Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lord Vexx’s Search for the Asylum

Jakob Benson

Benson could no longer stay relaxed. Not when it felt like tiny hot needles were poking inside of his brain.

This was exactly why he hated Force believers. They terrorized, bullied and most of the turmoil in the Galaxy was because of them. Their narcisism was to blame, and it only boosted their egos.

He spoke through grit teeth as he responded to [member="RenVexx"] ; "I don't fear you. And I don't need to control you, as you put it, in order to get answers to my questions. And lack the faith in yourself to not lean on your crutch. How....interesting...." He'll have to jot it all down. When he is able to do so.

@Natian Sanorge
“Is that... hate I sense? Hatred for the egotism of the Jedi and Sith. All Force users. The power that leaves you motionless, creates a mindset you hate so much you try to cure it. Do you ever succeed Jakob?” Vexx pushed harder into Benson’s mind. Access codes, significant locations, such inner workings of the asylum. “It can stop Jakob. Let go. Let your mind speak for itself.”

[member="Jakob Benson"]
Aboard Vexx’s battleship, Captain Drake ordered “Get me direct communication with the lead ship of the enemy fleet. I will speak with their commander.”

@Natian Sanorge

Jakob Benson

Now Benson tried to move. His face and body showed the effort that he was putting into it. Beads of sweat formed while he tried, his eyes looking to the buttons on his desk.

Still [member="Ren Vexx"] pressed him further, the sensation of hot needles in his brain now grew to that of nails. "Yes...I have...succeeded...." And this was why he needed to succeed further. This sort of thing shouldn't be allowed to happen. Such skills should be forgotten.

Only Benson and the police droids had access everywhere in the asteroids. The ciuple of other sentients that worked there had only limited access. The laser gates in every corridor helped to stop any break outs or rescue attempts. And they would surely be activated soon enough.

~Dr. Benson? What are your orders? As per directive15, if you do not respond in thirty seconds, the self defence protocols will be initiated.~ Already a unit of the 501-Z Police Droids were mobilizing to join the others already waiting outside of the appointment room.

[member="Natian Sanorge "][member="Christopher Drake"]
“Tell them it’s fine Jakob. I’ll stop pressing your mind.” Vexx leaned in and spoke into Benson’s ear. “Even if this is something like hypnotic suggestion, you’re feeling it, and I can make that stop. If you want me to believe you’re unafraid, act like it. If I can do this to you, think of the things I can do to your assistants when you’re too afraid to ‘treat’ me yourself.” He pushed harder and activated the comlink.

[member="Jakob Benson"]
“Captain. It has been some time since we last heard from Lord Vexx’s strike team. I get no readings of any kind.”
“Send a signal to the Fleet Commander. Per Lord Vexx, we are at war.” The lieutenant saluted and walked away to send an encoded transmission. “Continue trying to raise the enemy. Turn the railgun. Keep the shuttlebay doors open. Launch the 1st Legion.”

3 shuttles left claiming to be there to reclaim the crew of the shuttle already in the bay, and repair a damaged engine.

Vonar Ardinn

On board of the Overseer , the Captain was observing the current situation , the enemy Battleship had begun preparing it’s batteries and in response the Captain ordered the entire Fleet to do the same. “Sir the enemy ship is trying to communicate to us should we respond.” one of the officers asked. The Captain waited and responded. “No , our mission is to prevent them from capturing Jakob Bensen

Then 3 Shuttles departed from the enemy Battleship , and a signal was intercepted from the Battleship by the Listener. One of these signals was a transmission in which the Pilot from one of the shuttles was stating that they were moving to pick up the troops left by Lord Renvexx , however he knew that they were lying and that it was clearly a strike team. “Deploy a Tie Phantom Squadron and have them cloaked on approach to those shuttle , contact the enemy commander and tell them to turn back those shuttles. Meanwhile have all Fighter and Bomber Squadrons ready and alert Doctor Bensen that an attack is incoming.

