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Catalog Locke and Key Mechanics

Good Evening [member="Yijun Tung"],

Thank you for your order of one set of Cyber-eye Contact Lenses, One LK Spider Slicer and one Helios Luxury Yacht has been approved by our sales department.

Our delivery team will be in contact to arrange delivery of your products to you

Kind Regards

John Locke
Good Afternoon [member="Arc"],

I am happy to inform oyu our sales team has approved your purchase and your package of 10 Shive Knives is on it's way to you by courier now.

Kind Regards

John Locke
Good Morning [member="Ivory Stroud"],

As per our previous conversations, I am happy to confirm the sale of one LK Archimedes and one LOKI EWAR system to yourself.

Please enjoy your purchase and if we can assist you in any further way please do let us know.

John Locke
Good Afternoon [member="Zoe Rosella"],

I am happy to let you know that your purchase of 1 Hex Flight Suit, 1 pair of Cyber-eye contact lenses and one Jackal Sniper Rifle has been approved. Your purchase is being packaged for shipping and will be delivered by courier to you.

I hope you enjoy the purchase and look forward to your future business.

Kind Regards

John Locke
Good Evening [member="Maya Zhou"],

I'm happy to let you know your order of one sunshot pistol and one Jackal Sniper Rifle has been approved. Our sales department will contact you to arrange payment and shipment of your goods.

Kind Regards

John Locke
<< Incoming Transmission >>
<< Frequency Authenticated - Receiving Transmission >>
Greetings Mr Locke,

I have need of your services. I'm in the market for an astromech droid, something similar to the R2-Series. Are you in the habit of taking custom orders?

Addtionally, I have enclosed a request for two of your listed Items I would like to purchase.

If you have any concerns with the following, please let me know.

Jedi Knight, Bekk Mag'ra.
<< Transmission Closed >>
<< Opening attached Data-file >>
[member="John Locke"]
Good Morning Mr [member="Bekk Mag'ra"],

thank you for your message. I am happy to confirm that your purchase of the requested items, the Navi Virtual Assistant and the LK Archimedes Repair droid has been approved and my sales department will be contacting you shortly to arrange delivery.

As for your request for a custom built Astromech droid, that is a service we are happy to offer. If you wish to contact me with your requested specifications I will have our engineers work on that for you.

Kind Regards

John Locke
Greetings, again, Mr Locke,

After previously using your products I believe that the following would be beneficial for my troops,
henceforth I wish to purchase multiple of the following:
  • Jackal Sniper Rifle (x)
Many thanks,
Zoe Rosella

[member="John Locke"]

Richard Von

How about one of them luxury yachts, I have been needing a better personal ship.

[member="John Locke"]
[member="Richard Von"]

I'm glad you like it, your purchase of one Helios Luxury Yacht has been approved. Our sales department will be in touch with you shortly regarding delivery of the yacht.

Please enjoy.

John Locke

Shoden Moz

Lady Mischief of Nordel
// Transmitting data packet 1....

// Transmitting data packet 2....

// Connection Confirmed.

The Commenori nation of Nordel wishes to establish a contract with Locke and Key for eight of each of the following technologies.

1. Valkyrie System
2. Zeidrich Shield System

If you have any concerns, I would be delighted to discuss them with you. My personal contact information is enclosed for your convenience.

[member="John Locke"]
Good Afternoon Ms [member="Shoden Moz"],

I have personally reviewed your request and given Locke and Key's links to Commenor, and the history of your nation I have no concerns with approving your purchase.

My sales department will be contacting you regarding the invoice and delivery.

If we can be of any further assistance please feel free to let me know.

Kind Regards

John Locke

CEO Locke and Key Mechanics
|| Incoming Order from User ID 'Avenger'
|| Attn to: [member="John Locke"]

[1] Ghost Stealth Armour
[1] Crate of Shiva Knives

|| Awaiting Confirmation for Transfer of Funds.

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