Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Locke and Load

The city of Izrul was dominated by skyscrapers, the artificial structures clawing towards the skyline, like fingers grabbing at the clouds as if they could seize them, pull them to the will of their masters, the autocrats who ran the businesses operating those skyscrapers. Kiribi had always been a centre of industry for the sector, a planet where if you had a vision and the means to follow it through you could reach for the heavens, and achieve your goal.

The man sitting at the desk in the penthouse of one of those skyscrapers was one such man, John Locke had started off in one of the less affluential parts of the city but through a mixture of skill and pure blatant luck the man had clawed his way up to the top of the pile and beyond, taking a small shop helping his parents and their friends and building it into a galaxy-spanning corporation. But in the end, it was the individual care, the idea of helping an individual that he missed the most, that he most missed, and when this opportunity had come across his desk, a commision for an armour he'd taken it up himself, and, the man allowed himself a moment to preen as he stared at the armour laid out on a stand by his desk. It had turned out pretty well, if he did say so himself.

[member="Dorrian Korr"]
[member="John Locke"]

The silence would be broken by the sounds of knuckles rapping on the metal door. That would be the man who comissioned this order Dorrian Korr smuggler and all around hater of trandoshan slavers. The familiar sounds of the door sliding open would then come, almost like gas escaping. He then spotted the man behind the company, John Locke.

"Mr. Locke Dorrian Korr, it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person after talking to you over the Holonet." The man was visibly armed with 2 Fireman Industries SP-3 Magnetic Revolvers in hip holsters. He had a typical spacer garb, bantha hide pants, combat boots, a correllian long coat, white t-shirt and a battle belt, but one thing that was different was a pendent he had on a necklace. It was a bowcaster carved out of Woshyr Wood, a birthday gift from his adoptive Wookie Mother.
The sight of the spacer in the doorway brought an unconscious smile to John's face as he pushed his chair back to stand gesturing at one of the chairs opposite his desk. "And you, please come in, take a seat. Can we offer you any refreshments?" "By we he means me," The silver and Gold droid standing almost at attention behind tilted his head to the side, "It's always EX do this, EX do that, EX cut my food up cause I'm too lazy to do it myself. It really makes you cry to think that people actually trust him." "And this is my protocol droid, EX who would love to get you those refreshments, and perhaps some of those pastries I saw earlier." "You see what I mean?" One of the droids photoreceptors blinked for a moment in the closest approximation he could get to a wink as he stepped forward smoothly. "And what will you be having today sir, I do suggest the whiskey, it's very expensive."

As EX engaged the man in conversation John sank slowly back down into his chair, dark eyes flicking over his guest. It was the clothes, that scruffy spacers unifrom, that's what seemed so familiar. It was exactly what he used to wear years ago, before all this, the suits and the waistcoats and the designer brands. He really needed to make a point to spend more time in the lab in the future.

[member="Dorrian Korr"]
[member="John Locke"]
"I'm fine right now thank you I'll let you know if I would like anything I appreciate the sentiment really. I stopped and got something on the way here. Now then shall we get to business Mr. Locke?"
Ahhh, to be young again, to be so focused on getting somewhere that it overtook your entire mind. The man's metallic fingers tapped at the surface of his desk for a moment as EX took a step back, seeing the slight inclination of the engineer's hand as the droid reached back, pulling up the outfit on the rack, letting the light fall on the outfit as John nodded his head. "Well then, onto business, you commissioned us to build you a suit. I hope this meets with your approval."

[member="Dorrian Korr"]
[member="John Locke"]

I pick up the helmet and a smirk as I look at it and then a thought raced through my mind Thinks: 'This will help me with that damn Trandoshan'. I shake my head as I was spacing out thinking of the ways I could use this to get back at him and I look at Mr Locke. "Thank you....thank you very much this will help me settle a rather.....personal issue I have with a person. This is very well made I'm very impressed with the craftsmanship."
"Well, I'm glad you like it, we do aim to please, besides, each time you use it it's like a piece of free advertising for you know use it in good health and try not to get yourself killed too soon." A smile played over the man's lips as the sound of amusement echoed in his voice. "Besides, if you're planning on going up against a Trandoshan then I think it'll come in handy to have the extra trick up your sleeve." John didn't have anything against Trandoshan's himself, but constant exposure to the Wookies on Kashyyyk had left him with a certain set of prejudices. He was self-aware enough to realise that but that didn't stop him sympathising with his friends. "Just...don't let your personal situation cloud your judgement, it happens far too often."

[member="Dorrian Korr"]

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