Jan loved Coruscant. Well, Jan loved the slums of Coruscant, his kind of place. It was a logical hiding spot, shopping center, and place to unwind. It was very similar to the Cantinas on Tatooine, so he felt right at home, until they rudely kicked him based on some outrageous evidence.
"You have already almost drank the whole supply this week! How are you not dead?!" the bar attendant yelled loudly.
"Well....(hiccup) you should have bought more liquor and stocked(hiccup) your inventory more efficiently! ALSO, I'm not dead (hiccup) becuase I'm not a piece of krak like YOU!" Jan said before, they threw him out into the street. Jan then decided he needed to get back to his Mako Interceptor and call it quits for the night. Jan wandered through back alleys, and streets. Where did I park that piece of junk?.......Ehhh I'll eventually find it.
Jan felt like the ground was purposely trying to trip him, though illogical that sounded, he was positive he had evidence as he walked throught the streets. Jan came upon a high-rise building that he think said "Coruscant Dockyards Central-In construction". Hey! I parked up there because I didn't want to pay the docking fee at the dockyards! But there seemed to be a confrontation out front. A metal angel, and a man carrying a viroblade, including a female that had an air of authority around her. Unfortunate for her, Jan gave no kraks about that and found her attractive, time to turn on the charm. Maybe I can show her around the ship.
"Hey! Didn't I see you in the strip club a couple blocks down? (hiccup) you need some practice but I think you'll eventually get it right!" Jan said to the female, through his helmet as he walked up to the group.
"I believe(hiccuo) that the junkyard is that way you durasteel man!" Jan said as he patted the metal man on the back and slouched against him.
Jan turned to the other man "You........(hiccup).....I can't think straight. Give me a couple minutes and I'll get back to you." Jan said as he scratched his head. Everyone turned and stared at Jan, making him feel just an ounce uncomfortable.
"What?! Never seen a tall, dirty robot Jawa before?!" Jan joked.Yeah, he was 89% sure these guys were now his friends, as everyone turned and looked at him.I hope they don't think I'm actually a Jawa.