This metal-land disgusts me.
A'Shaddam Kterskt, a former Warlord of the Sand-people made his way through crowds of the worse rabble Coruscant had to offer, drunks, corrupt officers and power-hungry Sith, above the law, above gods and men - preying upon the civilians of the massive Ecumenopolis. But the Tusken knew little of this, he was largely ignorant of the galaxy at large. He was imbued with the force, but to him it was a gift from the sand-spirits. A'Shaddam knew not of the Sith, of the Jedi, of the massive warfare and the billions of life killed and born each and every-day. He had been wandering for the past six months in his dusty robes, and having heard of those with similar gifts to his, set his stolen transport on course to this dizzying land of twisted platforms, blindingly flashing lights and foreign letters.
Sand-caking the edges of his robes, he stopped - his "luck" sent a tingle up his spine, alerting him of possible danger. A similar feeling as to when he closed in and slew his first Krayt Dragon. What a true battle of the fates, of skill, of fortune and cleverness that was! A wistful smirk graced the Tusken's smile underneath his metal mask, his body completely cloaked as it was a sin of the most grotesque moral depravity for the Tuskens to show one's bare flesh to all but the closest of relatives.
He looked up, bright lights of emeralds and violets dancing in disorienting rays off the reflective surface of his chipped and dented mask. In-front of him lay a display, strange tentacle headed.... women danced in a degenerate display of the lusts manipulated, their bodies scantily clad and their lips twisting into alluring words of desire. Worse, water-fat merchants and thieves watched, enchanted by this display, attracted to it like the gravel-maggots to the flesh of the dead and the dying, men licking their lips, wasting precious moisture in their spittle filled weak words that sounded like pebbles on water.
A'Shaddam shook his head, a hand on the durastel hilt of his barbaric, incredibly crudely made lightsaber - one that used Krayt Pearls as crystals and was attached via power-cord to a small ship-battery on A'Shaddam's waist. It was a testament to either luck or ingenuity that the device even worked.
After moments of confusing navigation through the labyrinth of decadence and sin, he looked forward, sensing.... another like him. Two actually, apparently chasing one another like a worrt would pursue a sand-skitter on his native Tatooine. Vaguely intrigued, he merely watched.