Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking For A Worthy Starship

Jan couldn't believe how well thier esape was going. The thugs and mercenaries had been too focused on the cops outside to even stop them as they came down the stairs to the first floor. Thugs were running all around, trying to gather personal to fight the police. One of them yelled they needed to go wake up the people in the barracks. Jan gave a small chuckle at that, and moved in between Kajtia and Darth Avian. They eventually made it too the B-8 Bluejay on the first floor. Kajtia had to stun a couple people, but everything turned out all right.

Blaster fire was coming from outside the building. Jan knew they had a limited time to get out of there, before someone noticed something was up or the cops came busting in. Yeah, that would be a good conversation. "Why is that bloody man carrying a tied up man?".............."I got nothing."

Everyone got into the B-8 BlueJay. Things were about to end, until Darth Avian said he didn't know how to fly the ship. Jan sighed and brought Al'biss to the cockpit and took the rag covering his mouth off.

"Tell him how to fly."

Al'biss immediately went into great detail about the ship, like he was advertising it. Darth Avian eventually learned the basics and started to fly the ship, hovering it in the air. Jan shoved Al'biss to the rear of the ship.

"Since we are about to escape......well we don't really need you"

'What? Your letting me go?"

"Nope!" Jan said as he took his blaster and shot Al'biss in the face. Al'biss fell to the floor, and Jan immediatly took pictures of the body wiith the camera on his left shoulder. After his photography session, Jan opened the rear of the ship and threw the body to the floor of the warehouse. Kajtia looked like she wanted to say something, but didn't.

"Darth Avian you know how to use the guns on this thing?!'

Jan was replied with the railguns on the ship blowing a huge hole through a wall of the warehouse

"......Never mind! Go GO GO GO!"

The ship wobbled heavily as it flew out of the warehouse into the sky. Some cops tried to shoot at it with blasters, but they didn't even scratch the paint.

Jan leaned against the wall in the ship and slumped against the wall. It was finally over. The job was done. He just had to send the pictures to his employer, and the credits would be transferred to him.

Jan lowered his head, and closed his eyes as the exhaustion took hold over him.

"Darth Avian.......drop me off at my ship." Jan said weakly with his eyes still closed. He felt somebody move against the wall next to him and sat down. Kajtia.............go away

"............I have nothing to say to you," Jan said after 10 seconds of silence.


'................I'm not apologizing for using you guys." Jan said a little louder, starting to get fustrated at Kajtia's silence.


"It's just a job, don't take it personal." Jan said a little lower, and with no emotion.


Jan opened his eyes and stared through his helmet at Kajtia.

"What do you want from me?!" Jan yelled "This is what I do, and I enjoy every moment of it. You got a problem with that?!! You thought I was different, an innocent drunk piece of krak?!!!! Well sorry to disappoint, but I'm not!"

[member="Darth Avian"]
[member="Kajtia Xiz'injhürek"]

(note: You got your ship Darth Avian. You don't have to write anymore. You got your ship, sorry for the wait. We can finish it. I'm guessing, two-4 posts left.)
It all happened quickly after that. One minute they were in the warehouse running, the next on the ship making their escape. However Jan had disobeyed a direct order she had given him. He had murdered Al'biss in cold blood. How dare this thug disobeys an agent of the First Order. And furthermore he pretends to have feelings for me, but really uses me. You'll pay for this Jan.

"Avian land the ship at the coordinates of where Jan's ship is, we're dropping him off. By the way this ship is now officially yours. Long live the One Sith and the First Order."

Kajtia then discreetly signalled for her stormtroopers to intercept them as soon as they were landed. Several minutes later they did just that, land at the location of where Jan had left his ship. The three then exited only to be greated by three squads of stormtroopers."

"Halt! Don't move!"

One of the stormtroopers yelled out as they all trained their rifles on the three. Kajtia then pulled out her blaster and pointed it at Jan's head.

"You are under arrest Jan. Try anything stupid and I won't hesitate to use this on you."

Then she called out to the commanding stormtrooper.

"The other guy is Sith, his name is Avian, he is with us, this ship is his. Take this man Jan and detain him. He is an underworld criminal, I have a list of charges against him. These will be delivered or filed to you later.

Kajtia then starred Jan in the face, a hint of sorrow was evident in her eyes, but she had had no choice in the end. Jan as far she was concerned had used her, something she wouldn't take too lightly to in the end.

[member="Jan Valdum"], [member="Darth Avian"], [member="Michael Byrnwulf"]
Jan didn't move as the stormtroopers surrounded him. He knew Kajtia was mad at him, but didn't expect this. I made her mad enought, to arrest me.....after I got her into the building......after I told her I would watch her back......after I made sure everyone made it out safe!....................What did I do?...........(Jan stares down at his bloody cloths)................she doesn't get it.....

