bolt of lightning collided into the wind of Kian's ship and he felt the ship rock violently as it turned sideways from the impact. "Damn!" Kian yelled as the controls in front of him exploded showering Kian in small pieces of shrapnel and blinding light. As Kian struggled with the stick of the ship, he glanced up....

.....just in time to see the tree he was about to crash into.

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - [member="Varus Shatterstar"] - [member="Lavrenti Valdier"] - [member="Bronwyn Pehluos"]
Ciomia - It had been his hideout for sometime. The planet and star system had been well masked by the heavy asteroid belt, the numerous black holes and nebula in the area. It was painfully difficult to transverse such territory, but the end result was worth it. Ciomia was lawless, and it's governmental body extremely corrupt. As long as you had the funds, you could quite literally get away with murder without a soul caring. Which, given Lavrenti's 'special' little hobby couldn't have worked out better for him.

The planet allowed him to pretty well do as he pleased, when he pleased without ever raising too many questions. These days was something he needed as his sadistic needs for torturing sentients grew with each passing day. It was his curiosity that got the best of him, wondering just what exactly each being could take before the life faded from their eyes. And just how much further he could push them past death before it became impossible to revive him. After enough people kept disappearing on Corellia under mysterious circumstances, and the police started to look into his past, it was time to move on. Out of sight, out of mind. As luck would happen to have it, a smuggler told him of Ciomia, and helped to lead him here.

Here he had set up a small private surgical clinic as a front to allow him the ability to play behind the scenes without raising too many questions. Lavrenti himself had just come out of the operating theatre having removed an entire arm from a patient when he heard the crash. Not that, that was the surgery the patient even went in for to begin with. No, not at all. "Now, isn't that interesting. That's not something that happens everyday here." He whispered to himself as he peered out the window of his office. Too few beings knew of the planet to begin with, much less how to navigate the maze of challenges to get to it. "Wonder what poor unfortunate soul has wandered this far.... And why?" A small smirk formed on his lips as he thought about it. Maybe the creature flying that ship, is out there hurt somewhere. I could always drag it back here to 'save' it's life. He thought idly to himself. With that he grabbed some gear, and headed out of the clinic. It was time to see who was out there. Certainly could use a new project to toy with for a few hours, see what makes it tick.

[member="Kian Karr"]
"Daddy, daddy!" Yelled a voice and Kian turned to see a young Kel Dor boy rushing toward him. Kian considered the child for a moment....and there was something familiar about him....something familiar about his....

"Plo!" Kian yelled, his eyes widening and his mouth hanging open. Kian sank to his knees and the boy threw himself into his arms. Kian wrapped him in the hug as every fiber of his being told him this was his son. Then Kian felt a hand on his shoulder and he glanced back, tears streaming down his face.

"Aria...." Kian said, looking on the serene features of his wife. "How is this possible.....your both dea.." Kian began but she crouched down and placed a finger across his lips.

"Wake up, Kian." Aria said softly and ran her hand over his head. "It isn't time yet."

"Wake up...."


Kian's eyes shop open as the ship shifted. His stomach lurched up into his chest as the shattered remains of his starfigter slide free of the branch holding it and fell several more yards before colliding with another branch. Kian jerked forward hitting his chest against the shattered console in front of him and felt the sharp stinging pain in his arm that told him it was broken. Kian glanced out the edge of the viewport and saw that he was still 40 feet above the ground and judging from the cracking sound coming from the branch, he was about to get a whole lot closer.

Peeling himself out of his seat, Kian pushed aside his bodies protests as shots of pain radiated throughout his body. Leaping through the shattered viewport, Kian scrambled for a nearby branch and just managed to grab a hold when the ship broke free and fell down to the floor before with a deafening crash. It took Kian some time to clambered down the tree, his broken left arm throbbing and useless. He'd done this seemed his arm had broken in the same place it had on Alderaan years back, likely a byproduct of the previous injury.

"Kian what have you gotten yourself into." Kian muttered to himself when he reached the ground and collapsed down. He could only hope that the beacon on his ship had gotten the signal out and that someone had been listening. Kian closed his eyes and took a moment to collect himself, pushing all thought of his family out of his mind.....he needed to stay focused.