With that order the officers scrambled to execute the order , 1 Tie Phantom Squadron composed of 7 Cloaked Tie Phantoms left the Overseer and began tailing the 3 Shuttles. Meanwhile a message had been relayed to Natian Sanorge and Dr.Bensen about the possible attack.
In the Iniquitous Sanitorium , Natian Sanorge watched as the 501-Z Police Droids moved towards the appointment room , as they droids moved forth to confront Renvexx as he thought , Natian Sanorge left the living quarters to head for the Hangars in order to take command of the forces he left there as he was messaged by the Overseer , Natian immediately deduced that the 3 shuttles contained strike forces and told the Captain of the Overseer to disable that Battleship and destroy the shuttles. Natian would protect Jakob Bensen through all means necessary. If he failed he would make sure the Eternal Empire paid the price for such actions.

[member="Jakob Benson"] | [member="Ren Vexx"] | [member="Christopher Drake"]
The shuttles broke off formation and fled into the asteroid field. 3 warships emerged from hyperspace at that moment. The cavalry. The ships assumed formation and returned fire. “Retarget the railgun. Destroy one of the smaller ships.” Drake said.

@Natian Sanorge
“I sense movement.” Vexx changed the comm channel. “They’re coming. If you’re not alone, I suggest you become that way.”
“Yes my lord.” Squawked the reply. Vexx’s strike team opened fire to clear Sanorge’s force from the hanger. “Sentients always tip their hands. A man is here to see you. Not a patient. Certainly not a friend. But he has a vested interest in your remaining alive. There’s a battle in space, in your hangar, all because of a bounty.” He chuckled. “Ensign Relnek is currently at the navigational station on the bridge of my ship. I am Lord Vexx. Lord Commander of the Warship Vengeance and General of the 93rd Ultranaut Infantry division. I lied. So I could torture and kill you. The bounty is a bonus.” He pushed deeper into Benson’s mind. Exactly where was his equipment?

[member="Jakob Benson"]

Vonar Ardinn

Location : Hoth Asteroid Field
Objective : Defeat Renvexx’s Forces

Directorate Task Force :
  • 1 Pellaeon-III Star Destroyer
  • 1 Donnager-Class Star Destroyer
  • 3 Nebulon-A Frigates
  • 5 Dreadnaught Mk II Heavy Cruisers

As Natian’s Forces moved forth to try to help Jakob Bensen they were ambushed by Renvexx’s Strike Team. However with Natian’s Supercommandos having armor capable of taking a beating Natian’s Forces held their ground taking out a few enemy stormtroopers as they moved forth to secure the Hangar.

In space , the shuttles instantly fled into the Asteroid Field and the Tie Phantom Squadron uncloaked and followed them. As the Tie Phantoms evaded the Asteroids they were able to destroy 1 shuttle and damage another as they approached the Iniquitous Sanitorium with the Tie Phantoms continuing to pursue their enemies. Meanwhile the Enemy Battleship had been reinforced by 2 more Warships and opened fire on Directorate Fleet in which returned fire on the enemy forces , Tie Avengers and Tie Phantoms were mobilized and began moving out of the hangars of their vessels as they sped towards the enemy fleet with the Directorate Ships moving into position to engage with the enemy fleet intending to prevent them from destroying the Iniquitous Sanitorium.

For Natian this was a bold move , from the enemy and he was prepared for it. As the Supercommandos fought against Renvexx’s Stormtroopers they were reinforced by 501Z Police Droids who then helped Natian’s forces push repel the attack allowing Natian and his men to secure the hangar for moment as Natian spotted 2 shuttles pursed by 7 Tie Phantoms enter the airspace over the Sanitorium.

For Natian this was bold , the enemy had fewer ships and less fighters and he had well trained troops with armor that could only be penetrated by getting impaled by a lightsaber. For him this enemy force would be quickly disposed of the then the Directorate would pursue Renvexx to wherever he came from. Natian knew that this Battle would only be the beginning of a far larger struggle as the Directorate never let it’s enemies escape that easily.

