Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Live by the sword...

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Shu-Torun | OBJECTIVE : Search and Destroy |TAG (FRIENDLY) : | TAG (FOE) : Darth Reign Darth Reign

Shu-Torun is a volcanic, resource-rich planet located in the Mid Rim region of the galaxy. Its infrastructure was powered by the Spike, a massive structure built by the first settlers. The planet was ruled by a royal family which controlled the planet's ore-supplying nobles that held to a distinct obsession of courtly rituals and pageantry, but was also under the control of the Galactic Empire during the Imperial Era. The ore-dukes of the planet rebelled against the Empire, leading to a war that resulted in an Imperial victory with the help of the newly-promoted Queen Trios.
After Trios feigned allegiance to the Rebel Alliance, only to betray them, causing the loss of much of their fleet, Leia Organa devised a plan to attack Shu-Torun and destroy the Spike as an economic strike against the Empire. However, the extremist Partisans, who had been recruited to assist with the plan, overloaded the Spike so that it would rip Shu-Torun apart. Attempting to defend her planet, Trios was killed by Organa, who was unaware of the Partisans' plan.

What does this have to do with the present day?

One of the “Emperor’s Hands” was said to have a safehouse here with a shelter that was said to be a part of the “cover” of the place itself. It is rumored to be fully intact and about a kilometer away from where the Spike was constructed. There was said to be a warsword inside that shelter, imbued with all of the abilities of this would be Sith. Why does this matter? This Acolyte was said to be stronger than the Dark Lord at the time, or even the Emperor himself. This was all hyperbole of course, it was probably just a sword if there was anything at all. Either way, it was Connel’s job to confirm the validity and if it was there, to destroy it.
Word had reached Darth Reign about a sword of supposedly incredible power. Far from his usual activity (“treasure hunting” was much more his brother’s thing) the Dark Lord could scarce have an object of immense power in another’s hand.

Rumor had placed the weapon on the planet of Shu-Torun. A planet that Reign was not familiar with, however, as he read the planets history he found it one full of strife. And was unsurprised that a weapon of such power in the Dark Side could be located here.

He had taken his personal shuttle, only bringing an astromech co-pilot with him. This need not be a move involving the entire Diarchy, so he opted to leave the Star Destroyer behind and travel lightly.

As he brought the shuttle down, he prepared himself for what he thought to be a simple snatch and grab.

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Shu-Torun | OBJECTIVE : Search and Destroy | TAG (FOE) : Darth Reign Darth Reign

Stay with the ship, “Brad”.

As the Astromech acknowledged, Connel pulled the mask over his head and started on his trek from his position (just under a click away from the perimeter of the potential area of the safehouse) and on. As he walked, he felt his heart pounding in his chest. He was nervous and excited at the same time. He kept his eyes fixed on the ground, making sure not to make a single noise as he made his way closer and closer to the safehouse.

Connel knew that the safehouse (or whatever it is now) was in a town, or at least near one, so he would have to keep to the shadows (heh, no pun intended) there was no need in causing any stir with the locals. There was the chance after all that none of them even knew about the stories or the place as a whole. He checked the map one more time to make sure he was going in the right direction. Then he took a deep breath and stepped into the darkness.

There was a chill that filled the air. A presence, a dark presence. No, Connel did not know for sure who or might be in the area, but he could feel “something” so, slowly, he masked his aura… slowly making him invisible (or at least that was the hopeful outcome) in the Force. He stayed in the shadows, his senses on high alert. He could feel his heart beat faster, his breath coming quicker. He knew he had to be quick if he wanted to survive.
As Darth Reign exited the shuttle, he felt the aura of the Dark Side emanating from the weapon. "Good" he said to himself "it appears my journey will not have been for nothing" The Dark Lord set off towards what appeared to be a settlement, trusting in the force to guide him to the safe house. As he walked, he took in the area, every day citizens going about their lives. Insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Pure chaos, anathema the Sith Lord walking through their midst.

Reign rounded a corner into what appeared to be a market, he knew his objective was just on the other side of the town from where he currently stood. However, a flicker of something had caught his attention. A presence in the force, there one moment, and gone just as quickly. The Dark Lord smiled to himself.
"This may turn out to be more interesting than I thought. I hadn't expected a chance to test the continued fruits of my advanced training so far out here."

Pouring every ounce of Malice and Dark power out into the open, the Lord of The Diarchy raised a silent challenge to whoever was out there. He was Darth Reign, Master of the Diarchy, and Dark Lord of the Sith. He would find this sword and the interloper, and both would belong to him.
The Dark Lord quickened his pace, heading directly towards the weapon and he assumed the other force user.