He needed to stay alive.

[member="Lavrenti Valdier"] - [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - [member="Varus Shatterstar"] - [member="Bronwyn Pehluos"]
Rubbing her eyes as the night grew longer, drawing ever closer to dawn, Sera sat looking through the Jedi archives within the temple, studying the ability of Electric Judgement, one that was incredibly controversial, and uncommon to the Jedi, though still used by a handful of powerful masters of old. After her encounter with Darth Ferus on Telti, she felt she needed to better understand this new ability before attempting to implement it further in her arsenal of knowledge.

It seemed however that today that would not be in the cards, as a young Padawan came knocking rapidly on the chamber door, opposite of her study room. Upon opening the door she was informed by the young boy that a distress signal had been received by one of the council members, though the signal was faint, and located deep in the fringes of space. Her thoughts wandered as to what Kian may have been doing that far out in space, where few ever ventured. Then again, he was, after all, the master of shadows, and his work took him to strange places more often than any other Jedi in the Order.

Thanking the younger Jedi she placed the holocron she was studying down, and headed towards Varus' room. Perhaps he was still awake. She could use a hand in finding out what happened to Kian, before things got worse.

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Lavrenti Valdier"] | [member="Varus Shatterstar"]

It was uncharted territory, a planet almost quite literally bearing such a description. It had been lost long ago, or erased, from the Galactic astrographic archives. That is, until today. Lord Dellian came across minor inferences to this planet's existence only in the past month or so. Numerous informants and intelligence contractors had labeled it as the discovery as something regarding a "fresh start" planet or one possibly filled to the brim with mineral rich deposits, exotic flora and fauna, or even a local populace to assimilate or subjugate.

To be blunt, Dellian was hoping for all three.

Walter Dellian, along with his piloting crew, was the only organic being aboard the Guile. It was something of an age-old habit to rely upon the capabilities of automated personnel rather than squishy, error-riddled organics. He was one of them himself but his make was quite obviously superior to the rest - be it an automaton or lifeform. An entire squad of IG-100 MagnaGuard occupied the rest of the vessel's passenger bay as well as his little reconnaissance droid, Milo.

"Lord Dellian," the pilot came over the ship-wide intercom, "The estimated time for arrival is three minutes."

He knew that already. Walter could feel the presence of an outlying world down to his very core, which was the reason as to why he was preparing himself and the expedition team this very instant. He'd wanted to see this world with his very eyes before making some bold claim as to Ciomia's plentiful opportunities before actually garnering any evidence to back it.

"This had better not be a waste of time."

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"], [member="Kian Karr"], [member="Lavrenti Valdier"]

Kian awoke to the sound of the jungle around him and the damp feeling of the moisture in the air. Glancing up at the canopy, it took him several moments to realize that he had been out for some time and now the day was almost spent. Groaning in pain, Kian used the base of the tree as support as he shakily rose to his feet. The movement caused jolts of pain to shoot through his forearm.

Certainly broken.

That was the first order of business and Kian, leaning against the tree, cut away a long piece of his outer robe and slung it over his head, tying it around his arm at the elbow tightly. Tightening it as best he could without causing too much pain, he moved about to test the makeshift sling. It would do the job. Kian touched his utility belt and found his lightsaber still clipped to it, grateful that he hadn't lost the weapon but sincerely hoping he wouldn't need it.

Glancing up into the sky, Kian shook his head. He had allowed himself to loose consciousness and it had lost him precious time. There was virtually nothing known about this planet....but to have such a wide array of flora it was unlikely that the planet wouldn't also house animals....and potentially hungry, predatory animals. Closing his eyes and stretching out into the force, Kian stilled his chaotic mind. The vessels were designed to send a distress signal when damaged, rescue would be coming.

Opening his eyes he turned toward the right to see the ground rising up and then to the left to see it dropping off. Turning left, Kian decided he would descend. Given his damaged arm it wasn't likely Kian would have much luck climbing....and besides it was more likely that he would find water below.

