Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Catalog Locke and Key Mechanics

Good Morning [member="Visanj T'shkali"]

Your purchase of the following has been approved by our sales team,

Legion Networking Software
EB-S Droid Brain

our delivery team will contact you to arrange transport.

Unfortunately the following submissions are limited to Locke and Key Mechanics subs only,


Myomer Actuation System

Kind Regards,

John Locke
[member="John Locke"]

Greetings once again Mr. Locke. The time has come to upgrade my gear and purchase a few new peices.

Shopping list

1x Jackal sniper rifle
1x Hex flight suit
1x Ghost stealth armor
4x LK PredX
1x LK War X (purple flame paint job if possible)

1500x Legionaire droids

Payment will be delivered upon acceptance of deal
[member="Jayce Pryde"]

Your purchase request of the following has been approved pending recipt of payment.

1x Jackal sniper rifle
1x Hex flight suit
1x Ghost stealth armor
4x LK PredX
1x LK War X (purple flame paint job if possible)
1500x Legionaire droids

My sales team will contact you to arrange payment and delivery shortly.

Kind Regards,

John Locke
[member="John Locke"]

After seeing how exceptionally well your droids perform in the field id like to order....

5000 more Legionnaire Droids

4 more War X droids

And enclosed are the blueprints and specifications for a line of droids id like to discuss with you my good Sir.
[member="Jayce Pryde"]

I am happy to inform you that your further purchase request of the following

5000 more Legionnaire Droids

4 more War X droids

Has been approved by the sales team. They will be contacting you shortly to arrange payment and delivery.

Kind Regards,

John Locke
[member="Dah'lek Cho"]

I am happy to inforum you that your purchase of Duramesh has been approved by the sales team who will be contacting you shortly to arrange payment and delivery.

Kind Regards

John Locke
Good Afternoon [member="Jayce Pryde"]

unfortunately the plans have not come through to me via the holonet. If you could please resend them I will review them and get back to you.

Kind Regards

John Locke
[member="John Locke"]

Apparently my late assistant forgot to enclose the blueprints.... A mistake they wont make again I assure you.

So instead I would like to set up a meeting with you at your earliest convenience.


My Patronus is an Ewok
The tiny Ewok waddles to the man known as [member="John Locke"] and tugged at the hem of his Jacket before spouting a stream of Ewokese filled with yub nubs and what sounded to most like gibberish.... All of which translated to....

Me Lorki, You Droid man Jonlok... You sell Lorki new things, Lorki give Jonlok many credits

And upon having said this Lorki reached into the pocket on his cargo shorts before handing the man [member="Jayce Pryde"] 's credit card and a list of products

4x Kath hound

1x Know things thing

12x boom knives
Good morrow, Master Locke

House Nargath wishes to procure a small amount of personal arms for their militant wing.
Should you be willing to agree upon this transaction, a purchase of 2000 VAARS rifles will be made and a further contract of exclusivity may be aqcuired upon further indspection of the agreed upon terms of purchase and procurement.

With regards,

Marquis Credius Arcosius Nargath of Eriadu
Good Afternoon [member="Credius Nargath"],

I am happy to inform you that your purchase of 2000 VAARS Rifles has been approved by my sales team. They will shortly be in touch with you to arrange for delivery of the goods.

As to the contract of exclusivity, I will be happy to discuss those terms with you if you are happy with the final product.

Kind Regards,

John Locke
// Incoming message . . .
// Attn to: [member="John Locke"]

> "I would like to propose an annually renewable contract for the use of the included list of Locke & Key proprietary technologies. Any manufactured products utilizing these LK technologies will not be listed for resale. I would be willing to pay a higher upfront cost to compensate the lack of royalties. Feel free to contract me personally if further discussion is required."

> Kashute
> Hodharium
> LK O.N.N.

> Myomer Actuation System

// Transaction awaiting response . . .
Good Morning [member="Dak"],

I ah mappy to authorise you to produce the following for use in your manufacture.

Myomer Actuation System

I hope they serve you well

Kind Regards

John Locke

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