Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Little Shop of Robotics [Ask]

[member="Orihime Ike"] [member="James Justice"]

Anya contemplated the offer for a moment and then dug into her pocket. In there was a small, cheap, disposable memory card that she handed to the girl. "This is the closest thing I have to a business card, maybe later on." she reassured with a smile. She knew she had possibly important business to attend to with the man who had offered her some sort of job and ticket out of Nar Shaddaa.
[member="Anya Orunitia"]

Taking the card she got a grin and nod for a moment while moving off with a skip and the droids while she was going. "Come on lets go and get some stuff, or find food... or something I am not certain but lets go and have fun." Orihime was walking off out of the shop and towards the fun of Nar Shadda.
James didn't dare stick around a moment longer than needed. He had a bad feeling in his gut that it would result in bodily harm--or worse.

Taking a quick step into the shop he was relieved to see the teen standing behind the counter--alone. He flashed a smile, "Ah, so, what do ye say about us expediting negotiation process here? A job just came up and I need to see to it--quickly," the spacer leaned on the counter and presented a credit chip that was easily worth more than ten times everything in this shop, "Signing bonus if ye say yes and we walk out that door, I'll drop ye off at the base, we can outfit ye with a ship and any other gear ye needs."

He let out a puff of smoke and gave the girl a winning smile, "What do ye say?"

[member="Anya Orunitia"]

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