As Kian began to make the descent, he wasn't aware of the fact that he was already being watched.
Blue sapphires snapped open for the third time that night, a frustrated grunt ringing through the small personal quarters of the blonde man who pushed himself up out of bed to sit up. He reached up with either of his large hands and planted his palms against either of his closed, tired eyes. He twisted his hands back and forth, rubbing his palms into those tired eyes as he forced his wits to gather and his body to adjust to movement, slight soreness working itself out the following moments.

In an almost angry manner, Varus reached over and draped his right hand into his lap, long, strong fingers clutching into the blankets covering him up. He then swung his arm back, snapping the sheets off of himself and revealing his completely nude form as he raised up out of the bed and glanced out his window into the dead of night. The moon was up, as bright as it had ever been and glaring him in the eyes. It had been beaming through his window all night, the pale beams still gracing his unmade bed. It was invasive and unwelcome, like some kind of stalker watching over him at night as he tended to an increasingly demanding life.

Walking over to the window, Varus reached up, grabbed the curtains and started to close them, but before he did he realized that he wouldn't be going back to sleep tonight, for it was not the moon that had been keeping him up. It was the force, which was even then nagging at the back of his mind, prodding and pressing him in an uncomfortable way. A disheartening feeling was filling him as he let his hands slip from the curtains, his mind stretching thin as he attempted to figure for himself what such a restless feeling like that could be eluding to.

Glancing around again as Varus turned, as eyes of ice searched for his undergarments, he began to slowly realize that he would find out one way or another why the force was being so agonizingly persistent with him that night. One way or the other, however, Varus needed to relieve some tension, and the gym seemed like the best possible place to do such a thing.

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - [member="Kian Karr"] - [member="Lavrenti Valdier"] - [member="Walter Dellian"]
The room Varus kept as his own was a bit of a walk from Sera's own, in fact, polar opposites of the temple complex. After about ten minutes of walking from one end to the other she approached the door she recognized as his. She looked around a few times to make sure that nobody was observing her as she didn't want to give off the wrong idea to glancing eyes before she proceeded. She pressed the side of her head against his chamber door to listen in the unlikely event that he was in fact, awake.

To her surprise she could hear the rustling and the pacing of the man as he moved about the room, doing whatever it is he did at this time of night. She knew he was a gym rat, but she wasn't sure just how much of one he was, and how exactly he spent his time. The noise was enough for her to assume that he was active though and so she knocked a couple of times on the door, calling out to him as she twisted the knob on the door and slowly pushed it open into the darkness within.

"Varus it's Sera." She announced as she stepped into the moonlit room and continued to speak rather quickly. "Something has happ--" The Twi'lek's speech was halted immediately as her eyes caught sight of the entirely naked human. All focus and thought was drawn from her mind and she remained entirely still, eyes lost somewhere between the void of nothingness, and his form.

[member="Varus Shatterstar"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Lavrenti Valdier"] | [member="Walter Dellian"]

Varus glanced from his window towards Sera as she entered his personal quarters, his face holding an indifferent expression upon it as he examined her posture while trying to understand what she was trying to tell him. "What?", he said, his nose scrunching a bit as he watched her for a moment, waiting for her to respond, though it didn't take long for him to continue to prod and pick at her for what she had to say. "You okay, Sera?", he asked as his pair of deep blue sapphires hovered on the pink Twi'Lek for a few moments before he realized why she was presently stunned in place.

"Oh...", he said, glancing down at his brilliantly nude form, understanding now that she was a little distracted by the awkwardness of such a moment, or perhaps she was more admiring him than anything else. Either way, he certainly wanted to spare her any unnecessary distractions, which was why he slowly walked across the room, not allowing himself to be ashamed and not attempting to hide himself with his hands. Instead, he reached out and pulled a towel from the back of the chair that was positioned in front of his desk. He then pulled it over in front of him and carefully wrapped it around his waist, tucking it in against his hip so that it would hold itself in place.

"Sorry about that, Sera. What was it you were needing?", he asked, with an incredibly innocent look upon his face as he waited for her to continue.