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Shu-Torun | OBJECTIVE : Search and Destroy | TAG (FOE) : Darth Reign Darth Reign

The market of Varnis was alive with the sounds of commerce, laughter, and the occasional shout of a vendor hawking their wares. Brightly colored fabrics fluttered in the gentle breeze, and the rich aroma of exotic spices filled the air. Yet, amidst this vibrant tapestry of life, a shadow loomed—a presence that sent a chill through the Force, a disturbance that Connel Vanagor could not ignore.

Connel moved through the throng of people with purpose. His dark robes blended seamlessly with the shadows, and his keen eyes scanned the crowd for any sign of the malevolent force he had sensed. He had been tracking the movements of a Sith Lord, one who had recently emerged from the depths of obscurity, and the energy radiating from this place felt unmistakably like his.

As he navigated the market, Connel felt the air shift, a palpable tension that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He closed his eyes for a moment, reaching out with the Force. It was there, a dark pulse that resonated with malice and ambition. The Dark Side was strong here, and it was drawing him closer.

Suddenly, a surge of power rippled through the air, and Connel opened his eyes just in time to see a figure emerge from the shadows of a nearby alley. Clad in dark robes, the man radiated an aura of authority and danger. Connel’s heart raced as he recognized the figure—Darth Reign, Master of the Diarchy, and Dark Lord of the Sith.

Connel’s instincts kicked in. He had trained hard to become a Shadow, a guardian of the light who operated in the unseen corners of the galaxy. His mission was clear: locate the Sith mask, but this proved to be an invaluable secondary objective. The weapon he sought was rumored to be a relic of immense power, one that could tip the balance of the Force.

As Connel slipped into the shadows, he felt the Dark Lord quicken his pace, heading directly toward the weapon and, he assumed, the other Force user. Connel knew he had to act quickly. The townsfolk were blissfully unaware of the danger that stalked their streets, and he would not allow them to become collateral damage in this confrontation.

With a flick of his wrist, Connel summoned a small object from a nearby stall—a piece of fruit. He hurled it into the air, creating a distraction. The fruit sailed through the air, and as it struck the ground, it burst open, sending juice splattering in all directions. The sudden noise would hopefully draw the attention of Darth Reign.

If it did, then Connel. seizing the opportunity, would slip further into the shadows, moving with the grace of a wraith. If not? Well that would be addressed as well. They would just have to fight.
The Dark Lord was basking in the presence of the dark side weapon, striding towards it. Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw someone clock him, and dart in the other direction. However, before he could pursue, Reign's attention was grabbed by a fruit seemingly flying through the air, and essentially exploding upon impact with the ground. Causing the nearby people to be startled. Looking their way, the Dark Lord smiled to himself.

Turning back he realized the other person was gone. Using the force to project his voice telepathically, Darth Reign attempted to speak to the other force user.
"Run if you must, but, I will find you, and I will claim this sword for myself in one fell swoop" letting his ill intent for the other person spill out through the force. The Dark Lord was trying to make him afraid.

"No Matter" Reign said out loud. He continued moving onward towards the pull of the weapon. Whether in the street or tucked away somewhere in the safehouse, the two force users would come to blows, and the Lord of the Diarchy could not suppress his excitement.

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Shu-Torun | OBJECTIVE : Search and Destroy | TAG (FOE) : Darth Reign Darth Reign

Connel suppressed a laugh as he had heard the voice of the Sith Lord in his head. While he had no doubts just how dangerous, or powerful that the Master of the Diarchy, this… “individual” had no idea who he was or what he was truly capable of. Having a father who was deeply touched by the Dark Side and a Mother that was once a Sith Lordess herself, he had some “interesting” training in his upbringing. Of course this did not mean that Connel felt himself “superior” as there was always someone better out there, that was proven to him not that long ago. It also took any chance of fear out of his mind or psyche.

That might get him in trouble one day…

As Connel slipped into the shadows, he felt the Dark Lord quicken his pace, heading directly toward the weapon and, he assumed, the other Force user. Connel knew he had to act quickly. The townsfolk were blissfully unaware of the danger that stalked their streets, and he would not allow them to become collateral damage in this confrontation.

With a flick of his wrist, Connel summoned a small object from a nearby stall—a piece of fruit. He hurled it into the air, creating a distraction. The fruit sailed through the air, and as it struck the ground, it burst open, sending juice splattering in all directions. The sudden noise would hopefully draw the attention of Darth Reign.

