A brilliant fire
Location: Onderon | Sector 11Appearance: Link
Outfit: Shadow Gear
Weapon: Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Aayla Shan
"I'll hold you to it... By your lead."
Valery smirked, possibly because something made her friend blush, or maybe just at the idea of what could happen on a girl's night out. She wasn't a big drinker, and alcohol tolerance was a lot higher for Jedi capable of filtering their bodies of it, but if she pushed things far enough, it could get pretty interesting quickly. She also wondered how Aayla would handle it, if at all.
But she quickly set that aside when they turned back to their mission objective — there was time to think and laugh later, they still had a mission to complete. So with her focus back, Valery began moving through the jungle again, her face now exposed but her mind still ready to do what they had to.
"I gotta say, its hard imagining a time when we aren't just going from one fight to the next. I almost miss the times recorded in our history texts. There was a war back then, sure, but Jedi didn't need to fight nearly as much as we do now. If it isn't one psycho band its another. Bryn, Maw... The eleventh thousand resurgence of Sith. I wish there was a way to just..."
"There were times of peace as well, but now?" Valery sighed and nodded in agreement, "It's difficult, and there aren't as many Jedi as there once were either. Sometimes it really does feel like we have no time to breathe and travel from one front to another without time to spend with friends or family. I wish it-" she suddenly stopped, and quickly gestured forward with her head.
The entrance of a cave into the hillside was visible, but it was the darker presence within that really had caught her attention. But the woman inside had felt the two Jedi as well, and emerged from the cave with a crimson blade in her hand, "Good to see you again, Valery. Came to kill me?" she asked with a twisted grin.
"Can't say you haven't tried that with us," Valery briefly glanced.
The woman chuckled and looked at Aayla, "Even brought a friend to help you with it. Let's see if you can actually do it," she raised her hand, and much like her first confrontation with Kahlil against this clone, the woman launched a surge of lightning at Valery. But unlike last time, she didn't just freeze up. She raised her blade and gritted her teeth as she caught the attack with the violet plasma.
"Aayla!" she called out, hoping to get her into action to stop this attack.