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - [member="Kian Karr"] - [member="Lavrenti Valdier"] - [member="Walter Dellian"]
Varus said something. A word, maybe two? She wasn't sure. Her face could have turned blush under the cover of the dim moonlight, but her pinkish skin hid that well. Instead, her eyes remained staring, unfocused in their gaze, but still clearly upon him. Again Varus asked her something, and all she could return was a wolfish grin, her voice silent. He must have realized what was going on finally, as he moved across the room towards a towel, her eyes following but her head remained stationary until he was covered. It was only then, as if a spell had broken did she snap out of whatever trance she fell into only moments prior.

Suddenly the man's voice came through and was processed this time. Her lekku adjusted, slowly draping over her shoulders in front of her. "I got word that Kian's ship sent out a distress signal not long ago. But..." She placed one hand along her hip and the other under her chin, while she thought about it. "His signal came from somewhere on the edges of the galaxy. I don't know if he's stranded in space somewhere, or if he crash landed on a passing asteroid or what. If that went active though, he's in trouble. I know you were his Padawan, so I thought I would ask you to come along."

[member="Varus Shatterstar"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Lavrenti Valdier"] | [member="Walter Dellian"]
"Stop looking at me like that. Im not a piece of meat.", Varus said, a soft look in his eyes as he dawned a light smile. He was joking with Sera, of course, while he searched through his drawers for clean clothes, but the playout air about hI'm left all too quickly as she spoke. That smile slipped away when he'd heard finally what the woman had come to tell him. What she hadn't been able to tell him before while distracted in a rather comical moment of exposure.

When he'd heard that Kian was in trouble, that playful and happy look upon his face slipped away as he laid his clothes out on top of his dresser. "Kian's in trouble?", Varus asked with a voice soaked in concern, and as the gravity of the situation sank in, the young Jedi Master no longer was thinking about anything else but his previous Masrer's saftey. He had no shame, and he'd never tried too hard to hide from the others anyway, especially in regards to Sera. That's why he pulled the towel from around his waist and dropped it to the floor without a moment of hesitation so that he could pull on a pair of briefs. He then stepped into a pair of pants, pulled a grey shirt over his head and pulled on his leather flight jacket before glancing back over to Sera.

"What are we waiting for?, he asked as he reached out his right hand, into which a pair of lightsabers jumped, his fingers wrapping around them tightly before he started towards the door.

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - [member="Kian Karr"] - [member="Walter Dellian"] - [member="Lavrenti Valdier"]
By the time Kian had made it to a water source he had a layer of sweat on him and a throbbing in his arm that wasn't going away. He was relying heavily on his training and the force to keep himself moving. The crash had taken its toll on Kian and, try as he might, it was impossible to keep himself from feeling the effects. The humid, damp air made it difficult to breath and the terrain was rough going, even for a Jedi without the injuries Kian had sustained.

Regardless of this, however, he did make it to the base of the ridge and was pleased to find that there was in fact a small, fast flowing stream there. Glancing around to ensure he was alone, Kian knelt down and removed his outer robe cautiously. Beneath his robe, he saw that the orange flesh of his arm was a deep, dark red and his forearm had a bend to it that wasn't quite right. Leaning down, Kian pressed his arm into the cool water and sucked in a breath as the water flowed over it. Stars spun in the corners of Kian's eyes as he took a moment to recollect himself. The light was quickly fading and darkness was beginning to settle across the jungle.

Not far from where he sat, Kian saw a small alcove in the rocky slope and, gingerly placing his outer robe back on, made his way toward that spot. Using the tools in his utility belt, Kian lit a small fire and settled down against a rock. The place would have to do for the night. Not allowing himself to fall asleep, Kian closed his eyes and instead fell into a meditative state, urging his body to begin the healing process, but also searching out for signs of hostiles.

Several hours had passed when he first felt them....the presence in the force was so small that Kian almost dismissed it, but there was a hunger, a darkness to it that drew him out of his meditation. Opening his eyes, Kian glanced out from his rocky hideout, but could see little in the darkness...but just beyond the limits of his vision he could feel them. Rising slowly to his feet Kian plucked up a small, burning piece of wood and peered further into the darkness. He could see glowing, red orbs in the dark and realized, after a few moments, that he was looking at eyes. Tossing the burning branch into the darkness, Kian's breath caught in his throat as he saw what was watching him from the darkness.

