Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Little by little, one travels far.... (Open to Epsilon Members)


Smarter than the average bear
[member="Kian Karr"]

"Not much to say, I grew up always travelling, due to my father's work, contracting the build, design and prototyping of various ships and vehicles, I spent most of my childhood around them, and it's created a weird attraction to ships, they are....interesting mechanisms. Anyway, I was trained by master Iku for a while, but things didn't work out, that's when admiral Thuku took me as her padawan, but after our last battle... A lot of great people died. I needed some time to recover; I took shore leave for a year and used the time to research and recover more than anything; all the great admirals, tactics, ships and notable masters of the order."

Lokthra was intrigued with Kian's approach, he seemed like nothing she'd ever heard of before. It was promising and unique.

"Could you tell me of you? The archives don't have all your files on record"
Kian listened quietly as Lokthra spoke of her childhood and her development of a love a spaceships. Kian found this amusing given his lack of interest in ships in general. Though he certainly spent the majority of his time within a starship, Kian was an adequate pilot but little more than that.

"I am familiar with Master Iku, though I will admit we've only met on a few occasions." Kian said in response to her mentioning of the Silver Jedi. Kian had always had good ties with the Silver Jedi Order and respected many in that Order.

"The horrors and ravages of war can have a terrible effect on a Jedi." Kian said, nodding his head to her mentioning taking time away to focus on recovery and learning. "I was first thrust into warfare around your age on the planet of Carida when the One Sith invaded the shipyards there...." Kian said, remember the first time he'd ever taken a life. "It is a hard thing to bear."

"Many of the files have been redacted, I'm afraid." Kian said smiling as they continued to walk the perimeter. "As a Jedi Shadow I am involved in intelligence gathering as well as investigating the Sith. As such, much of the work I do is done in secret."

"I was born on Dorin and was a member of the Baran Do sages for most of my childhood and adolescence." Kian said, giving his padawan a rundown of his past. "I joined the Jedi Order after I'd completed my training there and worked under Jedi Master Talon Vosra." Kian said, remembering fondly his Master, who was a noted sentinel and all around good man. "He trained me along the path of a Jedi Sentinel."

"My apprenticeship was one characterized by battle, regretfully." Kian said shaking his head, "It was the height of the war with the One Sith. I saw combat on Carida, Empress Teta, and Ossus, and was granted a Knighthood based on my actions there."

"My Knighthood was characterized by even more fighting and also my rebuilding of the Jedi Shadows. It was this work, with the Shadows, that ultimately lead to my elevation to Jedi Master and I was named Master of Shadows. This eventually lead to a seat on the Jedi Council." Kian said, wrapping up many years of his life in just a few moments time.

"And now we are here." Kian said turning and stretching his arms out toward the structure before them. "Rebuilding the Jedi Order on Nadiem."

Turning back toward his new padawan, Kian smiled. "Does that answer your question?" Kian said, laughing with good humor, the sound coming out of his mask with small bursts of static.

[member="Lokthra Dawning"]​


Smarter than the average bear
[member="Kian Karr"]

"Yes Kian, it makes a lot of sense now. However what happened to the republic? What happened to you during its collapse? I only recently discovered a republic once existed when I met you" She said, most inquisitively.

After giving Kian time to reply, she asked one final question: "What can I do to help?"

Lokthra had only just met with the master of shadows, and already she began to admire him, for his journey, his ideology, his work. It all is rather very interesting. With a smile in heart, Lokthra silently thought to herself "I hope I stay his padawan for a long time to come; and after that friends for life"
What happened to the Republic? It was a good question and one Kian could only partly answer....he wasn't there when the Republic fell.

"We were beset by war." Kian said shrugging apologetically. "The One Sith devastated the Republic, invasion after invasion."

"But I was not present when the Republic fell." Kian said, a bit of regret bleeding into his voice.

"I investigated a series of.....visions," Kian said, looking for the right word to use, "that were haunting me."

"The investigation lead to a planet out in Wild Space. But a member of the Sith Assassins had also been drawn there." Kian said, not going into great detail about the mission that had drawn him away from the Order and the Republic for such a long time.

"I was stranded many years passed, lost on that planet." Kian said, "But I was saved by several of my colleagues among the Jedi Shadows and....well that about brings us to where we are now."

Kian was about to say more when his datapad at his belt chimmed and Kian glanced at the message.