Tags : [member="Jakob Benson"] | [member="Ren Vexx"] | [member="Christopher Drake"]
Vexx retrieved what he needed from the doctor’s mind. It was a difficult journey. The only way Vexx could survive was by virtue of his Master’s having trained a high pain tolerance into him. He dragged the immobile Jakob Benson behind him. When they arrived, they found a stash of Force-user’s gear. He left Benson next to some Jedi equipment and found his own. First, gloves, then mask, finally his prized lightsaber. He ignited the blade. In his mask’s filtered voice, he said “You should have called them off.” Digging for information weakened someone. Benson had been through a few rounds one more tired push and he was on his way to the hangar with a Sith Lord. Vexx was hoping to encounter [member="Natian Sanorge "]along the way, or in the hangar. But killing his soldiers would do for the moment.

Arriving at the hangar, he slid Benson across the floor to the few troops he had left, pushed to the outside. “Take care of him.” He Force pulled one of Sanorge’s troops towards himself and thrust his lightsaber through the soldier. Vexx launched himself into the middle of the room and did what he did best, fight, kill, and enjoy it.
Two star destroyers emerged from hyperspace. The railgun tore holes in one of the frigates, leaving a sizeable one in the bridge. She wasn’t down, but no one was driving. The shuttles were forced to retreat covered by squads of Tie-Interceptors. “Captain. We are not prepared to wage war here.” Drake stood still. “Yet it found us all the same. I want his lead ship destroyed. Disabled at least destroyed if at all possible. Refocus all batteries and open fire.”

(2 Valiant-I class SD)

Jakob Benson

Benson had never encountered a Sith Lord before and it showed, given that he couldn't keep [member="Ren Vexx"] out of his mind. Nor could he break the hold on his body. Still he was firm in his beliefs that it was all done through the power of suggestion.

Why did the laser gates not get turned on to prevent them from moving to the hanger asteroid? Vexx and Benson should have been trapped. Someone must have gained access to their security room.

Units of 501-Z Police droids opened fire on Vexx's troops once Benson was pushed towards them, in a bid to free the Doctor. Never had he ever been in such a battle before and a small part of him was welcoming the new experience for further insight into the plights of some of his patients.

But first he had to survive.

[member="Christopher Drake"] @Natian Sanorge

Vonar Ardinn

Location : Hoth Asteroid Belt
Objective : Defeat the forces of [member="Ren Vexx"]

Directorate Fleet

  • 1 Pellaeon-III Star Destroyer (Minor Damage)
  • 1 Donnager-Class Star Destroyer
  • 3 Nebulon-A Frigates (1 Destroyed , 2 with Minor Damage)
  • 5 Dreadnaught Mk II Heavy Cruisers
  • 4 Tie Phantom Squadrons
  • 4 Tie Avenger Squadrons
  • 2 Tie Heavy Bomber Squadrons

As the battle raged on 2 Star Destroyers emerged from hyperspace as the enemy railgun fired on a Nebulon-A Frigate vaporizing it’s bridge and causing a chain reaction that destroyed the Frigate. “We need to disable that railgun at all costs , have all available fighters and bombers target their Plasma Collectors and have our Frigates and Heavy Cruisers defend the Star Destroyers. Contact [member="James Cerensp "]and tell him to bring us reinforcements and drop behind the enemy Fleet.” Ordered the Captain.

With that , 30 Tie Phantoms , 40 Tie Avengers and 20 Tie Heavy Bombers moved forth and raced towards the Vylma-class Battleships , plasma Collectors , with the Tie Phantoms and Avengers with their shields covering the Tie Heavy Bombers and the Heavy Bombers moving forth to launch their first Attack run against the Battleships Plasma Collectors.

In the Asteroid Field , the Squadron of Tie Phantoms (10 Fighters) were engaged in a dogfight against Tie Interceptors and despite being outnumbered by the Interceptors , the Tie Phantoms Shielding allowed them to take a beating from the Tie Interceptors and before long , three quarters of the Tie Interceptors sent to cover the retreat of the enemy Shuttles were destroyed with the Wing Commander himself moving forth to pursue the Shuttles in the Asteroid Field.

