Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lora Tey

Connor Harrison

[member="Lora Tey"] The choice is yours, as it always should be.

I'll be here to pick up the pieces when [member="Anastasia Rade"] lets you down and I've finished with her....
[member="Lora Tey"], I'd be happy to help. There are a few of us gathering in a seedy bar in this thread right here. If you were to be there as well I'm sure I would be happy to cut someone's head off with a vibro-blade, rescue you, and claim diplomatic immunity. Not that I'm above making use of the service you were sold into, just that I don't like forced servitude, bullies, or okra. I'm betting I'd even have backup if things went pear-shaped. Just shoot [member="Mark Crassis"] a PM if you'd like to be added!

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