If it did, then Connel. seizing the opportunity, would slip further into the shadows, moving with the grace of a wraith. If not? Well that would be addressed as well. They would just have to fight.
The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the cobblestone streets of the town of Eldrath. The air was thick with tension, a palpable energy that whispered of danger. Connel Vanagor, a Jedi Shadow, moved with the grace of a wraith, his dark robes blending seamlessly with the encroaching twilight. He was a master of stealth, trained to navigate the unseen paths of the Force, and tonight, he was on a mission that could tip the balance of power in the galaxy.

His destination was a safehouse, a nondescript building nestled between two dilapidated structures. It was a place he had frequented in the past, a sanctuary for those who sought refuge from the chaos of the galaxy. But tonight, it held something far more valuable—a vault rumored to contain a weapon of unimaginable power, one that could turn the tide against the Sith.

As he approached the safehouse, Connel felt the familiar tug of the Force, a warning that sent a chill down his spine. He paused, pressing himself against the cool stone wall, his senses heightened. The presence of a Sith Lord loomed nearby, a dark shadow that threatened to engulf the town. Connel had heard whispers of this particular Sith, a cunning and ruthless figure known only as Reign. The Lord of the Diarchy was notorious for his relentless pursuit of power, and Connel knew that he would stop at nothing to claim the weapon for himself.

“Reign,” Connel muttered under his breath, the name tasting bitter on his tongue. He could feel the Sith’s excitement, a dark thrill that pulsed through the air like a heartbeat. The Lord of the Diarchy was close, and Connel had to move quickly.

With a deep breath, he slipped into the shadows, his footsteps silent as he navigated the narrow alleyways. The town was alive with the sounds of evening—laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses from nearby taverns—but Connel was focused, his mind sharp and clear. He could sense the pull of the weapon, a beacon of energy that called to him from within the safehouse. It was almost as if it was trying to convince him to use it and keep it for himself. Not happening.

As he neared what he believed to be the entrance, Connel paused, peering through a grimy window. Inside, he could see the flickering light of a single lamp illuminating the room. The vault was hidden behind a false wall, a secret known only to a few. He had to get in, retrieve the weapon, and escape before Reign could close in.

Connel’s heart raced, but he remained calm. He had faced Sith before, and he knew that fear was a weapon they wielded with deadly precision. He focused on the Force, allowing it to guide him as he slipped through the door of the safehouse, the hinges creaking softly in protest. He also focused on Caltin’s words… “The more they try to make you fear them… the easier they will fear you

Inside, the air was stale, filled with the scent of dust and forgotten memories. Connel moved quickly, his eyes scanning the room for the hidden vault. He could feel the weapon’s energy pulsing stronger now, a siren’s call that urged him onward. He reached the false wall and pressed his palm against it, feeling the vibrations of the Force beneath his fingertips.

With a swift motion, he activated the mechanism, and the wall slid open to reveal the vault. Down the steps and inside, nestled among the shadows, lay a sleek, dark-hued weapon—a lightsaber unlike any he had ever seen. Its hilt was adorned with intricate designs, and the blade hummed with a power that resonated deep within him. Ironically, that was not what he was looking for… it was a warsword.

Where was it?
Darth Reign entered the building. The pull of the dark side acting like a beacon to him. As he walked through the safe house, he noted, he was not the first one here.

Looking at an opening in the wall, it was clear that the weapon he sought was this direction. As Reign crossed the threshold, he saw a figure there. Speaking softly the dark lord said
“I knew I’d find you eventually”

The distinct lack of fear gave the Dark Lord pause. “who are you?” he asked. His lightsaber in his hand but not lit yet.

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Shu-Torun | OBJECTIVE : Search and Destroy | TAG (FOE) : Darth Reign Darth Reign

The stench of the Dark Side overpowered the approach of the Sith Lord. Otherwise his guard would have been up long ago. Oh well, so be it. Connel made no real sudden moves, everything was slow and deliberate. He was going to slowly turn around and put the item in his hand onto the table beside him. The beast before him stood tall and powerful, that was clear, but it looked like he knew it. That would be his weakness, and, should the Sith actually do something, his downfall. Does it matter? You’re either going to sense my strength, and try to coax me into joining you, noting all of the items in here could lead to “true power” or some crap like that, or you’re just going to try to bifurcate me.

Cracking his neck and loosening up by rolling it around his shoulders, he was readying himself for a fight. This ultimately wasn’t what he wanted, but the Dark Lord would not have his prize. “Prize”, that gave him an idea. Subtly reaching through the Force and pulling the antique lightsaber to his hand, and then tossing it in the direction of the Sith before him, Connel quipped. Take it and go… I’m not here for that anyway.

