Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lora Tey


NAME:Lora Tey
RANK: 'Pleasure Girl'
SPECIES: Togruta
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 7"
WEIGHT: 119 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: None
SKIN: Orange
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes. Unknown to her.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) Secretive: Lora is capable of hiding her true intentions from others. Hiding her emotions is no difficult task for her.
(+) Multilingual: After having to work with several 'clients' from different species, Lora has learned to speak and read several different languages.

(-) Broken: Lora's will is depleted. After years of being in servitude, she simply has no will to fight back or, sometimes, to even live.
(-) Clumsy: Lora has been known to not be very coordinated. Not at all.


Shortly after Lora's birth, her parents had sold her into slavery in order to pay off a debt they had owed to a Duros crime lord named Jahlek. Jahlek raised little Lora and trained her in the art of pleasure. When she grew to a desirable age, she was immediately put to work. Each passing day was torture for her. Each day, her will to live waned. If someone did not come for her soon, she would be forced to live her life the way it is until her final days.




[member="Lora Tey"]

Want more than someone to save you? A master who has connections to not only teach you to prevent these evils happening to you and others, but also use the Force to wipe these memories away for good giving you a bright past.
Lora Tey said:
[member="Silara Kuhn"] Someone has to be my knight in shining armor, right? :p
Liberate yourself, set yourself free from your bonds with your own hands and take fate into them. You can become your own master, you do not need another. There may come a time where you find someone you might consider yourself equal with, but do not let yourself become a slave to submission. Liberation by another is only a trade in ownership - and you should never submit to another.

Only the weak submit, and only the strong may rule. Rise up with invigorated strength and cast off your chains, become strong. Rule not only your own destiny, but lead others with you - only then can you find freedom.

Only then can the force set you free.
[member="Silara Kuhn"] That sounds .. nigh impossible. I've grown up like this. It's all I know. To me, there's nothing besides this. I can not liberate myself from the only thing I know without help.
[member="Lora Tey"]

Knight in shining armoured is not my intentions... Though my armor is shiny. I merely need an active Padawan as all of mine seem to go inactive. Ironic two of them was the same writer who likes going inactive. Also, I like the idea of having your spieces as a Padawan. If you want to keep the memories then that is your call, all I offer is to be your master and to join the Vitae Alliance to rid the world of Sith *cough* [member="Silara Kuhn"] *cough*
I think you meant world and not word...

If you noticed I didn't say anything about fighting. Hakora is a warrior, yes, but Votae Allaince is not solely military and there are other ways to rid the GALAXY of Sith. Diplomacy and converting them to the light are ways.

[member="Lora Tey"]

Connor Harrison

[member="Silara Kuhn"] speaks wise words...I like her.

If you want to be free, [member="Lora Tey"], let me help you break the chains that hold you back and learn to serve yourself; no Lord or Master should sway you with false pretence to enslave you to their Order.
[member="Lora Tey"]

Ana was forced into slavery as well at a young age. If she needs someone to talk to Ana can listen and give advice or just listen. She has been there herself and knows the trials. Ana can help you find the strength and give you the to move forward and be the master of your own destiny.
[member="Silara Kuhn"] - Is that passive sexism I detect? ;)

[member="Lora Tey"] - Jokes aside (and Force help me for saying this) I agree with her. You don't need a Knight in shining armor, fate saw fit to give you two hands. Bloody them and earn that freedom.

*deposits $0.02*
[member="Krius Syonis"] I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

[member="Anastasia Rade"] When I am freed, I would definitely need someone to talk to. See you then.

[member="Isley Verd"] Would you be upset if it took me almost a minute to figure out what "*deposits $0.02*" meant?

But, yeah. I'm not gonna let someone do all the work should they come to rescue me. But, I'm still looking for, at least, a push.

Connor Harrison

[member="Lora Tey"] One piece of advice? Don't waste your time with [member="Anastasia Rade"] - I don't think she can master her own destiny, let alone give you advice how to grab yours. I'll see you through so you don't have to listen to anyone but yourself.

(And I think [member="Isley Verd"] meant by "deposits $0.02" - that's his two cents on your situation. )

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