Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Little Shop of Robotics [Ask]

Mid-Day, Nar Shaddaa.

'It's a nice day, go work the stand,' Anya muttered under her breath, mocking the Cerean she worked for. She appreciated the opportunity that the man had presented to her, with a chance to learn and make money at the same time, but Anya hated to deal with customers. The little shop in Nar Shaddaa's undercity was located on the outskirts of a multi-cultural bazaar, one of the busiest on the planet. While they had a structured store, the aged Cerean man enjoyed having a small stand set up infront of the shop to help reel in customers. It did work, but how could someone really work on fixing droids when she had to not only answer customers' questions, but watch for thieves.

And to make things worse, today was hardly to be considered a nice day. To the Cerean man, a nice day was when some of the sunlight shined down in the undercity. Anya sighed as she pushed out a micro-repulserlift to the empty table, where she began to unload some of the components she was working on. The Mirialan had taken up the task today to work on a bin full of damaged datapads and commlinks, or to salvage any minuscule piece of precious metal if they were beyond repair. The box was filled with various makes and models, dating back to at least five decades ago. It was gonna be a long day.

Beside the stand was the other 'employee' of the shop, some salvaged astromech droid that was too damaged to sell, but in too good condition to scrap. So instead, the Cerean had taken it upon himself to reprogram the hologram function to work like a megaphone; with the same message playing on a loop every five minutes;

"Come on down to Tapp's Robotics! We've got the finest selection of refurbished droids, commlinks, datapads, and much, much more! Just ask the salesperson at kiosk seven!"

She hated that term, salesperson. She wasn't a salesperson. She was a mechanic, and barely. Truthfully, her real interest resided in slicing, but that was purely under the table work. The Cerean had taught her himself how to do it, despite the questionable legality of the whole service.

Anya sighed once more and picked up a screwdriver and began to disassemble one of the commlinks, knowing already that the device was going to the scrap yard.
James loved few things more than quality junk. Refurbished droids, repaired technology, mobile ships, James loved all of these things, despite being fabulously wealthy at this point. With all this, the women, and the alcohol, Nar Shaddaa was a place for him.

Stepping on along the dirty way, the spacer found a quaint junker style droid store. He could go for this and goodness knows what else he would find here--good deals and droids that just needed some extra love, like his Reed. Spying the chicka at the counter working James gave her one of his charming smiles and let a stream of cigarette smoke from his teeth, "Allow, miss, what have we got here?"

[member="Anya Orunitia"]
[member="Anya Orunitia"] [member="James Justice"]

little shop, little shop, little shop of... robotics. The small padawan was moving, the light grey robes on her while she was moving through the streets. Morgana had helped her out here and she wasn't really certain about all of it but she was having some fun with things. Thoughts going towards her old friend and sisters as someone bumped into her and revealed her lightsaber on her hip. The look of fear for a moment was there as he ran off to get away and she shrugged walking towards a place that seemed to be advertising for things. She could see about droids for use and she had a couple of them on the ship.
[member="James Justice"] [member="Orihime Ike"]

The young Mirialan looked up from the junk commlink to see a rugged looking Human speaking to her. It took her a brief moment to process what he asked, as she was caught up in her work, and then another moment for her to hold her tongue and refrain from coming off as rude. Between the sign and the megaphone of a droid, she felt he was capable of figuring out what was for sale. "Well," she said, setting her screwdriver back into the toolbox, "We have the finest selection of refurbed droids, datapads, and commlinks." She was mocking the Cerean in the hologram that was being projected by the droid.

"You looking for anything in particular, or browsing?" she asked in a more serious tone, as she rested her elbows on the counter. Anya was reluctant to deal with customers, but knew her Manager would have a fit if she game them any attitude. "Of course, we also buy and sell scrap, if you're looking to unload broken gear." This wasn't part of her required sales-pitch, but just part of her side hobby, and it always gave her something more to do.

