Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just letting everyone know I'll be taking a brief LOA to use up some vacation days and spend a little more time with my family over the holidays.

I will continue to post as Varas Kyrel and Morro in the invasion to see it out to its completion, but after that activity will slow until I come back.

Happy Holidays Chaos! :)
Unfortunately I need to take a few more days off to deal with some family medical stuff that just cropped up. I am hoping to only be gone for about a week, but it could be longer. This affects the following characters with whom I have roleplays:

[member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Jakkor Kess"] [member="Decker Willo"] [member="Aurora"] [member="Betiliena Sudrenus"] [member="Oregano"] [member="Rhia Novatinsky"] [member="Averin An'Arach"]

In the Hoth Ren thread and the Endor prison thread, feel free to continue on without me.
Things are shaping up a little better today, so I'll be around but just posting slowwwwwllly.


Thank you for the kind words. :)

[member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Decker Willo"] [member="Aurora"] [member="Betiliena Sudrenus"] [member="Oregano"] [member="Rhia Novatinsky"] [member="Averin An'Arach"]

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