Benedali Serrus
Duchess of Alderaan
[member="Maka Sumoto"]
Bennie winced at what Maka said, his immense dislike for the dead Jedi evident in his voice. She wondered if, even now, Maka was still jealous of the Jedi. But that idea was quickly dismissed. Even though her archer had still acted like he was sweet on her, things had mellowed down since the time she'd had to go out and bring him back. He certainly hadn't repeated those three words.
The Duchess looked back up as he brushed away her tears, her own hand coming up to hold his. Despite herself, she smiled at his words. "Thank you, Maka. For -- *hic* -- for being here for me and -- *hic* -- not leaving me. *hic*" Of course the hiccups would come during a time like this.
Bennie winced at what Maka said, his immense dislike for the dead Jedi evident in his voice. She wondered if, even now, Maka was still jealous of the Jedi. But that idea was quickly dismissed. Even though her archer had still acted like he was sweet on her, things had mellowed down since the time she'd had to go out and bring him back. He certainly hadn't repeated those three words.
The Duchess looked back up as he brushed away her tears, her own hand coming up to hold his. Despite herself, she smiled at his words. "Thank you, Maka. For -- *hic* -- for being here for me and -- *hic* -- not leaving me. *hic*" Of course the hiccups would come during a time like this.