Wesa new palos!
Looking to his surroundings Ghrom slowly uncurled from his ball watching Events unfold before him. Things were not looking well at all now, Sith had come?! Why! Ghrom scratched his head and thought for a moment. His wounds from the previous blaster were beyond healed he was just being a baby about it, He loved to act all pitiful it got him out of many situations but... This one. He watched [member="The Shadow King"] continue to fight a female sith [member="Darth Arcanix"]. Searching his Things he checked the items he had on him, Bandolier of ammo and Bounty Hunting equipment, a Holstered Scatter Pistol around his upper torso and his Trusty Big Game Hunting Rifle. That was what he had on his that would be useful at the moment, looking over to his Traditional Hunting Spears he frowned again and sighed.
He slowly stood up and watched the battle rage on in the alleyway. Ghrom then looked around, specifically up at the roof tops and started the slowly climb upward. It took the Amani Awhile but low and behold he did it. He was a Rifleman by nature and he was not going to let his friends fight alone with sith. Waddling in haste Ghrom positioned himself on the scaffold of a apartment building and heaved his Big Game Hunting Rifle to his high shoulder. He gave a stern look and glanced over the custom made Heavy Blaster Rifle, Designed to bring a Rancor and Krayt Dragon down with Ease.... What would it do to a Sith? He grinned and aimed down to the allyway. His small red eyes naturally had poor vision but in the scope he could see all! His Longer Fingers slowly pulled the trigger as he found his target...[member="Darth Arcanix"].
There was a pause and suddenly a loud Blast Emitted from the barrel. Even if Ghrom missed the unstable bolt of plasma would explode on impact and cause a small explosion.
" Die..." he muttered in broken English.
[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Jack Rand"]
[member="Solan Charr"]
@A'Shaddam Kterskt