Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA Update

Just a quick update for those interested or that I'm involved with in rps or the Val Cluster Campaign.

I got home late last night from the Convention (which while enjoyable would have been better if I hadn't gotten sick the day before going).

In a last minute update, my mother's surgery was moved from March, to tomorrow. Which means that I'll be spending today and tomorrow trying to clean up the house a bit as my Uncle will be staying with us until Saturday.

I am still working on getting things together for the Val Cluster Campaign, though it'll be a bit slow going due in part to having to take care of my mom when she gets back from the hospital and dealing with work.

Once more I thank you for your understanding and I look forward to when I can return to a normal schedule on the site and when I can implement the Val Cluster Campaign for everyone's enjoyment.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"],

I hope everything goes well with your mom!

Now that my own RL is stabilizing, I may end up jumping in on the Cluster Campaign too

She's home and doing good. She'll be getting the staples out this Wednesday.

You're more than welcomed to join in with the Val Cluster Campaign. It would be a welcomed sight to have you join in and be able to RP with you again.

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