Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Looking for Hay in a Needlestack



Wearing: Worn out street clothes
Equipment: Lightsaber [hidden]
Location: Nar Shaddaa
Tag: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Darth Temerant Darth Temerant

Brandyn tugged at the corners of his faded leather jacket. It was an act of annoyance and frustration.
"Get back in the restaurant, Caz," Brandyn said, harsher in tone that intended.

"No. Brandyn. I refuse to go with a....Jedi," Caznar said with his words tailing off into a whisper.

Brandyn was grateful to the Klatooinian that he had still had the decorum and kindness to keep Brandyn's status secret. Whatever issues Caznar had with Jedi, he was at least offering Brandyn in the ability to leave with his cover intact.

"I am...your best safety, Caz," Brandyn said, voice now turned to pleading. He was also now struggling with his gag reflex as the air wafted with an unknown mix of chemicals.

Caznar shook his head and pointed towards the door to the restaurant.
"Go. Before you hurt yourself even more."

Coughing harshly, Brandyn resigned to leaving the street, but would not lose sight of Caznar. He slipped back into the restaurant, only to keep his eyes focused through the windows on the one he still aimed to protect. Only now, from a distance.


Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
The crowd, despite thinning, seemed intent on getting in his way in one form or another as he attempted to slip through to the restaurant as quick as he could without drawing attention. Thankfully he could keep his eyes on their target without nearly as much resistance. :"He's talking to his accomplice, probably something 'noble' about sacrifice or whatever else. Keep an eye on the restaurant if you can, we can't have a witness getting away if we can help it. Who knows how much he's been told.":

Better to not risk a credible information leak if they could help it, even if it did mean tying up every loose end in the most literal sense. :"Apprehending target now.": With the Klatooinian now alone and a brief gap in the crowd Alisteri saw his chance and took it. In a bust of speed he rushed forward and slammed into Caznar's side before he could get too far from the restaurant, pushing and dragging him into the nearby alleyway as fast and as suddenly as he could manage. Speed was key when trying to maintain the upper hand.

He wasted no time pulling his lightsaber from his belt as he pinned their target against the side of a building. "No more running, Jedi scum." In one swift move he pressed the emitter of his weapon against the Klatooinian's chest and ignited the blade, making sure that it would most likely run him straight through with little chance of survival and keep his blade relatively hidden in the process.

Darth Temerant Darth Temerant / Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren



Tag: Darth Temerant Darth Temerant Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

A frown took over Brandyn's features as he realized too late that Caznar was in the process of being apprehended. Even as Caz was ushered away from view, Brandyn was out the door and heading back into the caustic mists of Nar Shaddaa. This time, his shirt was pulled up over his mouth. It provided little to no help, but for the psychological.

"Caz!" Brandyn called out, probably foolishly. However, very few people looked his way. Nar Shaddaa was a place that people tended to stick to their own business.

He was across the thoroughfare in seconds, but already coughing and blurry eyed. Still, he was able to see through the blur that Caznar was slumping to the ground, and there was a figure standing over him.

His instinct was to defend his friends honour, but he knew the futility of that already. He knew that it was only increasing his own risk of being targeted, which he figured right now was pretty high already.

" that you? Get inside before you get even worse off...I'm headed back in," Brandyn said, addressing the shadowy figure.

His backpedaling took him into the main concourse, a flashing purple light caught Brandyn's attention and he moved with Force assisted haste towards the door. The sign, as blurry as it was to him, flickered it's feminine silhouette again just as he disappeared inside.


Temerant observed as his partner dispatched the Klatooinian Jedi Master. Good riddance.

"That was clean," Temerant observed into the comms, admiring Strosius's handiwork. "Good job," he commended.

Still, something felt... distinctively off. It had been too easy of a job, particularly one that had put two high profile members of the Inquisition on the prowl. Either of them could have handled Caznar alone, and then some. He clicked his tongue, considering what had just happened.

"Is it me, or did his death feel... lacking?" he asked Alisteri then. He had killed no small share of Jedi in his line of work, and normally, there was a sense of... resentment in the Force when they died. Like snuffing out a great light. And yet this had felt more like blowing out a candle. Besides, Caznar had put up no fight. Tried no distractions. Jedi had a knack for needless sacrifice, but normally as a last resort. This was much too rushed.

