Smarter than the average bear
[member="Kian Karr"]
"Not much to say, I grew up always travelling, due to my father's work, contracting the build, design and prototyping of various ships and vehicles, I spent most of my childhood around them, and it's created a weird attraction to ships, they are....interesting mechanisms. Anyway, I was trained by master Iku for a while, but things didn't work out, that's when admiral Thuku took me as her padawan, but after our last battle... A lot of great people died. I needed some time to recover; I took shore leave for a year and used the time to research and recover more than anything; all the great admirals, tactics, ships and notable masters of the order."
Lokthra was intrigued with Kian's approach, he seemed like nothing she'd ever heard of before. It was promising and unique.
"Could you tell me of you? The archives don't have all your files on record"
"Not much to say, I grew up always travelling, due to my father's work, contracting the build, design and prototyping of various ships and vehicles, I spent most of my childhood around them, and it's created a weird attraction to ships, they are....interesting mechanisms. Anyway, I was trained by master Iku for a while, but things didn't work out, that's when admiral Thuku took me as her padawan, but after our last battle... A lot of great people died. I needed some time to recover; I took shore leave for a year and used the time to research and recover more than anything; all the great admirals, tactics, ships and notable masters of the order."
Lokthra was intrigued with Kian's approach, he seemed like nothing she'd ever heard of before. It was promising and unique.
"Could you tell me of you? The archives don't have all your files on record"