Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for Diplomats!

[member="Shoma Ike"]

True enough, but I wanted to concentrate on those groups with the most chance of potential positive relations and get those relationships in place before we moved onto the next phase of the project, which would be diplomacy with our enemies. The First Order and the GA were just in a war, a war the GE helped them fight, so I would say that for the time being at least our relationships are pretty clear. Factions like the Iron Empire and the Confederacy, on the other hand, we've yet to even do a thread with.

If people have pitches about treating with the Imperials in the near term, I am of course open to hearing them and talking them over, but I think the immediate priority for this project should be establishing and defining relationships with factions who have not yet gotten a chance to interact with us in any kind of official capacity.

That being said, we should probably add The Collective to the list.
I'm in The Collective's Discord and know the guys there pretty well, I could probably take on relations with them fairly easily if it worked for you. Otherwise, the Free Worlds Coalition interests me as far as a faction to negotiate with goes.

[member="Aldir Vitaan"]

Full disclosure, I don't know a lot about the way the Collective works IC. To my knowledge GA staff hasn't had much official contact so far with their admins, so this really depends on how interested they are/how feasible this story line would be. I know a big part of the faction's theme is "secret conspiracy", but if there is a public front or fronts that would be interested in establishing ties with the Alliance, you'd probably have an easier time setting this up than I would!

If the Collective doesn't end up panning out, we can shift your focus to the FWC and you can live the Alderaanian high life for a while.

The advice to others in this thread still pretty much applies, don't sign any defense treaties or declare war on anybody without poking someone on staff first for a green light. Otherwise, take the initiative on determining how you'll approach negotiations, unless you'd rather I help brainstorm some potential story hooks. If you have any questions/concerns/ideas about how to improve the initiative, post em here, PM me, or hit me up through the GA discord or DM.
[member="Cal Tamplin"]

Apologies in the delay in response, we are absolutely still looking for diplomats! The remaining factions from my initial list are

Free Worlds Coalition
Confederacy of Independent Systems
The Metal Lords

That goes for [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Stel Tinto"], and [member="Aldir Vitaan"] as well. We're also at the point where it will likely be necessary to start doubling up, so if any of you are more interested in helping out with a faction on the original list, let me know your preference and I will put you in touch with the diplomat already assigned.

Also let me know if any of you newer political characters would like to talk shop on how best to fit your character in the faction. We give people a pretty free reign, but if you had any questions about the details of GA government, I'm available to chat. :)

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