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - [member="Varus Shatterstar"] - [member="Walter Dellian"] - [member="Lavrenti Valdier"]​
A simple nod came from the Twi'lek in a gesture that would confirm Varus' question as to Kian. "I don't know, all I know is that his ship sent out a distress signal not long ago. He could just be stranded, or he could be in a lot more danger." Before she could finish her sentence Varus had already dropped the cloth to the floor and nearly finished changing. Her facial expression, though under ordinary circumstances would be different, and much more lighthearted, remained stagnant and unwavering as he prepared himself for the trip. She understood the times for play and the times for business acutely, so she remained silent and waited for him to finish getting ready before she spoke again.

"Right, I've got a ship waiting at the hangar. It's fast, but I have no idea where we are going. The distress signal is in uncharted space...I don't know what he could be doing out there. We're looking for a needle in a jungle here...This isn't going to be easy." She sighed with a concerned exhale. Turning she walked with Varus at a rather brisk pace towards the hangar to board the awaiting ship to the unknowns of space. "I know he was your master, but..." Her hand instinctively reached out and grasped his arm gently. "Please, don't do anything crazy when we get wherever we're going."

[member="Varus Shatterstar"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Walter Dellian"] | [member="Lavrenti Valdier"]
Varus had listened to every word passed along by the pretty, Pink Twi'Lek who rushed with him towards the hangar, but as she grabbed him he glanced at her with a rather serious look upon his face. Blue orbs hovered intensely upon green ones staring back at him as she gripped his arm tight and asked him not to do anything crazy, to which he instantly replied, "You know I can't make any promises like that.", then pulling away from her gently to increase his pace.

When he busted through the hangar doors he reached down and grazed either of his hands over his lightsabers subconsciously to make sure that they were there. He also pulled on his leather flight jacket as he approached the ship, the laces to his boots reaching out and swatting at either leg as he walked. He scaled the ramp up into the ship and stopped only when he'd reached the common room, propping one boot after the other in a chair to tie them up before he looked back at Sera and asked her, "You driving?", which would hopefully diffuse the tension. A small joke, considering one didn't "drive" a ship, but would instead "pilot" one.

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]
The branch whipped across Kian's face cutting into his flesh. Kian took in a sharp breath from the sudden pain but didn't slow as he ran through the woods. He knew they were herding him, hanging back and pushing him in the direction they wanted him to run in. He knew this because when he attempted to shift his path, one of the black wolf like creatures would close with him and nip at his heels.

To say Kian had dealt with a great deal of beasts in his time as a Jedi wasn't inaccurate. He'd faced down Voxyn on Alderaan...twice. He'd faced off against Katarn and Kinrath in the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk alongside his former-apprentice [member="Varus Shatterstar"], and he'd been on the battlefield alongside One Sith beasts and leviathans.....but none of them had felt like this. When the creatures had closed in on him he had touched their mind with his own, hoping to sooth the beasts hunger or cause them to flee in fear. Kian had used beast control before and had gotten quite a knack for it over the years, but what he'd discovered startled him.

The wolves were telepathic. They'd immediately assaulted him with their own bestial minds, and while Kian had easily defended from them, he was forced to severe the connection and flee. Something about the creatures touch disturbed him. Kian wouldn't call them sentient....the mind was far to instinctual and raw for that....but they were certainly intelligent. A fact demonstrated all the more by the fact that they seemed to be hunting him in a strategic way.

The snap hiss of Kian's lightsaber lit the night as he swung him arm out to the side and cut through a smaller tree to his right and turned to follow it as it fell down toward the ground. The falling tree forced his pursuers to break off and Kian used that opportunity to change his course. It didn't last long and one of the creatures leapt from the darkness, its jaws snapping at his left side, pushing him back in the direction they wanted him. Kian got a better look at the creature as it did so. They weren't terribly large, maybe six feel in length and a hundred pounds. Their fur was pitch black, their eyes a brilliant yellow rimmed in red. Most noticeable were the jagged tusk like teeth that protruded from the beasts mouth and the large, curved claws that extended from their back paws. Kian didn't want to have anything to do with either of those.

