Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking to meet new people!

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
If you'd like to @[member="Phoebe Draclau"], The Baroness would have no problem hosting a visitor; even if it is to get some knowledge of the force out of the whole situation.
it's always good to make friends! Phoebe's family is dead well her immediate family. She has been frozen in Carbonate for the past 400 years. She would love to wander about and see the people of this generation!

@[member="Zoey Marix"]

@[member="Ignasius Van-Derveld"]

@[member="Baroness Magrath"] I could defiantly teach you a thing or too in the Force

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
I would greatly appreciate that @[member="Phoebe Draclau"]. She's recently just had her latent force sensitivity awoken, so she still has some things to learn.
@[member="Adamus Straife"] She's a former Sith and basically still dark. She is wary though as last time she trusted a Sith she was frozen in carbonite for 400 years

Hey @[member="Darth Vornskr"] no *eyes*

Cool @[member="Baroness Magrath"] I shall think of something
@[member="Phoebe Draclau"]

Oh, you can trust Adamus... if you're nice. But yeah, we could just do a thread where we meet up through random circumstances and take it from there? I'd be roleplaying with Monica Bellucci!
@[member="Adamus Straife"] That sounds good. I can make a read tommorow unless you want to start it up.

I almost forgot @[member="Baroness Magrath"] where can I find you?

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