Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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OOC Writer Account
This affects the following characters:
  • [member="Ella Nova"] / Galactic Republic / The Jedi Order
  • [member="Darth Ayra"] / Mandalorian Empire / The Order of the Sith Lords
  • [member="Alicia Drey"] / Mandalorian Empire / Black Tie Syndicate / Chandrila DataTech + Group
Currently in the UK, particularly in London, we've just experienced the nicest weather we've enjoyed in years. Summer has arrived early. Despite this, I've spent all weekend in doors, spending the majority of my time on Chaos, developing my characters relations, businesses and in particular, the Rule of Two blog. I've spent a lot of time in the past 4-5 days on this board, that I was consistently in the top 5 posters for three days straight.

This is a spur of the moment decision, whence why I haven't added a specific time on how long this LOA will last. I'm the type of person who makes spur of the moment decisions. Suffice to say, spending the majority of my week roleplaying on Chaos, as well as playing Runescape and FiFA on my old PS3 in between waiting for replies to the threads I was writing in isn't healthy.

I see this LOA as something new. I've taken LOA's before, but they were done because I was either bored of Chaos or I was involved in drama that demotivated me into posting. For this first time in a very long time, I am stepping away from something that I enjoy because it isn't healthy for me or my life style. This is significant because I normally hold onto something that I enjoy and I abuse it to the point that I either become bored or demotivated to continue doing said activity.

In the past four months, I have tried (and failed) to make a significant mark on the Galactic Republic, particularly in the attitude of it's core writers to adopt new perspectives on how to deal with their IC situation. I have found and trained Darth Ayra's Apprentice, producing character development for mine and their characters that I am yet to see anyone else do in the three or so years that this board has been up. And I have reclaimed my first T3 company, as well as develop another to the same level. I have also helped two new major factions kick start (I'm not taking sole plaudits for this, it was a team effort across the board).

For those who have known me since I joined Chaos in 2013, then you know that it is inevitable that old Vazela takes a long LOA from the site and inevitably returns. Of course I will return to Chaos in time, to continue roleplaying, as I find roleplay to be therapeutic. Alas, as I have said before in this post, I am proactively making a decision to help myself IRL, rather than continue putting my head in the sand.

Whether it'll be for a day, days, a weeks, weeks or a month, I'll see you all when I come back. Sorry if this post comes across as a little melodramatic, but then I'm a melodramatic type of person when it comes to confronting something I don't necessarily want too.

Stay classy Chaos. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Connor Harrison


Fear not. Joon will find her way...


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