"Oh," Kian said smiling beneath the mask. "Would you like to go on a little trip offworld?" Kian asked, "Many years ago I discovered a planet by crashlanding there...and it seems something has activated the homing beacon on my wreckage...." Kian said fascinated and excited by the prospect of going back to the planet.

[member="Lokthra Dawning"]​


Smarter than the average bear
[member="Kian Karr"]

"Most intriguing, I could never imagine a time where the Sith were so powerful. I suppose I was shielded for the most from my Father. This time perhaps we should focus more on defending the great order", at the mention of defending Lokthra had flashbacks to her time defending Dagobah from the tyrannical First Order, she shook them off, but not before letting some hatred slip through.

"I would love to, lead the way" Lokthra said in an excited tone.

She followed Kian towards this new planet, after a few moments of silence Lokthra had let her thoughts out orally: "How did you survive the harshness of a new planet?". She had understood Kian was an extremely talented master, but the ability to survive a crash and make a life for oneself for a long time... it was a story of history, courage and life; she hoped there was time to learn of it on the travel to the new planet. This tale had attracted so much of Lokthra's attention that she had completely forgotten she was going to see the ship of her Master.
Kian considered his padawan's question for a moment as they walked. It had been difficult to survive on the planet, especially given the savage beasts that were hunting him. It was ultimately his training and the force that had lead to his survival.

"Dumb luck." Kian said chuckling as they made their way toward the hangar. Kian keyed a code into his datapad and sent off a quick message so that his droid, CG-50, would start get The Shadow through its pre-flight checks. "Also my training and the guidance of the living force."

"Ultimately," Kian said as they continued on, "You will find in time that the training you will receive will become so second nature that it will be like breathing..." Kian raised a hand as they came to a lift and keyed in his access code, the doors opening before them and the lift bringing them down to the third level down, where the hangar was located.

"Do you own a lightsaber? And have you received much training with one?" Kian asked as the lift doors opened on the hangar. "I can supply one to use on the journey if you do not." Kian suggested. Kian would be going in more cautiously this time, and having survived the planet once he knew better about what to expect, but that was not to mean it would be a risk free trip.

"The planet can be quite dangerous."

[member="Lokthra Dawning"]​


Smarter than the average bear
[member="Kian Karr"]

"I have received little training, although I have shown more competency in my force abilities than that of lightsaber combat, and I, unfortunately, do not own my lightsaber. With what little training I have had, and from the holo-recordings I have viewed I want to be a Jedi Sentinel, who is although competent and skilled with the lightsaber, I am just as if not more so with the force"

Thinking of many of the great Sentinels of the Order, she looked up to the sky, imagining that which she could and would one day be.
Kian nodded along with his padawans statements. It was true, many who had come to the Republic Remnant had yet to receive much formal training, but that would all change soon. More and more Jedi were gathering and soon he envisions classes and an infrastructure that would aid in the formation of new generation of Jedi of the Republic.

"That is certainly something we will remedy." Kian said smiling. "The trip will take several days....on the way we will ensure your lightsaber skills are sufficient to handle the dangers of the planet."

"As for your chosen path," Kian said smiling even broader, "I was trained by Talon Vosra, one of the most renown Jedi Sentinels of the Galactic Republic." Kian said remember his master fondly.

"I of course have taken the path of a Jedi Shadow, which is merely a specialized form of Sentinels and Consulars. But my training prior to this was focused on the Sentinel path." As Kian said this they cross the hangar bay and now stood before The Katarn, Kian's personal Sebatyne-Class Jedi Corvette. Kian's old ship, The Shadow had received significant damage on his last mission and he had decided it was time to decommission the vessel and upgrade to the newer class of Jedi Corvette.

"The Katarn has a training room." Kian said as they entered the ship and CG-50, Kian's protocol droid who did most of the flying, stepped forward to greet them.

"Good day sir," CG-50's metallic voice said bowing slightly to them both.

"Good day," Kian responded, "Is the ship ready?"

"Yes sir."

"Excellent," Kian said waving a hand toward the cockpit, "Then lets embark immediately. Set a direct course." Kian instructed the pilot and leading Lokthra deeper into the ship. "These will be your quarters." Kian said waving a hand toward an open door. "You will find it has some furnishings, but not much." Kian said smiling.

"Why don't you get ready and meet me down in the training room." Kian said waving a hand toward the stairwell at the end of the hall and turned to head in that direction.

[member="Lokthra Dawning"]​

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