Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking For More Threads!

Connor Harrison

Hi all.

I need threads. I need stories to really get into. I need to keep writing....


I lost momentum in my recent Skirmish after my LOA and I need to get it back to ascend with the Dark Side and boost my activity with the Sith and First Order.

Looking for new writers, and old.

Push boundaries, make it dramatic and fun and exciting just like the SW movies with real character development and new relationships forged.

I won't let Connor fizzle, and I am here to get him back on form and have completed the first part of this, and now I need more for the second.

So any allies? Enemies? In between? Come my way.

Please shout or PM if you want to flesh something out or shoot ideas.


I'd be down. Need to get this character into stuff. [member="Connor Harrison"]

Also holly crap your a Sith now? xD

Connor Harrison

[member="Enigma"] Yeah that little plot point is something I need to develop.

Anything you need for your new character in terms of development?

Connor Harrison

[member="Rakieh Atur"] Feel free to hit me with any ideas you have for your man and I can oblige for sure!

[member="Jacob Crawford"] Snap to Connor being different too - that sounds interestng....

[member="Janos"] Happy to help you out, I'll shoot you a PM.


Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Abyss"] Reallllllllly? Hmm. Interesting!

Well, the Sith are proving a tricky bunch to integrate with due to Connor's history I think, and the First Order opened their doors to him a little more to find a footing.

However I'm hoping he will be a warrior for both - serving the First Order and supporting the Sith as he has his few contacts there.
Well Abyss has a few philosophical differences with the ren (like most sith) considering that they give all their loyalty to a supreme leader, who isn't even a sith. New chains and all.

Could be an interesting thread, but it would be counterproductive for Connors integration into the sith.

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Abyss"] ....hmm. Didn't know they were almost anti eachother. That could prove another hurdle to cross!

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