Meanwhile in the Hangar , Natian Sanorge’s Forces met with Renvexx who killed one of the Supercommandos. “Concentrate Fire on the Sith Lord” Natian said as he pulled out a blaster and opened fire on Renvexx followed by his 7 Remaining Supercommandos who then attacked the Sith Lord with 3 of them pulling out Kortosis Blades and charging towards the Sith Lord in an attempt to neutralize his Lightsaber.

Elsewhere on Bespin , James Cerensp having received the signal from the Captain of the Overseer arrived at the Headquarters of the Red Dragon , a nearby ally of the Directorate to meet with it’s Leader in order to convince him to mobilize his forces and come to the rescue of Natian Sanorge and [member="Jakob Benson"].
The Ultranauts had grabbed Benson, but Vexx’s attention being elsewhere, Benson would regain minor control of his muscles. Not enough to walk yet, but turning his head and basic movements. The laser gates had not been up because Sanorge had gathered the police droids to assault the hangar before they could carry out standard protocols.

[member="Jakob Benson"]

Vexx flipped out of the middle. A blaster bolt scorched the outside of his left arm. “Enough!” He yelled. He picked up a supercommando and crushed his throat from 10 feet away. “You.” He pointed his blade at Sanorge. The supercommandos seemed to stop out of instinct. The blade wielders waited to be ordered to kill. “Take a blade. We solve this one to one. For one.”

”Natian Sanorge. Step forward.”
“Target fighters with ventral turbolasers.” Flying into an Eternal Empire fleet was suicide. When their fighters were damaged beyond repair, they flew them into enemy craft. There was no greater honour than to die in service. The un damaged shuttle made it back safely. The other was forced into the least safe location possible. The asylum. A crash landing. The emergency doors started to shut as 1/3 of a legion of Ultranauts poured out.

[member="Natian Sanorge "][member="Jakob Benson"]

Jakob Benson

Benson was already not liking this day. Through the gaping maw that was the entrance to the hanger, he could see some of the battle being waged out there in the coldness of space.

The grip that [member="Ren Vexx"] had on him appeared to be slipping. Enough that he was able to move and to even speak. "Well this is entertaining..." A sarcastic remark, yes, but his work was interrupted. And now his once hidden facility was not so hidden any longer. That meant some changes had to be made.

Meanwhile some of the anti-air cannons on the asteroids were being utilized to try to keep enemy fighters and stray asteroids away from them.

[member="Christopher Drake"] @Natian Sanorge

Ivan Stadd

Location : Hoth Asteroid Belt
Objective : Defeat Renvexx’s Forces

Directorate Fleet :
  • 1 Pellaeon-III Star Destroyer (Minor Damage)
  • 1 Donnager-Class Star Destroyer
  • 3 Subjugator-Class Star Destroyers
  • 3 Nebulon-A Frigates (1 Destroyed , 2 with Minor Damage)
  • 5 Dreadnaught Mk II Heavy Cruisers
  • 10 Tie Phantom Squadrons
  • 10 Tie Avenger Squadrons
  • 8 Tie Heavy Bomber Squadrons

James Cerensp was one of the DIA’s top agents and when it came to defend a key asset of the Directorate , he was obviously going to be involved. As Natian Sanorge arrived on Hoth with his Fleet , James Cerensp was tasked on being on standby in orbit of the nearby planet of Jhas within the Hoth System with a Fleet of 3 Subjugator-Class Star Destroyers. When he received the signal from the Overseer he knew it was time. James Cerensp then ordered his Fleet of Subjugators to set course for the Planet of Hoth and to drop behind the Directorate Fleet.

