Aithne Charr
Heir of Fire
Hey all, Solan Charr here, pestering all you good folks far and wide for Roleplays once more. For those of you that don't know me, public information about Solan is that he is King of Kesh, a Dark Jedi, and a higher up in the Vitae Alliance, the latter of the stuff not that important unless you are looking to join it or incase you are looking to make deals with him that involve it. The former two though are what is normally associated with Solan though and he more than readily plays off those. He also takes regular trips when he has the time to Nar'Shadaa, Vitae Space, Rebel Space, and Republic space. Any of which you can find him in. What kinds of RPs really is up to you as i can really do anything from Dev Threads to just sit downs and talks between characters.