Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Long distance Road trip

[member="Azlyn Ike"] After a while she steppedo ut and blushed some as she dressed after drying herself lookign around the place. "So suppose what else might be of interest here?" She asked feeling the dark side of the force pour through this place liek a thick mist.
[member="Catherine Soja"]

"Any number of things really, the creatures, the canyon where jedi made their homes and may have left artifacts buried. The world itself with the force all around. This is a less impressive world as opposed to a world you could do a lot if you are roaming around and using the force." Azlyn was looking at everything and preparing herself before she moved about.
[member="Azlyn Ike"]

Follwoed her. "Why? Why join the sith or at least the Dark Side? Why have this pwoer if jsut to do what every Hutt hired thug does?" She asked if for no other reason when else was she gonna get to ask a Sith questions and not be swung at by a light saber. As she followed along she seemed to think on what else she could ask. "Guess to me jsut seems odd, to spend you'rel ife in persuit of power just to kill things or be a tryant."
[member="Catherine Soja"]

She looked at her. "Well to be fair sith are boring at least now. They don't follow the reasons and beliefs of the sith. THey follow their own goal and ego. THey aren't fearful they might lose to a stronger opponent because they only go after those who can't beat them. There is something to be said for showing the weak their place yes but only fighting them so you can bolster your ego and then when faced with a real challenge cowering until you have a band of other sith there with you to attack. it is pathetic, the constant need to pretend they are good guys in the galaxy and try to force the jedi into situations where no matter what they can be made to look like fools therefore they are really the bad guys... is something weaklings do. I'd be better off as a hired thug, at least then there would be challenge."
[member="Azlyn Ike"] "That is why I refuse the dark side. strangely. If I have this pwoer I would seek to do good with it. To Prove myself by showing what i can do in the dire situations where others struggle. I do not need to defeat weaker foes to prove my worth. I find it strange sith I meet outside this covenant seem to all be lost in terms of whatever goal made them a sith to begin with. Otherwise what am I but the same as evry thug with a blaster and a few buddies? I beleive we are given this gift to do greater things than jsut whateveryone else does." She said trying not to sound presumtious or self important.
[member="Catherine Soja"]

"The black rose is something of an enigma that others ignore and hate. Because it doesn't seek to be all powerful it seeks to become something strong in the galaxy beyond just ruling over everyone." She stood there while looking over the lake and she could feel the darkside all around herself. "As to not using the darkside... well if you could be convinced to turn away from the lightside with a single conversation then that would be some very weak devotion compared to other things. Much much better to be a skilled force user with the power then someone who is able to be awayed by pretty words. More jedi should learn that talent."

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