"Get on the ground!" A storm trooper shouted.

'...........I'm sorry" Jan said as he turned his head to Kajtia without moving his body. Kajtia gave a harsh laugh in reply

"Get on the ground!!"

"..............There once was a little boy on Tatooine, who had a mother and father.The mother an engineer, the dad a hunter. They taught him everything they knew, and growing up was....good." Jan saw Kajtia's gun waiver lower in confusion.

"One day the father went out hunting, but he never came back........... the boy's mother was devastated, and she had so much grief, she stopped trying to live. The boy watched her die before him, and there was nothing he could do." Jan said as he remembered his mother not eating anything he gave her.

"We will shoot!"

"...........The boy was left alone and his family, home, and everything were taken away except his dad's hunting rifle. He begged and worked on the streets, and he became cold inside." Jan threw his rifles, and guns to the ground.

"On the Ground!"

" The boy grew up and......became a monster.....and killed without remorse. He grew up with alot of pain......... He learned to never let anyone close, to never let somebody hurt him again like his parents did." Jan said without breaking contact from Kajtia


"You know why I drink?........It makes me feel human again." Jan said as he put his hands into the air, in fists. He then opened his hands, and let the concussion grenades fall to the floor. Jan jumped on top of Kajtia, her blaster scorching the side of his helmet, as the grenades went off. Jan pulled a knife onto Kajtia's neck, his hearing gone and his sight disoriented. Jan paused as she stared disoriently into his helmet.

"............Thanks for letting me feel human again." Jan said and squeezed her hand, not even knowing if she heard it. Jan lept off of Kajtia, and ran for his ship, picking up his E-11. Some storm troopers recovered and shot at him, his armor taking the hits. He felt pain roll over his body, but pain was nothing new for this monster.

"EMERGENCY OPEN!" Jan said as one of the shots pierced his armor, and he rolled across the ground. He quickly recovered and picked himself up.

The mako turned on, and the hatch opened. Jan jumped through the hatch, and closed it quickly. The last thing he saw before he got in, was Kajtia getting off the floor, and the storm troopers forming a barrier around her.

"GO TO DESTINATION SIERRA PAPA 2!" Jan said as his bloody body slumped into the seat.

The ship took to the air, as the storm troopers focused fire on it. The ship then flew through the night, leaving Kajtia and the storm troopers on the roof.
Kajtia just stood there as Jan spoke in riddles. And as he spoke and revealed his story, inside her heart sunk. Kajtia felt guilt. What had she done. She then would warn him that if he didn't drop to the ground that she would shoot, yet deep down she knew she would never be up to the task. She felt for Jan, despite him being a cold blooded murderer, in reality Kajtia was no different. Long before she had joined The First Order, she had been the next in command to the now turned Jedi, Kixi Rajki, once the first prime to the powerful dark lord Xiz'Jhan. Together they had rained terror on all who opposed the dark lord with brutal tactics, and even the use of biological weapons. And now here Kajtia stood, arresting a man for simply using her and disobeying her orders. Kajtia's actions were clearly out of haste, and now she would be sorry.

Jan raised his hands in the air, but not to surrender. Instead he produced concussion grenades that were detonated long before any of the stormtroopers could shoot. Then he would lunge at Kajtia dropping her to the floor. Then there was the knife to her throat. Kajtia's eyes suddenly wide open in fear. A flash memory would pass through her mind. That moment where Kixi Rajki and herself had been captured by resistance fighters. She would recall Kixi's pleas for Kajtia's life. Then the gunshot to the head which was supposed to have ended Kajtia's life. Yet she not long after had woken up in an identical body, her conscious transferred on execution. Yet now she was trillions of light years away from home. With the knife on her throat, if Jan slit her throat, this would be the end this time for Kajtia, as no transfer of consciousness would be possible being so far away from home. However Jan appeared injured, he would then remove the knife from Kajtia's throat and make a run for his ship and ultimately escape.

Kajtia got up as her stormtroopers surrounded her to protect her, while firing at Jan's mako, but to no avail. Jan had escaped. Kajtia wondered, Despite his injuries, he could've killed me and still escaped. He chose not to. Perhaps someday we shall meet again. Turning to Avian after the stormtroopers protecting her would move away after Kajtia had ensured them she was not harmed, she would bid him farewell.

"I hope you like your new ship. May you learn to excel in the ways of the dark side of the Force as a Sith. Perhaps one day I'll be serving you directly Avian. All the best and godspeed."

A stormtrooper transport would then descend upon them. Kajtia and the stormtroopers would then board it and fly off into the Coruscant night sky leaving Avian alone with his new ship.

[member="Jan Valdum"], [member="Darth Avian"], [member="Michael Byrnwulf"]

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