Anya caught the sight of a blotch of light grey in her peripheral vision, briefly taking her attention away from the man inquiring to glance quickly at the short woman before returning her attention back to James.
James already knew what they had--he wasn't a fool. What he was really interested in finding out how much this Mirilian knew and how skilled they were. If she was half as smart as she was spunky this small shop wouldn't be the place for her. Not at all. She could go places fast and his gut instincts told him she was that skilled. His gut was rarely ever wrong.

"I'm looking for an integrated scanner and targeting systems with advanced relays to point-oh-three nanometers sensitivity with both electromagnetic and hyper sensitive heat readings," he began, "also I be needing a new Intelex IV processor but I wants Mr droid to keep his personality--need a memory transfer to it can ye do that?"

A soft wave of smoke went from his lips with each word. When james finished he grabbed a flask of alcohol from his hip and took a swig, "that and I love coming to places like this they always bring back such," he searched for the word, "memories."

[member="Anya Orunitia"]
[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="James Justice"] [member="Orihime Ike"]

Anya's eyes widened as she listened to the technobabble. Typically the customers were little more than uneducated folk who wanted something to do the thinking for them, but this man was something else. He knew what he was talking about. Her posture straightened slightly as she thought for a moment. The information wasn't the issue, but rather if they had any of that.

"Trouble is, a lot of what yer' asking for is sensitive stuff. Most of our stuff is a bit beat-up, but..." She rubbed under her chin for a moment before making a pointing gesture towards the man. "As for the processor, we do have two Intelex III's in the back that you could overclock and get the same quality of the Intelex IV. Just you'll have to replace it in about half the time you normally would. If you're okay with that, we could do a transfer within the hour."

The Mirialan fell silent for a moment in thought, and then leaned in towards him, "The Old man would kill me if he heard me tell you, but the scanner and relays you can get a few blocks away at Delak's Droids," She turned briefly to make sure the Cerean hadn't come outside, "They have much better quality stuff, but it's definitely marked up. The place is a bit sketchy too, probably a chop shop."

Anya listened to the man's fondness for the area and didn't exactly share the sentiment. She had not traveled the galaxy, Kriff, she had hardly even ventured out of the undercity. "Can't say I feel the same. Hardly any memory is a good one down here." The young girl rubbed the back of her neck and idly gripped the screwdriver again, "So about those processors. Are ya' interested, or not?"
[member="James Justice"] [member="Anya Orunitia"]

She moved through the ship and looked around at the thinks letting her hearing pick up the conversation when they were going but being on top of someone else wasn't always nice and she tried to be nice at all times. Really looking over some of the droids though the padawan had a ball droid in her hands while she held it up looking at him to see if there was much damage and she really had no problem with it... and her mother had nine companies under her ownership... they had credits for what they needed as she turned to look towards the woman offering a smile as well as holding the droid in her arms.
The fact that she had merely blinked instead of balked and seemed to keep up with what he said was enough for James. He sensed no lies from her, and the mild confusion mixed with respect he felt was sure wasn't from a lack of tech knowledge but how someone like him well--knew something like that. That was all he needed to know.

"No, miss, I ain't. I couldn't do that to me droid, but I can say I believe I found what I came here for," He quickly billowed the two of them into a thick cloud of smoke before continuing. His fingers tapped the counter methodically, "I'll shoot strait with ye. I dun't think ye is the type to sit around and mind a shop. Ye are smart, ye knows what ye are talking about and ye are fething honest. Me gut says ye can also hold a blaster and dun't exactly like it round here." James dusted the ashes off the tip of his cigarette before continuing, "Me name is James Justice, I be an owner of a shipping and mercenary business. We are always looking for spunky people like ye who have yer head on yer shoulders. I can pay ye at least three times more than this rinky-dink shop be shelling out to ye and double more important I can give ye adventure and promise that ye be making a difference in the galaxy," He paused and took a swig of alcohol before continuing, "what do ye say?"

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Anya Orunitia"]
[member="James Justice"] [member="Orihime Ike"]

The young Mirialan hesitated for a moment, contemplating the offer, when she noticed the woman in grey was interested in something. She shot a quick smile in the girl's direction and then faced the man once more. "Do a lap around the market, and I'll have you an answer when ya' get back." She wasn't a hundred percent sure she was ready to leave Nar Shaddaa. She hated it here, yes, but there was an anxiety about leaving. Tapp, the Cerean man, had given her so much for her to just leave him. Her mind trailed off.