It wasn’t much of a distraction, but the action gave him a moment to seamlessly pull the combat shield from his back and into his left arm.
The Dark Lord caught the ancient lightsaber. While it exuded power, it was not what he’d come for. Regardless, he placed it on his belt. “I won’t do you the disservice of trying to tempt you. I can feel your hatred, your anger. A strange Jedi you are, but a Jedi nonetheless.”

Moving slowly, the Dark Lord removed his outer robe, and bringing his lightsaber up, assumed his form V ready stance. “I feel your strength Jedi. Your lack of fear is a testament to the strength you carry. You’ll find, while I am a Sith, I’m not like the ones you’ve met before. Their way is outdated, a thing of the past. Do me the honor of being my opponent”

Darth Reign ignited his lightsaber, muscle tense for the combat to begin.

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Shu-Torun | OBJECTIVE : Search and Destroy | TAG (FOE) : Darth Reign Darth Reign

Reign would not be able to see it through the mask that Connel was wearing but upon hearing the request, drew one of his eyebrows to arch in a manner that would make his father proud. Sooo you’re like some “new age” Sith? Okay....

While letting most of the “hatred” and other descriptive terms go as “untrue” he was a little confused as this “new age Sith Lord” wanted an old fashioned duel? If he wasn’t face to face with danger incarnate, Connel would have to read more about this. It was a strange experience to say the least. You realize I am letting you go with a prize, right? I’m not arrogant enough to think I’ll beat you without effort or issue or whatever, but still.

Then he saw it, the warsword, and pulled it into his hands. The power emanating from it was almost enticing to the young Vanagor, but he pushed past. This is all I want. If you just want a duel, fine, you can have everything else in here, but… Then he stopped himself, put the combat shield back over his back and pulled his own lightsaber. Slowly the permafrost blade showed to be a beautiful counterpoint to the red glow of the Sith’s weapon.

If all you want is a duel… let’s duel. Taking a deep breath, and gripping the hilt with both hands in a classic Ataru stance, Connel took another deep breath. He was going to keep calm, and remain as such.
Reign smirked at the man. “new age? You could say that. But. At the end of the day, a Sith I am” he thought he caught a glimpse of something, in the man’s presence. Something he could manipulate.

“What’s this I feel Jedi? This hesitation to use your blade. Fear? Is that what happened to you? A disaster the last time you picked up your saber?” The Dark Lord recognized the Ataru stance. It made sense with what he felt in the Jedi previously, aggression, he would hope to end the battle quickly.

Reign then waited, if this Jedi wanted to be aggressive, Djem-So’s defense could weather the storm of Ataru.

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Shu-Torun | OBJECTIVE : Search and Destroy | TAG (FOE) : Darth Reign Darth Reign

Knew I shouldn’t have gone for this…oh well, no turning back now.[/COLOR]

Mentally kicking himself for falling into the trap that the Sith no doubt had set for him, Connel was indeed feeling the fear of what the last time he held a lightsaber in a situation like this had brought him, he stood quietly. Where there was talk. There was now silence. Where there was aloofness. There was now focus. Where the stance was Ataru, it was now Soresu, then Niman, then Makashi, then JuYo… It’s not how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up…

Connel was not going to let himself be aggressive here, he was still fighting the urge to drop the weapon and grab his shield, but that would leave a huge opening to Reign. He could not afford that. He had to be strategic, and calculated. He had to remain calm, and think through his every move. He could not afford to make a mistake.

If he was not going to make a move though, maybe he could bait Reign into making one. One Connel could counter. Putting the blade down and out to his right side, his left hand up, level with his eyes, and waving “Come on” to the Sith. Maybe that would work.
Reign knew it was bait. He knew he shouldn’t take it, he should just drop the blasted ceiling on the Jedi and be done with it. But.. this Jedi had intrigued him. And he was willing to play the game.

With a small smile, the Dark Lord said
“so it begins” and launched himself forward in a heavy over handed strike that was the trademark of Form V.

Reign hoped to use the fear this Jedi had to his advantage.

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Shu-Torun | OBJECTIVE : Search and Destroy | TAG (FOE) : Darth Reign Darth Reign

Reign didn’t need to hope or use fear to gain an advantage, the mental aspect of the psyche was giving it to him freely. The mental images of the last Sith who attacked him in a duel were fighting hard to take control of his outlook and were winning the battle. It took him repeating the Code in his head and getting mad to even partially focus.