His attention turned to a call then, eyes spotting the passenger through the thermal imaging. It seemed innocent enough, all things considered... Yet he felt it was not entirely urgent enough, for someone who'd just followed a Jedi through a man-sized, lightsaber-made hole. The haste with which he made way into some sort of sleeze bar, however, was remarkable, and nothing if not urgent.

"I just spotted the passenger," he let his fellow inquisitor know, before letting out a pensive growl. "Headed into the stablishment with the purple lights. Do me a favour and check the Klatooinian for a lightsaber. I'm going to give pursuit."

With that, he let go off the railing, using the force to manage his descent, rolling over the ground before coming to a stand, moving to follow Brandyn into the building.

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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
:"It's only a single Jedi dead, of course it feels hollow. Coruscant still stands after all.": Despite his remark he did agree that the death was far too quick and easy. Jedi did enjoy their self-righteous sacrifices of course but usually they involved a grand speech and a narrow escape, not a simple death in some dirty alley. All in all Alisteri was disappointed really, he had been expecting a real fight from a Jedi Master of all things.

The sound of steps behind him caused him to tense up and prepare himself to draw his blade once more but thankfully the Jedi's companion was quick to leave him alone in order to get out of the fog. He was tempted to swing around and try to decapitate the interloper in one quick slash but instead merely let the man go by, but he didn't dare draw his blade from the body of thw Klatooinian while he was being watched. Better to not alert the locals if he could avoid it after all.

:"Good hunting Inquisitor.": Admittedly he doubted that Temerant would need the luck, given that their target's friend was more than likely some local caught up in the whole ordeal.

Alisteri finally deactivated his blade and returned it to his belt, kneeling down as the body slumped down the wall without the weapon holding it in place. He checked over belt and other usual hiding places for a lightsaber, but found nothing aside from a small blaster and a credit chip. An empty credit chip at that. The masked man clicked his tongue and went back to searching but again found nothing that would hint at a lightsaber. His eyes narrowed and he glanced around before reaching up to unclip and unlock his mask, pulling it off after a small hiss escaped it. Acting quickly so that the fog didn't irritate him as well he pulled one of the body's arms up to his mouth and sank his teeth into the wrist. There was nothing special about the blood that flowed into his mouth however, not a single sign of the Force that he could detect.

The Sith muttered a string of curses as he quickly fitted his mask back on and tapped on the communicator once more as he got to his feet. :"That damn slug lied! Caznar is not a Jedi, I repeat Caznar is not a Jedi! I'm coming to assist your hunt.":

Darth Temerant Darth Temerant / Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren



Tag: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Darth Temerant Darth Temerant

The mood lighting, the dull thrum of bass filled music and then unmistakable aroma of a dozen sentient species sweat all mingled together told Brandyn exactly what he had just walked into. He slowed his pace to a casual but purposeful walk. A creepily curvaceous droid rolled over on its independently geared wheels. It's raspy, feminine voice was almost in time with the rhythm of the music.

"What can I interest you in this evening, young sir? We have the finest of southern Nar Shaddaa at your disposal."

Brandyn glanced about the patronage and activities in the establishment and felt an instant uneasiness.

"Just a booth," Brandyn said, "somewhere out back if you can...and some time alone."

"As you wish," replied the droid, with a long sweep of its arms towards the back of the building, "we charge in ten minute increments. Any damage done to the facility will be charged directly to you...are you expecting company to join you?"

The droid was holding its hand out as if requiring payment. Brandyn grimaced. How was he going to explain this to the billing department?

"Ah...I may," Brandyn said, maintaining a pace that caused the droid's wheels to whir louder as it kept pace. He handed over the credit chit, which the droid slid into its built in transaction terminal.

"Understood sir. Enjoy your stay. Please be sure to check out with us and allow time for room inspection before departure."

The droid entered a code into the control panel, and the door slid open to reveal a smallish room, no more than five meter squared, with a single crescent shaped couch sitting in the middle of the room. The walls were lit up with undulating purple and red lighting that emanated from a globe suspended from the middle of the room.

How many times could he use the 'cut through the wall and escape out the other side' trick today? He was about to find out.


Unlike Brandyn, Temerant felt no particular way about the kind of establishment he'd just entered. He didn't indulge in such affairs, and what people indulged in with their credits and their time did not concern him one whit. His focus was the mission and there was precious little that could distract him from it, the sensuous scenery nothing more than background noise to the Inquisitor.

"What can I..." Temerant was swift to cut the droid off.

