Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Look Down (open)

The Admiralty
[member="Tal"] [member="Seren Ordavo"]

And yet again I spoke, perhaps just a bit outta line. Cause I was having the distinct feeling we were all talking in turns, but perhaps that was just me seeing pink flying unicorns again. Who knew these days. Anyway, I took a quiet look at our surroundings, nothing too important around except some guy with a mask standing in the corner and creepily whispering himself, so I figured I would speak up again once a thought inserted itself in my mind.

"If we were crazy, we would ave probably attacked you already, no matter the consequences." the wisdom itself pointed out, sure there were some but's and it's, but we ain't here on some kind of debate tournament. Besides, I was really fething hungry and wanted to get out of here.
[member="Tal"] [member="Nui Akona"]

"I've been on this rock for sixteen years. I'm getting on that boat, and the easiest way to do that is to work for you. If it's a question of what I can do..."

The droid's sensors register a temperature drop of twenty degrees centigrade. Frost everywhere.

"...I'm betting your boss will find me valuable."

Onith Trill

I'm not sure if they're not the crazy crazy this place was built to hold, but at the very least these guys aren't showing it. The whole display of making frost start to accrue on my plating is a little annoying, but mostly terrifying. Still, his logic was sound. Anyone who could lower the temperature by that sort of margin was somebody valuable, somebody he didn't want to mess with. His bosses though? They'd love to mess with a guy like him, at least enough to push him in the direction of whatever's comin at us. Not sure how well their photoreceptors work in the dark, but if they can see me they'll see I'm lowering my weapon so they're not looking at a couple of gun barrels.

"Name's Tal. Let's get y'all outta here then. Though before I forget." I pause for about point-four-seven seconds. "Hunh. My memory seems to have been corrupted in the last few minutes. Either of y'all see who got those Marines?"

[member="Seren Ordavo"] [member="Nui Akona"]
The Admiralty
[member="Tal"] [member="Seren Ordavo"]

‘Hmm, not me, I am afraid.’ beat wasn’t missed, reply came smoothly and on point. ‘Might have been nervous guards or the like.’

Honestly I hadn’t had a clue those were marines, had I known? Probably would have been a bit more nice and try to save ‘em. ‘least make them unconscious, ain’t like they did anything to us, right? Not that we can really do anything about it right now. Just a pity.

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