It was at the last possible moment that Connel swung his weapon in a “half moon” arc, pushing Reign’s blade away as he sidestepped. A classic Soresu defense. He was going to need a reminder to thank father for teaching him the defensive forms first.

Staggering momentarily at the loss of balance only to regain it, he leaned back, took his saber arm over his head, angled the blade forward and reached out with his free hand. Humility time... if I make it through this... remind me to thank you. I was dreading picking this weapon up again.
Reign recognized the Soresu ready stance. He sincerely hoped the Jedi had more tricks up his sleeve. Reign had dueled against Soresu his entire life, it being his brother's preferred form.

Reign would play the aggressive Sith Lord in this duel.. at least for the time being.

Coming in hard again, Darth Reign launched a series of strikes attempting to overpower and disorient his opponent. Beginning with a slash from below coming up diagonally from right to left, followed by an immediate reverse horizontal slash from left to right.

Amplifying his already considerable physical strength with the Dark Side.

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Shu-Torun | OBJECTIVE : Search and Destroy | TAG (FOE) : Darth Reign Darth Reign

Reign is fast.

Reign is strong.

Two great advantages to have in any fight…

… if your instructor wasn’t Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor .

Connel didn’t have the size, or strength of his father, but it was Caltin’s idea for him to use that to his own advantage and what he brought to the table for his own. Connel was no speedster, but he was a tactician. On top of that, his recent Special Forces Training made him that much more capable of standing up and standing tall… even if he was fighting himself in the mind of holding a lightsaber.

He was surprised by the upward slash, but caught it at the last moment, still mentally fighting the images in his head as this was the move that started his destruction at the hands of Darth Kizash Darth Kizash , however, an angle of the blade redirected the Sith’s weapon away. That of course backfired as he brought it right back in a horizontal slash.

This move actually angered Connel for some reason, that reason eluded him, but the Jedi brought his own blade down in a “pinning” move. At the same time though, leaping up and extending his legs in a “kick” to to Reign’s chest to get some space between them. He wasn’t trying to “stick and move”, but he wasn’t going to have this Sith on top of him. His advantage was room.

My turn…

Reaching out through the Force and calling on the very moisture in the area, pulling it and pulling it until the room was so humid… so dense it was almost foggy. It wouldn’t make breathing difficult… but it would slow the body more because of the mass of air. Connel knew how to control his breathing, and slow it from his underwater demolitions training with Omega Squad… did Reign?
Reign was impressed with the blade work. The added kick however.. that made the Sith Lord mad.

Already fuming, this business with the air made him even more angry. Some trickery, causing the air to thicken.

His hair was wet, and his robes stuck to him. Removing the heavy outer robe, Reign was down to his tunic and lower robes. The heavy robe would have weighed him down.

Thinking for a moment, he tested some movement. He was sluggish, which would cause a problem with an opponent this quick.

The Dark Lord took a defensive stance, he would not go in unprepared this time.

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Shu-Torun | OBJECTIVE : Search and Destroy | TAG (FOE) : Darth Reign Darth Reign

What’s this?

A change in tactics?

Connel was only starting to get used to carrying a lightsaber again, let alone wield it offensively. So that was out of the question for him right now. That left Connel with little options, he was not going to run, not without his prize. So he disengaged his lightsaber, clipped it over his back, crouched down to a kneel and closed his eyes to begin meditation on the subject.

Was it a “bait”? Maybe.

It was all he could think of at the moment though, until he could figure out how best to handle this.

This guy was almost as big as his father was, and looked to be another strong one. So Teras Kasi was out, as well as Broken Gate. Hand to Hand was something he was more than capable of, but this guy probably hit like a Star Destroyer. Of course there was something… Shield Kata. Of course if this Sith just wanted a duel, that took the rules out of it. However, since when do Sith follow rules? “The Rule of 2”?

The Shield… he spent all of that time training on it. He clearly was not ready to use a lightsaber, not completely, yet. So this was going to have to work. No matter what the Sith would choose to do, Connel was ready to draw his shield. If Reign would charge, he would roll forward and pull it from over his back (over the lightsaber), if immediately attack, he would roll backward and do the same thing.

This was not same as a lightsaber, but it was what he was comfortable with at the moment.
Meditation? This Jedi was full of surprises. Darth Reign paced back and forth in front of the Knight, Pouring his malice into the force. He had no words for the knight now, he had caused the Dark Lord pain. Something that did not happen as often as it once did, but still brought the fire.

Pausing a moment to think, Darth Reign threw his hand out in front of him, attempting to use the force to push his opponent. Not a move he expected to work well, but one to throw his opponent off balance.

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
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