"Friend of mine just entered the building," he remarked, making a wave to Alisteri as he followed suit, indicating his position. "Young. Black hair. Good looking fellow. Me and my friend wish to join him. Good credits," he offered. "Is that a hydraulic arm shaft I'm looking at?" he asked after a quick scan of the madame droid.

"Oh, that's a good eye, gorgeous," she noted, her vocabulator expressing flattery, though Temerant did not give it much credit, given his attire. "Your friend did say he might have company. But perhaps you'd care to..."

"Maybe some other time," Temerant grunted, producing a credit chit. "My friend. Now," he demanded.

"Right this way," the droid understood the urgency. Ten minute increments were nothing to scoff at in her establishment. "Right this way," she motioned for him to follow as her wheel got to work.

Temerant merely nodded, getting ready for a fight. Whatever was to follow, it was bound to be unpleasant, no matter the kind of establishment they were in.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Alisteri wasted no time in crossing the street to enter the building after his fellow Inquisitor and their target, barely even sparing a glance at the eye-catching sign other than to confirm which building it was. He did not indulge in such basic pleasures himself, especially not whilst hunting a Jedi. Rather his gaze swiveled around as he entered in search of Temerant instead of any possible 'entertainment' that the establishment offered.

Thankfully he had barged in just in time to spot the back of his fellow Inquisitor as he moved through the building and towards the rear. Unfortunately Alisteri himself had been spotted by one of the greeting droids and before he could follow after the other Sith, the droid had moved in front of him. "Well aren't you tall, dark, and-" The masked man tossed a credit chip from his pocket to the droid, who quickly caught it, as he interrupted the greeting. "My friends are in the back, I can find my own way there."

Without waiting for a response he moved past the droid and marched after Temerant. "Sir I-" "No thank you, have a good day." Alisteri, in a very polite manner, put his hand on the droid's face and pushed it aside as it tried to follow him. He had no time to deal with some adult entertainment droid even when he wasn't occupied by a mission.

Despite his rush he knew that his fellow Inquisitor would arrive at wherever he was heading first, and if the Jedi hadn't found a back exit then more than likely their target would be engaged before he got there. Hopefully he would arrive in time to assist in the kill rather than being left to drag the body of his partner out of there. His lightsaber had yet to leave his hand and was firmly clasped in it, slightly slid up his sleeve so that it wasn't obvious to the other patrons of the establishment.

With any luck, they would never know that any Jedi or Sith had been there.

Darth Temerant Darth Temerant / Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren



Wearing: Worn out street clothes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Nar Shaddaa
Tag: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Darth Temerant Darth Temerant

His mind raced. There was no way out of here through a secret back entrance, even one created by his own blade. There was no way he was drawing his blade and getting into combat, that would leave him targeted and his Nar Shaddaa cover burned. This was not a world friendly to the Jedi. He looked down at his lightsaber that had instinctively come to hand. He grimaced.

He walked over to the couch, and placed the lightsaber on the couch. Retreating to the far side of the room, Brandyn shook his face to release the tension that had built up. "Ah...blah...wawa..." Sounds were made to regain control of his range of speech modulation. His head tipped to the side briefly as he realized again the humor in his acting classes again being his last resort.

The moment the door opened, Brandyn was a frightened street rat. The saber sat on the couch between him and his would be attackers. His hands lifted up and his face was that of one of fear...a cornered sheep with wolves baring down. "Caz made me take it...I didn't steal it honest..."

His eyes glanced about from side to side, as if looking for a way to escape, but resignation was allowed to wash over his face. "...I don't want trouble with Talgo...I was just trying to help a friend..."

Adding partial truthes kept the micro-expressions of dishonesty from Brandyn's visage. It was a technique he had picked up while undercover with The New Way.

"...take it..."

Her pointed at the lightsaber on the couch.

"...tell Talgo I didn't want it...please..."


Temerant entered the room slowly, blaster at the ready. He immediately pointed it at Brandyn, waiting for his partner to join them, hand ready to pull his lightsaber to him at a thought's notice...

But instead, he found the young man arguing for his life, lightsaber nearby. The man growled, reading the biometrics in his helmet's visor.

As Darth Strosius joined them, he did not stop training the blaster on the young Jedi, moving to grab the saber and lifting it for his partner to have a gander.

"Kid says Caznar gave him the saber," he let him know, even as Brandyn pleaded that they assuaged Talgo.

