Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Live by the sword...

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Shu-Torun | OBJECTIVE : Search and Destroy | TAG (FOE) : Darth Reign Darth Reign

Caltin and Connel Vanagor share a lineage.

They share a surname.

They share many traits.

None of them include meditation.

Even as a Guardian, Connel took to meditation well as his father could never last more than a minute to a minute and a half. He was well aware of his surroundings, but that was the point of his surroundings as Connel had fallen into meditation deep and quickly. It would backfire on him big time as the Sith Lord’s attempt at what many consider a “basic” move worked well, almost all too well for him. Connel was caught off guard and found himself in a precarious position. He was unable to react in time and had no choice but to accept his fate. The Sith Lord's move had paid off. Caught him square in the chest and sent him rolling into the wall.

One thing about having some serious self-awareness was being able to think about what’s next, even when moving, or caught in a precarious position. The backroll was able to accommodate his pulling of his Combat Shield and once against the wall, Connel threw it at Reign.

If the effect was what he wanted, it would reflect right back into his left hand, if not? Well he had his lightsaber to fall back on.

Either way, Connel was not out of this, Reign may be bigger, he may be stronger, both physically and in the Force, but “There is always someone better.”
The Shield connected.. hitting the Sith Lord square in the chest and putting him down hard on the ground. He had felt secure in his superiority, but that had made him sloppy. A mixture of rage and shame flooded into the Sith Lord, thankfully his father was not still around to have seen that shameful display.

Standing slowly, Darth Reign glanced at his chest, bruising already starting to occur. This duel had taught him a great many lessons, both about himself and the Jedi. His pride was more injured than his body, however, that shield was nothing to be scoffed at.

Catching his breath, he clipped his lightsaber to his belt, alongside the one the Jedi had thrown to him before their duel. Looking around the area, Darth Reign spotted the sword he had come for. Looking to the Jedi, kneeling against the wall the Dark Lord said
"Thank you for this lesson, as a token of my appreciation, take the sword. I have gained something of far greater worth."

Calling his outer robe to him, he placed it back on. Turning his back to the Jedi, he walked out of the building and into the cool night air of the market. A smile on the Dark Lords face, this lesson had helped him to excise a flaw he had not realized he had, as well as giving him a valuable lesson about the tenacity of the Jedi. While not a conclusive win, Darth Reign considered the lessons learned worth their weight in the blood spilled.

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Shu-Torun | OBJECTIVE : Search and Destroy | TAG (FOE) : Darth Reign Darth Reign

Slowly getting to his feet, his shield secure on his arm, ready to be slung again if necessary or used as the blunt instrument it was, Connel prepped himself. The Force push knocked the wind out of him and he was still regaining it when he saw something that was…

… in a manner of speaking…

… unexpected.

The Sith shut his weapon down and clipped it to his belt? Okay, maybe hand to hand. Connel could do that if he had to. It all depended on figuring out what the behemoth in front of him was capable of and exploiting it.

A “Thank you”?

Wait? What?

He had the advantage, and he was not using it? This was something that would have to be explored soon enough, but Reign was literally walking away… and letting him have the Warsword?

... okay? ...

I should have taken the lightsaber too…

Picking up the Sith weapon, feeling the Dark Side course through it, but fighting the urge, not to fall to its cravings, but sniffing it to see if something was wrong with it… Connel loosely held it in a “reverse” pattern so as not to stab anyone by accident (or for that matter look like he wanted to), Connel gave the room one last once over of anything that was worth examination. There was a tome, of what looked to be an Acolyte, but he thumbed a couple of pages and it looked to be nothing special. So with that, Connel walked out himself, shield out and guard up in case this was an ambush for the first few hundred feet. All the while thinking about what to do with this sword.

I need to contact Allyson Locke Allyson Locke , or maybe Judah Lesan Judah Lesan , to figure out what to do with it.

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