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Location Creation Questions

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got a few questions that I would really appreciate getting cleared up :) . So I want to use a canon space station, namely Kwenn space station which is a pretty vanilla station with little information on it. Would I need to create a location submission for it? (as i ask this I'm realizing mention that the codex is optional, and my initial guess is that it's not required, however the point to this question would be that I'm concerned if it became an important role-play location I would want the threads and submissions to back it up) two, I plan to use the location as a base of operations for my character, so if im correct the process would be to create a role-play thread explaining how control of it was gained, and i'm wondering if it's important for me to have a location entry beforehand, or even a company entry. sorry if this is confusing, I just want to be sure I follow the correct processes to set up a fairly large operation, I'd really appreciate some clarifications, thank you.
[member="Kendall Ginn"]

It would definitely be a good idea to create a Codex entry - it may well be a station with little history, but anything *you* do with it will change the canonical nature of it, particularly if you add modifications, change the layout etc. The existing station would have 'ancient' technology by Chaos standards, so I can't imagine you'd want to keep it as it was.

You're welcome to RP it out before you create a Codex entry: boarding it and starting to reclaim/revamp it actually makes for a good development thread (not that we require those anymore!). It'd certainly help you to write the history and description section, since you can essentially do what you want for it.

As you said, it's not essential that you add an entry to the Codex but I would recommend it, purely so people have a source to refer to when using your station in future RP - gives them something to go on other than what little is contained within Wookieepedia!
[member="Tirdarius"] thank you for the quick response, and i'm glad to hear that's the case I believe just having up as reference would be nice. As for making it up to date Chaos Standards are there any good sources for more modern tech in the forum? Or would I just need to scour wookiepidia and the factory?

Prisons could be considered military bases due to their heavy defenses/security but you could also simply submit it as a structure and detail the security within it.
If I wanted to create a chain establishment--say a chain of identical hotels--would it be possible to do this in one location sub by listing multiple locations? Or would each location need its own separate sub?

Duke Kyle DeVoe

Head of House DeVoe
Hello, I need to make some planetary defenses for Alderaan.
Basically 7 locations on the same mountain range that spans I believe about 2,000 kilometers in leght, and I need to space these defenses along that range. They all act as one, and use standard laser cannons and 1 ion planetary cannon for defense purposes only.
I will give detail of all laser cannons (and numbers) and only 1 ion cannon.

All these 7 outposts will be under my care and they only defend the Northern Hemisphere of Alderaan...not all of Alderaan. There are other Dukes and monarchy that will also overlook their own portions of the planet so that as a whole, the planet will have defenses all around.
I am going to submit just my defenses. But I need to spread them out along the mountain range that I oversee.

My question is: can I submit all seven locations (with details) in my providence, since they are all acting as one, and under my watch?
I am not claiming all of the defenses on Alderaan, just the ones in my providence, which may be 1/5 of the planet's defenses.
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