Kian wasn't sure how many were trailing him. He'd seen at least four....but he felt more in the force. They were hard to pin down in the force, as their signatures were diminished as if they had learned to hide in the force, another scary thought that played at Kian's concern. His eyes widened beneath his mask as he saw where the wolves were leading him and he didn't like his odds.

A cliff face was coming up fast and as talented as Kian might be.....he couldn't fly.

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - [member="Walter Dellian"] - [member="Lavrenti Valdier"]​


Morality Policeman :)
When Father had told them they needed to find someplace isolated to proceed with their courses, he had, apparently, very much meant isolated. And as much as he had trained his daughters to maintain a solid composure (For they were to be mighty Sith.), the elder of the two sisters quite loathed space flight--or flight of any sort, following their crash on Naboo. She shuddered just at the thought of that one, both of the girls entrapped in a dunked transport that was itself swirling about in the deep blue sea.

Venturing out near a cluster of black holes sounded much less safer than routine travel. And while they were assured that they were yet lightyears away from the reach of those mysterious powers that even the Force seemed insufficient to sustain the lives of such fragile possessors of its power when too close, all of that just mentioned affected Bronwyn with deep fear. And so she would be found cowering in her quarters, away from any viewports, for she did not want to see the bringer of her doom should their pilot make an astronomical 'misstep'. Besides, there were still nebulae to get lost in.

They had been pushed this way by their 'dear' father--their only father, and the one Bronwyn despised--for some sort of navigational techniques that he swore by. He said there was some sort of current permeating the area. And while the firstborn daughter believed in the Force and all, sometimes it still sounded like a bunch of rubbish when one waxed all mysterious like her father was prone to do. The Force was no magnetic field. What did he mean, there was a 'disturbance' this way? And what in the galaxy was he doing wandering out into deep space to come in contact with this transcendent signal? Rubbish, indeed.

"How much longer?" It was like the child's road trip question--and not typical behavior from Bronwyn Pehluos--but it truly was a frightening enough experience to bend her usually ironclad demeanor.

[member="Zannah Pehluos-Quel"], [member="Kian Karr"], [member="Lavrenti Valdier"], [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"], [member="Walter Dellian"], [member="Varus Shatterstar"]
The silver beam of energy that was Kian's lightsaber cut across in front of him as he dove to the side to avoid the snarling snap of the wolves teeth. With satisfaction Kian heard a whimper of pain and a thud as the momentum of the wolf kept its now lifeless body sliding forward into the tree to Kian's right. But he didn't have time to enjoy his moment of success for another was closing in, this time targeting his left, injured side. Kian couldn't get his saber around fast enough and was forced to throw himself backwards in a kick that connected with the beasts neck and sent it skidding to the side.

As soon as he was off balance like this a third attacked. Securing his footing, Kian thrust his hand out and a wave of force energy sent the beast flying backwards, colliding with another wolf and buying him the much needed time to gain his footing and retreat backwards. This had been going on for several moments now and Kian was beginning to feel exhaustion overtake him. He hadn't rested much since the crash, he was injured, and he was alone against a pack of hungry and, surprisingly, intelligent creatures.

What a fine mess you've gotten yourself into now Karr. Kian thought to himself as he stepped to the very edge of the cliff. Before him he could see the glowing eyes of the wolves in the dark. They had backed away from him, using the darkness to cover their movements. The irony of it was not lost on the Jedi Shadow. The shadows that had once been his ally on many a hunt for Sith were suddenly his enemy.

That is when the thought occurred to him. They were creatures of shadow.....night hunters. Kian deactivated his lightsaber and clipped it too his belt. Immediately he heard them begin to move toward him, but Kian thrust out his arm and let the force energy building into his arm release in a brilliant flash of light. The technique had been taught to him years ago to overcome the darkness, but the bright flash here, with creatures whose eyes were designed to see in the dark, would burn like the explosion of a star to these menacing creatures. Once more Kian was rewarded with a series of yelps and whimpers as the flash did the trick.

