Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for Diplomats!

The Chaos galaxy is a big place, but over the past several months its gotten a lot smaller as several more major factions have joined the mapgame across each alignment. The staff team has been doing the best we can to create new opportunities and story hooks for our memberbase within our own borders, but sadly that means that our efforts in establishing diplomatic relations with our more lightside or at least neutral oriented neighbors have fallen a little by the wayside IC.

In case you think this is just Zark blowing smoke, and that this would be some grand project that ends up coming to naught, several staff teams have reached out to me fairly recently looking for more diplomatic opportunities with Galactic Alliance writers, so if you sign up for this initiative you will find threads.

Basically, what we are looking for is volunteers to serve as IC liaisons to some of the other major factions. This will earn you major cred within the faction, allow you basically unparalleled access to the IC leadership of other major factions, and just generally allow you to earn a lot of influence and make friends elsewhere, both IC and OOC, all while helping out the GA! It will also let you experience other faction threads a little more, as part of these duties will likely entail occasionally helping out your assigned faction with their doms and other threads to keep the dialogue alive.

The following factions are actively seeking diplomatic relations with us, or have been in the past:

Silver Jedi Order
Iron Empire
Commenor Systems Alliance
Free Worlds Coalition
Confederacy of Independent Systems
The Metal Lords

So as you can see, a lot of people would like to have a word with us, and my Sullustan can only politik so quickly! Please let staff know in this thread, or send one of us a PM if you are interested, or would like further details about what would be involved.


Ciana Teigra

[member="Zark"] If it's okay, then I can get the ball rolling with the SJO.

Slightly off topic, but I'd also like to the Kiribi hex to be annexed by the GA in a dominion. I can get that started if it's alright.
[member="Ciana Teigra"]

As you probably have way more SJO contacts than me, it sounds like a good fit. :) Regarding Kiribi, I don't have any objections in theory, but I should point out there is a blank hex between it and our closest territory. To annex it, someone would need to sub or find an appropriate canon planet for that hex, and we'd have to dom that first. Its not a dealbreaker, per say, I just thought you should be aware of the extra work involved.

[member="Lily Kuhn"]

Fantastic! :) From your post, it seems like Commenor or FWC might be a solid fit for you, but if any of the other factions catch your eye, let me know any personal preference. Once you've chosen, or asked me to, I can reach out and find an OOC point of contact for you to get things rolling.

P.S. I miss you in discord.
[member="Lily Kuhn"]

Awesome! I'll reach out to Veiere and Kay, let them know the good news, and also will make a mental note that you are down for backup duties. Basically I plan on giving representatives a wide degree of latitude here, plan whatever type of thread seems fun for both sides, if you need more hands than just a one on one feel free to make a post recruiting more members or what have you. We'd appreciate it if you ran any huge treaty stipulations or defense pledges by staff, and I'll probably keep up with your threads out of my own personal interest, but I don't plan on looking over anyone's shoulder with a magnifying glass.

Beyond a thread establishing ties, as I said it would be appreciated if reps could make an effort to drop into the occasional host faction's threads, just to make the GA's presence felt a little more outside our own orbit, help the faction feel a little less insular. Other than that, feel free to come to me with any ideas for fun things to promote faction interaction/cooperation in the future.
[member="Middenface McNulty"]

Perhaps you'd like to help out with the Metal Lords? You're a robot. They're robots. It seems like a good time.

[member="Tiland Kortun"]

Any preferences as far as the remaining factions on the list? SJO and CSA are taken (unless Irma kills Lily), but there are some cool opportunities all over the place left.

Ciana Teigra

[member="Zark"] Okay, I'll get something setup with Connor this weekend.

I totally missed that on the map. For now, I'll just say Kiribi is a protectorate of the GA or something if that's alright. I'll look into filling up that hex in the meantime.

Sor-Jan Xantha


If you'll take a chance on a new character and a new member of the faction, I can take the Iron Empire. My main is over there, so I talk with the faction admins on a daily basis, and already have floated the idea of diplomacy between the GA and IE to them to "grease the skids". Got the thumbs up from their side.

It helps me because I've been looking for a place to get this character started, and it would play into the idea of his being an ambassador-at-large for Atrisia (so minor trade deals, negotiating access by the NJO to the Ilum Temple/Crystal caves, etc would all play into his "learning" how to be a prince). And his being young would allow another character to come in and be the "senior representative to the Iron Empire" if they wanted.
[member="Shoma Ike"]

I don't see why not! I think having ooc faction ties probably makes this sort of thing a lot easier, so if you're interested by all means either you or I can reach out to Isamu about it. :)

[member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Stel Tinto"] [member="Aldir Vitaan"]

Awesome to see some new blood on the political front, maybe I'll have to see about freeing [member="Jaius Sovv"] from First Order imprisonment. Also hi Ally.

Free Worlds Coalition
Confederacy of Independent Systems
The Metal Lords

These are the remaining factions without an assigned primary GA diplomat who is not me. Ideally I'd like to match you all up with the ones you prefer, but as I have yet to assign [member="Tiland Kortun"] we may have to resort to a first come first serve system. That being said, the more diplomats we get, the more we can expand the program! I think three would be our absolute upper limit, but since it seems we have at least one extra, one of you will likely get a buddy and we'll be able to pair more writers up the more diplomats show interest.

Excited to see renewed interest in this initiative, its something the faction has needed to make progress on for too long now.

Sor-Jan Xantha


There's a couple you didn't mention that might also be interesting.

In theory at least, we should have some diplomatic lines of communication open to the First Order and the Galactic Empire, to prevent minor misunderstandings and otherwise wield economic-political options in favor of military actions to resolve any disputes.

Could be good background flavoring for stories, especially where skirmishes emerge.

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