Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking For A Worthy Starship

It was night-time, and the lights of Coruscant were near blinding as Darth Avian descended towards the bustling streets, dodging vehicles as he flew. He landed in a small gap between a bush and a building, retracting his steel face mask and his angel-like wings. He took out a piece of crumpled up paper. A friend had suggested a place that he could find a cheap star-ship, because he was low on credits. He wanted to make this trip quick and avoid trouble, so he removed his armour and put on a black gown which the hood hung down to conceal his face. He walked through the masses of people in silence, begging that no-one would try to stop him...
[member="Darth Avian"]

Michael pushed through the crowds trying to keep track of the Sith that had descended from the sky a few seconds beforehand. Michael hoped that nothing bad would come of this, as the only weapon he has at the moment is an ancient vibroblade.
[member="Michael Byrnwulf"]
Darth Avian continued towards a high-rise building, that was towering over him as if it were threatening him. He reached the door and took a quick look around to make sure no-one was following him. He spotted a suspicious figure in the crowd of people and quickly turned his head to continue into the building. He entered the doors and walked around a corner, hearing the footsteps of the figure close behind him.
[member="Darth Avian"]
Michael sped up to follow the man, he knew that even if he was noticed, the person would only see a guy going about his daily business just like everyone else on the planet. He stepped inside the building and continued to track the man.
Kajtia an Imperial agent for the The First Order just happened to be on Coruscsnt. The heavily dense poplulated world that was controlled by The One Sith, a faction allied to her own, the First Order. She had spotted the Sith, [member="Darth Avian"] not long after he landed. However she also spotted another following. [member="Michael Byrnwulf"], not sure who he was and why he nor anyone non Force Sensitive would be foolish enough to follow a Sith for a possible confrontation. Kajtia wanted to find out and also followed. Yet it wouldn'tbe long until the Sith himself caught a hold of his follower inside of a building, pushing him him against the wall demanding answers. Kajtia would then casually approach them both, the Sith although having his back turned would sense the approaching Imperial agent.

"Sith, is that man bothering you? I can have him arrested for you if you wish. I'm an agent of The First Order, we can further interrogate him if he fails to answer your questions."
[member="Kajtia Xiz'injhürek"] [member="Michael Byrnwulf"]
Avian dropped the person to the floor and turned towards the woman who was standing there, her blue eyes shining in the light. Leave him. He is a dirty mechanic, it's not worth the trouble. Avian kicked the man and removed his hood to reveal his face. Why are you here? he asked the woman.
As [member="Darth Avian"] dropped the man he had held on the wall and then proceeded to kick him, he would untimely ask Kajtia what she would expect him to have asked.

"I'm here because I spotted trouble, him, and decided to investigate. I saw that you were Sith from the start. I thought he may have been Rebel scum or something of the sort anyway. Looks like he isn't, however do whatever you please with him. Let him go or kill him, he is of no concern to me nor the First Order."

The tall woman then looked the strong build man in the eye.

"If you are looking for someone or thing, let me know. I might be able to assist you?"

[member="Michael Byrnwulf"]
Although as Kajtia sped off, she did have second thoughts. She made a sharp 180 degree turn and headed back, although this time she would park her speeder bike on a nearby rooftop and observe the two men from a distance. Ummm what's really going on between those two. She would say to herself.

[member="Darth Avian"], [member="Michael Byrnwulf"]
A wise guy. The words passed Kajtia's mind. Yet she would find out what these two men, a rogue Sith and a probable bounty hunter who carried a vibro blade were up to. She jumped back on her speeder and sped down to where they both were. She jumped off her speeder and turned on her small body force field shield. That would protect her in case someone tried to shoot her. But for the Sith, she had something else. She opened a little compartment on her speeder and retrieved a small cage. In it was a baby Yaslamir. She held it in her off hand as the Yaslamir had its effect voiding the Force around the three beings.

"Now you will both answer to me. You Sith, why are you here on Coruscant, what is it you that you seek? You bounty hunter or whatever you are, why were you following the Sith?"

[member="Darth Avian"], [member="Michael Byrnwulf"]
[member="Kajtia Xiz'injhürek"] [member="Darth Avian"]

"I didn't know he was a Sith when I first saw him." Michael told the woman as he crouched down to pick up his vibroblade, "My sixth sense just told me to follow him I guess."
"Your sixth sense just told you to follow him for nothing, really? And I'm supposed to buy that one? Well in all honesty I don't really care. I could arrest you for disturbing the peace. In following the Sith, you've just stirred trouble with him, and apparently for no reason."

Kajtia moved her head from left to right, looking at both men as she spoke,

"Suppose you can tell me what you do for a living? Why you carry a vibro blade? It's not exactly standard issue".

[member="Michael Byrnwulf"], [member="Darth Avian"]
Jan loved Coruscant. Well, Jan loved the slums of Coruscant, his kind of place. It was a logical hiding spot, shopping center, and place to unwind. It was very similar to the Cantinas on Tatooine, so he felt right at home, until they rudely kicked him based on some outrageous evidence.

"You have already almost drank the whole supply this week! How are you not dead?!" the bar attendant yelled loudly.

"Well....(hiccup) you should have bought more liquor and stocked(hiccup) your inventory more efficiently! ALSO, I'm not dead (hiccup) becuase I'm not a piece of krak like YOU!" Jan said before, they threw him out into the street. Jan then decided he needed to get back to his Mako Interceptor and call it quits for the night. Jan wandered through back alleys, and streets. Where did I park that piece of junk?.......Ehhh I'll eventually find it.

Jan felt like the ground was purposely trying to trip him, though illogical that sounded, he was positive he had evidence as he walked throught the streets. Jan came upon a high-rise building that he think said "Coruscant Dockyards Central-In construction". Hey! I parked up there because I didn't want to pay the docking fee at the dockyards! But there seemed to be a confrontation out front. A metal angel, and a man carrying a viroblade, including a female that had an air of authority around her. Unfortunate for her, Jan gave no kraks about that and found her attractive, time to turn on the charm. Maybe I can show her around the ship.

"Hey! Didn't I see you in the strip club a couple blocks down? (hiccup) you need some practice but I think you'll eventually get it right!" Jan said to the female, through his helmet as he walked up to the group.

"I believe(hiccuo) that the junkyard is that way you durasteel man!" Jan said as he patted the metal man on the back and slouched against him.

Jan turned to the other man "You........(hiccup).....I can't think straight. Give me a couple minutes and I'll get back to you." Jan said as he scratched his head. Everyone turned and stared at Jan, making him feel just an ounce uncomfortable.

"What?! Never seen a tall, dirty robot Jawa before?!" Jan joked.Yeah, he was 89% sure these guys were now his friends, as everyone turned and looked at him.I hope they don't think I'm actually a Jawa.
Kajtia saw the intoxicated man through her own peripheral vision as she was eyeing the other two men. She took several steps back so that now she could see the new comer in full view. He was slurring his words as he spoke, without a doubt he was indeed drunk. However that didn't mean that his reflexes weren't gonna be sharp in the event that he wanted a fight. For all she knew, he could be another Sith, although they were supposed to be on the same side, or maybe an undercover Jedi. If so, her baby yasalamir would keep them all honest.

"You there, what kind of a creature are you?"

Kajtia asked the man, since she couldn't see beyond his face properly, but knew he wasn't human.

"You have a reason to be here, or are you just lost?"

[member="Darth Avian"], [member="Michael Byrnwulf"], [member="Jan Valdum"]

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