Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Look Sir, Droi--I guy.

I, uhm.. Right..

The factory is for you to either A) Submit your original ideas as a blueprint, like a new metal, or B ) Make a production of goods for a company/group, or C) Submit your own equipment to canonize it and make it easier to refer to.

Or some combination of all of the above.

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

Hope you enjoy your time here - keep the questions coming anytime and we'll help you out.



Current Memelord
[member="Niyla Alura"] Indeed, the dank is strong with this one.

Yeah, that sounds great! You're the first person I've met so far that came from social media RP. Feels good to be relevant. XD
That place was craziness compared to how organized all of this is! I respect my past though, but social media is definitely not formatted for rp. At all.

And same, nice to meet ya dank master.


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