Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Long Time No See

Kalic was honestly surprised when he heard about Jairdain Jairdain being nearby. He honestly hadn’t seen her in years, but figured meeting the person who taught him how to handle his Force Sight around other Force users. A lot had changed for him since then. The Eclipse Rebels, the Navis Sacra, darting around the Galaxy.

The Miraluka landed the Starcrest, jumping out and patting the side of the hull.

“I hope this person is who you remember she is.”

“When’d you get so negative?”

“After your ‘friend’ tried to shoot us down.” The Miraluka shook his head before waking out, headed to one of the local cantina’s before looking around. From the message she was here somewhere right?
The noise of the cantina might have confused a blind person, but not Jairdain. She had lived on Commenor and spent a good amount of time in the Palace there, along with other public locations. Learning how to keep noises subdued, she kept the world at a low hum and was able to pick out different conversations. Another thing she could hear was when the door opened or shut.

Reaching out with the Force, she knew when her old friend walked in. Times had changed for both of them, but he hadn't changed enough for her not to know him.

While Kalic might not be able to help her in her quest, he might be able to find people who could. Standing up...even though it probably didn't do any good, she hoped he would be able to find her in the crowd.

When he joined her, an empty chair was waiting for him. Smiling at him even if he didn't see it, she drew a small breath and sighed. Taking her seat back, drinks were placed in front of them.

"You can't be at a cantina and not drink something. How have you been, Kalic?"

Kalic Daws Kalic Daws
The Miraluka looked around as he entered the cantina, noticing the person standing. That was her alright. As Jair reached out to sense him she might notice another thread in the Force, but still, Kalic would smile, taking a seat and happily accepting a drink. It was good to see her again, and he'd take a sip of the drink before looking at Jairdain and answering.

"I've been good. A lot's happened, but.... Well I'm still here. Been a lot that's happened in between, but how about you Jair? Been good?"

Jairdain Jairdain
Lifting her glass, Jairdain took a sip at the same he did. Listening to his comment about a lot happening, she couldn't help but agree. Keeping a grip on the glass, she was silent momentarily while thinking about how much to tell her old friend.

She didn't intend to keep anything secret from him; she didn't know how much Kalic would be interested in knowing.

"A lot is an understatement. I got married, had children, my husband died in battle, and I'm remarried now."

This was almost the bare minimum of an update but probably contained the most important detail.

"One of those children is missing. And she is why I'm here."

Kalic Daws Kalic Daws
Kalic nodded as he listened, taking in what he said. Sounded like her life had its ups and downs, and now.... Missing her daughter. He looked, knowing how how much this was likely hurting Jair. He took a breath, thinking for a moment.

"Well Jair.... I don't know how I can help, but I want to however I can. There's some stuff I can't exactly... control. But I can at least be eyes, ears, and a gun." He was being honest. If he could help, he wanted too. Plus been a while since he'd done something like this. Would be a good way to help.

Jairdain Jairdain
"And those are exactly what I need, my friend!"

There might be some extra excitement in her voice, but Jairdain was quite pleased to be in touch with her old friend, even if they didn't keep in contact. A nasty habit she seemed to have developed. Not keeping in touch with people that mattered.

"Hopefully, the gun won't be needed, but I still appreciate that."

More than maybe either of them realized.

"What information do you need from me about her?"

Assuming an image and name were a good start, she had those ready for Kalic and wanted to know if there was anything else.

Kalic Daws Kalic Daws

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