Anya gave a nod to the man, and then turned her attention to the woman. "What can I do for ya' and the little fella?" She looked down to the ball droid in her arms, curiously. The woman seemed to be the same one she caught a glimpse of earlier, but Anya wasn't one to bring up unnessicary questions.
[member="James Justice"] [member="Anya Orunitia"]

She was looking at the ones there and raised an eyebrow when she said she would consider it while helping her. It was curious while she looked down at the droid and around at other things. "Well I came here for a droid or something... Not really certain. I haven't come around here before." She said it with a smile on her face though while setting the droid on the counter and looking at him. "Might need some slightly stronger plate maybe but that is about it. Exploring ruins can be dangerous work... also if there is a way to upgrade him with like something for handling small creatures."
James nodded, he understood apprehension, to a degree. He could feel some coming off this youth, and some of it he could understand. He also felt a sense of inner struggle; one side wanted to be gone, he knew, off this rock for good. The other side was more interested in repaying past loyalties. Loyalty. That was one thing he knew money couldn't buy and one thing he valued over all else. Even with scum military persons he couldn't stand, even with his hate of uniforms and for things he innately detested, he still had respect for loyalty. Even misplaced loyalty.

Taking a last look around the store to memorize its location, James nodded. The place was junk, he loved it. But he knew it was too small for this girl's skills. He smirked, if she was this good now he could only imagine how good she would be as she got older and had even more practice under her belt.

Letting a billow of smoke from his lips, James smiled and said, "I will see ye soon then," and he took a step out onto the street.

The pollution filled air wafted off the very planet like a blanket of dirt in the air. The spacer loved it, it was one of his favorite things about the planet--aside from the women, alcohol, and job opportunities of course.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Anya Orunitia"]
[member="Orihime Ike"] [member="James Justice"]

Anya inhaled briefly, catching a waft of the cigarette that James was smoking. She didn't have a nicotine addiction, or at least she'd refuse to admit it. The young Mirialan's had enough vices in her life that she didn't have time to get addicted to something so trivial. She had a smorgasbord of things she could easily become addicted to in the lifestyle of illicit activity in her daily life, why settle for something so plain?

"First time in the market? Heh," she smiled to the girl, who despite looking around Anya's age, was much shorter. "This market has the best food, and the best prices I've seen in the Galaxy," Anya said coyly. She technically wasn't lying, after all.

Her attention then turned to the droid, pulling it towards her after it was set on the counter. "Well, I've never seen a ball droid go out on an adventure. They're more of the messenger type, or at least that's what most use 'em for." She inspected the droid once more, giving it some thought. "I don't see an issue with reenforcing it's hull, but I only can slightly, since these fellas' rely on momentum to move, and weight makes it more difficult. As for a weapon, the best I think it'll be able to get it something that can give a small shock tops. Might scare away small rodents and the like."
[member="Anya Orunitia"] [member="James Justice"]

She rolled her tongue around in her mouth with that, thought about some of the rodents she had seen in jedi ruins... "How big is small, I've seen some big ones." Her hands came out while she showed some sizes for them as she looked at the little guy. "DO you got anythign else that might also work. Preferably waterproof." She said it with a grin though looking at the droid. "Still going to get you, we get to explore little buddy." She fist bumped with the droid while looking at the others things around them.
[member="Orihime Ike"]

Anya contemplated for a brief moment longer. "Well, water-resistant, yes. Most of our droids have waterproofed circuitry, and we will re-finish their hull coating to reduce rusting." She had seen a few droids that were produced from planets such as Mon Cal and Ando that were more suited for prolonged exposure to water, but here it was limited. "That's about the best I can do for you. They should be fine in rain, but if they fall in a lake, it'll take quite a few hours to get them functioning again."