Kian wasted no time, he darted to his right, running along the edge of the cliff face. He didn't slow, didn't look back but he couldn't feel the animals following him, at least not just yet. He needed distance but more importantly he needed something that would keep them away from him, at least long enough for him to recover.

They wouldn't be blind for long.

When Kian came to the turn in the cliff and he heard the roar of the waterfall, he knew what he had to do. Kian didn't even slow himself down as he hit the edge of the cliff and leapt. Kian knew that the water would be deep below the waterfall.....he just hoped that it wouldn't house even more menacing creatures. First thing Kian noticed was the shocking coldness of the water. The jungle itself was temperate and yet the water was frigid. Not cold enough to induce hypothermia or for him to freeze to death, but certainly colder than would have been expected.

Kian didn't rise immediately. He knew he should, he knew he should make it to shore as fast as possible, but he was out of his reserves of energy and the slow current of the water was soothing to him. He floated there for what felt like an eternity and then washed up onto the muddy bank of the shore. Pulling himself onto the dry land, Kian tried to rise but was unable to do so. He felt darkness at the edge of his vision and despite the fact that sleep could spell death.....Kian fell into darkness and knew no more.

[member="Zannah Pehluos-Quel"] - [member="Bronwyn Pehluos"] - [member="Lavrenti Valdier"] - [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - [member="Walter Dellian"] - [member="Varus Shatterstar"]​

Planet: Nadiem
Location: Jedi Enclave (in development)
Purpose: Put together a team!

Kian watched the progress from atop a small hillock. Below him, at the base of the hill, were a number of villages, soldiers, droids, and Jedi working together to construct a new Enclave of the Jedi of the Republic. As the Republic began to regroup in the Nadiem and Teth sectors, those few Jedi who were present decided it was important to established a safe haven for fellow Jedi to train, live, and meet. As such, a number of locals were hired to aid in the construction of the site, under the supervision of the Jedi and the military.

The people of the nearby village had greeted the news with support and eagerness. Kian did not think this would be the case. Dantooine in days of old had a Jedi Enclave on it, and its presence had brought the Sith and death to the planet's populace. Kian felt certain there would be those among the native population who would object to this site. Yet, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the Nadiem natives viewed the Enclaves presence there as an honor.

Kian enjoyed watching the Jedi, military, and the village people working so closely together. It was important, if this was to be the new home of the Republic Jedi, to have a strong bond with the locals. Once the Enclave was completed and established, work would be done to provide whatever services it could to the local community.

"Master Karr," A voice said and Kian turned toward a young padawan who was coming up the hill toward him. "There is a student asking to see you."

"Thank you," Kian said smiling. That would be [member="Lokthra Dawning"], his new padawan. Kian had not taken a padawan on since before the fall of the Republic, but it was time. Making his way down the hill toward the construction site, Kian wondered what his new pupil would be like. From the records he had read she was an impressive Jedi and one Kian was looking forward to meeting.


Smarter than the average bear
[member="Kian Karr"]

"Master Karr, It's nice to finally meet you. Although I must admit I haven't heard much of you, however, I look forward to learning all you have to offer"


Lokthra hadn't even heard of Master Karr until he had sent the message through saying he will take her as his padawan, but if he has attained the rank of Master he must have legendary skills.
Kian bowed to his new padawan and smiled broudly beneath his antiox mask. Kian had never worked with a Mirialan apprentice before and wondered how it would be different than his other padawans. Kian had always found his apprentices of various species to differ in unique ways due to their cultural backgrounds and Kian relished the knowledge he gained in that process.

"It is a pleasure, Lokthra." Kian said, "And while I know it may be difficult to do....please call me Kian."

Kian said waving the young woman to follow him as he turned to walk around the perimeter of the construction site.

"I have a mission in mind," Kian said, "I need to visit a lost planet I stumbled on a few years back and would like to revisit....hopefully more successfully than I did previously."

"But before we leave, I would like to know a little more about you and," Kian said inclining his head, "I would certainly answer any questions you might have about me."

"So why don't you tell me a little about yourself?" Kian suggested.

[member="Lokthra Dawning"]​

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