"...Biometric scans suggest he's telling the truth. And I do not identify any further source powers that might suggest a concealed weapon," Temerant let him know. "But those can be fooled with enough training," he conceded. Considering who Strosius was, however, he likely didn't need to share that factoid with him, except for the keeping up of appearances. His time in the Tsis'Kaar had taught him all about fooling technological assessment, with or without the Force. A trained Jedi Shadow could very well bypass his sensors - something he planned on fixing some day.

But Strosius had seemed certain a moment ago that Caznar was not a Jedi. Clearly, he knew something Temerant didn't. And something... Something just didn't feel right. This whole mission had stunk from the beginning, and he did not cherish the notion of doing wetwork for a hutt. His eyes narrowed on the slightly younger man, studying him, his instincts honing in for something his tech might miss - or as well as they could behind the layers that concealed him.

"The Klatooinian was the objective," he had to remind himself as much as his partner. "But at the end of the day, it's your call," the Knight Inquisitor concluded. Whilst many Sith reveled in collateral damage, it was, for the most part, inconvenient to their particular brand. They worked from the shadows, putting up smoke-screens and diversions, their hand rarely seen in their work. Too many unjustified cadavers outside of mission parameters and questions were raised. If Strosius had some insight that escaped him, he was sure he'd make the right call.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Alisteri wasted as little time as possible slipping through the crowds and even pushing past the droid that had been leading his partner to the room until he finally stood next to the now-open door. He peered around Temerant, his masked gaze landing on the seemingly frightened and scruffy man occupying said room. For a moment he merely stared at the man as the other Inquisitor updated him on the situation, as if his eyes alone could pierce through any potential lies or falsehoods that were being presented in one form or another.

His senses detected nothing but what one would expect to find from some random citizen that was being accosted by two armed and armored individuals, no trace of the typical surety and steadfast 'heroism' that he usually sensed radiating from Jedi. Of course that meant little in the grand scheme of things, even simple criminals could hide their emotions or guard their inner feelings from a light probe if they were determined enough to do so.

They would have to rely on some other method or observation to ensure honesty then.

The masked man clicked his tongue and sighed as he moved past Temerant to step inside of the little room, minding his feet. He couldn't even imagine what had taken place in this room, nor did he want to, so better to be careful where he stepped. Just in case. "Caznar gave you the lightsaber hm?" It wasn't really a question given that they all knew that it had to have come from somewhere, and from their information Caznar was the most likely source even in spite of his lacking Force Sensitivity. Which raised the question of where and how he got a lightsaber.

"He wasn't a Jedi, you know. He died too easily." He stated something so chilling in the same nonchalant way that one would note the color of an object. "Jedi make a far grander show, whoever gave him that lightsaber painted a target on his back. The Jedi have a habit of letting innocents die in their place just so that they can 'avenge' them later on to save face, it seems your friend had that fate befall him."

Alisteri stared down the civilian for another moment longer, as if to measure the response of the man, before straightening up. "My condolences." With that he simply turned around and left the room, nudging Temerant to follow as he passed by him. "There is nothing of use here, that slug has all the information we need."

Darth Temerant Darth Temerant / Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren



Wearing: Messy street clothes
Equipment: N/A
Location: A non-family friendly establishment on Nar Shaddaa
Tag: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Darth Temerant Darth Temerant

The sides of Brandyn's neck felt hot, flushed with embarrassment and shame. This really was the best and safest way out of this situation, but he felt dirty. Like he had trampled on his friends name to save his own hide. His mind was not allowed to wander just yet, but he would surely later spend time contemplating his own future. He was unsure if this is something he could always be alright with.

The heat in his neck was passed of as tenseness, and sadness for his friends death. It wasn't hard. The scene was both tense and sad. He kept the Sith in view, but did not make it obvious that he was looking them over. They were an intimidating pair. Brandyn was confident they would be more than equal to him...probably more than equal to two of him.

This is the only way.

His shoulders tensed. Unsure as to what they Sith would do. The Sith's final words before leaving the room should have been a tension releaser but instead were a gut punch. Brandyn could not help but wince. His expression turned the other corner of his mouth up into an apologetic smile.

"Thank you...oh...thank you..."

'Poor Caz...I told him not to mess around with Talgo..."

Poor Cax indeed. The Klatooinian could have done with less enemies...and a better friend.



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