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Approved NPC Lord Carapace

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  • Age: 46
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: At 6'1 and weighing 165 Ibs, Lord Carapace is an imposing figure, wielding impressive strength with a build to match. Eye tattoos have adorned his face for many years, but are now faded against the cybernetic jaw that now rests where his organic one once sat. His skin is grey from the corruption of the dark side, though he has aged well despite this. He usually wears stylised battle armour, meant to hearken to the Sith armour of the Old Empire.
  • Name: Atlos Carinhall, Lord Carapace
  • Loyalties: The Sith Empire
  • Wealth: Moderate
  • Notable Possessions: A simple, single bladed, one handed lightsaber.
  • Skills: Ruthless warrior, Force Choke, Form V
  • Personality: Solitary, however is short tempered and often lashes out violently.
  • Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber
  • Combat Function: Is more than a match for most enemies, however due to his reliance on his lightsaber, becomes less dangerous if he is disarmed or taken by surprise.
  • Impressive strength for a human
  • Skilled in Form V lightsaber combat
  • Charges headlong into battle
  • Significantly less skilled with the force than others of his rank
  • Prone to violence

The man who would become Lord Carapace was known before as Atlos Carinhall. A commoner on the planet of Bespin, he was taken to what would become The Sith Empire at a young age by his parents, who feared that their son would destroy them if he stayed. Over the next 2 decades, he was trained to become a Sith recruiter, led to believe that he was saving them from a life of misery. During his time recruiting, he encountered and was severely injured by a Jedi Master, who severed his jaw. This led to him commissioning a replacement cybernetic jaw, only adding to his fearsome look.

Near the end of his career as a recruiter, he discovered and took Curtis Learchin by force from his adoptive family on Dathomir, leading to the destruction of The Children of Talzin. Since then, he has taken a position as an observer at the fringes of Sith space, granted the rank of Lord for his many years of service.
[member="Curtis Learchin"]

Curtis Learchin said:
Force Sensitivity: Lord
This needs to conform to the template.
Force Sensitivity: [ Choose from: Force Dead, Non-Force User, Untrained Force Sensitive, Apprentice/Padawan, Knight, Master. ]

Master would be the equivalent of Lord.

Curtis Learchin said:
Loyalties: The Sith Empire
Hyperlink Sith Empire please.

Curtis Learchin said:
Species: Cyborg
Cyborg is not a species, it's just an individual with cybernetic implants (e.g. Vader was a human cyborg, so was Malak etc.). Put in the appropriate species please (e.g. human).
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