The Mirialan shrugged off the rodents remark, because clearly the adventuring girl had seen much more than she has in terms of rodents. In such a big galaxy, there are bound to be something much more fearsome than the rats and mice of Nar Shaddaa.
[member="Anya Orunitia"] [member="James Justice"]

Looking at the woman with a smile on her face at that she could think of a few things and diudn't plan on going near lakes... mostly there was the one near the temple as she stood there and dug in her pocket with a smile. "I'll take it, lets see one bar should do it." Orihime stood there with a grin as she pulled out one of the aurodium ingots from their mines and set it down. Expensive compared to what was being bought given ten was three billion credits and you could carry ten on you easily. She smiled looking at the woman and some of the other things. "Also so want to go exploring here, so many shops."
[member="Orihime Ike"] [member="James Justice"]

Anya's eyebrow raised as she looked at the ingot. Aurodium was definitely not the payment she expected, but instead standard, or maybe even imperial credits. Whomever this woman was, definitely did profit from whatever adventures she was going on. The Mirialan lifted up the ingot to inspect it, to quickly find the crystaloid ingot was real. "I can't make change for that..." she pondered at the pure expense of it, "I definitely can't. Do you have credits, or maybe a small quantity?" Anya was a bit dumbstruck by the woman's form of payment. It had to of been some form of scam, but she couldn't see through it yet.
[member="Anya Orunitia"]

Orihime looked at her more curious as she dug in her robes. "I ah have more of those only." She said it with a smile though looking at her. "Is it not enough?" She was looking at her and at the droids while moving her robes to look in her other pockets of her clothing and pants. "Ah nope I didn't bring credits my mom said that would more then handle what I wanted and needed and we had plenty for supplies all around." She went back to standing there looking at the droids and the woman with a smile and rubbing her head.
[member="Orihime Ike"] [member="James Justice"]

With a mental shrug, Anya decided to let it go. Her attempts at honesty was trumped by the girl's naivety. Clearly she came from some background of wealth, for this to be the smallest denomination of currency she had. "No, it'll do. Just slightly overpaying is all." The Mirialan was not greedy, she had no interest in being rich, with decadence she'd never use. But she was poor, and there was no denying it. The extra money would definitely help her. That thought brought back into her mind the offer the other man made, and she nodded to the girl. "Yeah. This will definitely cover the charges, easily."
[member="Anya Orunitia"]
[member="Orihime Ike"]

James turned on his heel, going down another street. He passed a few more junk stalls, they were littered with low grade garbage that had price-tags stamped on them and the titles "refurbished" on them. He chuckled looking over a pile of scrap that was advertised as a speeder. Part of him wanted to buy it just to see if it would actually run--and the thrill of testing how well he could pilot it once the breaks, searing, and vector dampers gave out. Judging by the looks of it, that could be any second.

"It good deal, it good deal," screeched the Weequay shop owner, leaping to his feet when he saw James looking at it.

He waved his hand, giving a pleasant smile, 'No thanks mate."

"How much you want, two hundred? I give you for two hundred," continued the shop owner advancing eagerly.

James gave him a stern look, "I told ye, no thanks."

"One fifty, it work real good, master," said the unshaken salesman, still moving forward.

The Weequay's next step found himself staring down the barrel of James' deathHammer. His eyes widened in shock.

"I told ye, no," James said grimly, "now ye turn around and walk back or ye be getting a third nostril in a moment."

The owner did as he was told without a word, practically scurrying behind a set of crates that would hardly cover him from a real blaster shot. Shaking his head, James started back to the little droid shop. He prayed that the Mirilian was ready sooner than not. He was even willing to sweeten the deal some if it helped him get out of here sooner and safer. He had a feeling that sticking around too much longer would result in a mugging--or a mob. Possibly both.
[member="Anya Orunitia"] [member="James Justice"]

ANother smile and this one was nice as she looked around and thought about it. "THank you and oh, you live here, you must know all the shops... be my guide. We can like buy things and I will totally spring for lunch." She had the droid and backed up a little pointing with a nod. "We are totally going to have fun come on to adventure.... and stuff." She was looking at her and to the droid. "You to also, we're goig to have fun and excitement and maybe I don't know stop in a cantina and find some fake id's."

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