Arriving at the Hoth System , James Cerensp observed the current Battle between the Directorate and the Eternal Fleet and then contacted the Captain of the Enforcer. “This is James Cerensp of the Enforcer to the Overseer as per Natian Sanorge’s Order i am to take command of the Directorate Fleet in the system.” said James Cerensp. The Captain who knew he couldn’t challenge the authority of the DIA’s best agent accepted this and replied. “Roger that Commander Cerensp. What are your orders.”. “Captain , have the entire fleet charge at the enemy fleet , my ships will cover your approach. Their led ship has a railgun that can take down our vessels in one shot and we won’t last long as long as the Fleet is in range of that railgun.”

With that order the Directorate Fleet began moving towards the Eternal Fleet followed by Cerensp’s own Fleet. “Have all Subjugators fire half of their Shrapnel Torpedos , target the bridge of one of those Star Destroyers.” James Cerensp ordered. Soon the Subjugators fired their Shrapnel Torpedos 75 Torpedos in total , with the Bridge of one of the Valiant-I Star Destroyers as their target. As they approached the enemy vessel opened fire on the Torpedoes. A useless efforts James Cerensp though.

With their numbers the Torpedos continued their approach and by the time they reached the bridge 15 Torpedos remained and hit the bridge as the Torpedos have where capable of bypassing enemy shields. Once they hit the bridge the Torpedos instantly imploded creating a large explosion that destroyed much of the head of the Star Destroyer. Rendering the ship pilotless as it began to plummet towards Hoth.

Then the Fighters and Bombers came out of the Subjugators racing to take out the Second Star Destroyers as James Cerensp ordered the Subjugators to prepare to use their remaining Shrapnel Torpedos to take down the Enemy Leadership by targeting it’s Plasma Collectors. Meanwhile the Fighters and Bombers originally sent to destroy the Plasma Collectors , where forced to pull back under heavy fighters and under attack by enemy interceptors and turbolasers however with the Directorate Fleet moving in to engage the Eternal Fleet at point-blank range , their railgun would soon pose no threat to the Fleet.

Tags : [member="Ren Vexx"] | [member="Christopher Drake"] | [member="Jakob Benson"]

Vonar Ardinn

As the Battle over Hoth raged between the Forces of the Directorate and that of Renvexx , Natian Sanorge found himself at a standstill with Renvexx. Outnumbered by enemy Stormtroopers he was told to fight Renvexx on a 1v1 , something he was not properly trained for. Natian had only basic combat training in which was not enough to best a Sith Lord. So he told a Supercommando to give him a blade but he also took a few genades from that Supercommando hiding it in his pocket before walking towards Renvexx telling his troops to stand down.

Well then if it’s a fight you want , it’s a fight you will get”. The Natian through the Cortosis blade towards Renvexx and then rapidly took out his blaster and opened fire on Renvexx with one hand and then took out his grenades and threw them with another. Then he ordered his men to continue their attack on the Sith Lord with the 3 Supercommandos resuming their charge luging at the Sith Lord with their Cortosis Blades.

The other 3 Supercommandos opened fire on the Ultranauts covered by some of Bensen’s 501-Z Police Droids as they took defensive positions behind a few crates followed by Natian and barrels quickly taking out a dozen Ultranauts.

Tags : [member="Ren Vexx"] | [member="Christopher Drake"] | [member="Jakob Benson"]
Vexx moved out of the way of the blade. “You’ve never fought Sith, have you?” He froze the blaster bolt and drew the grenades to it, detonating them. “Mistake. Coward.” He instructed his soldiers to guard Benson closely. They hunkered down behind crates with their captive. He needed to release Benson to freeze Sanorge. Vexx lifted Sanorge’s shuttle and slammed it down on the three blade wielders. He pulled the frozen man toward him, lightsaber pulled back to stab. But he didn’t. “How does it feel? To be out of control? To know that death waits an inch away?” By virtue of overwhelming force, the Ultranauts matched their body count among the Supercommandos. Vexx called the thrown cortosis blade to his hand. Examining it, he said “Cortosis. That’s almost clever. I’m sure failure is rewarded in equal measure to success. I know you would hunt me if I didn’t kill you. But that is only if your...” he pushed into Sanorge’s mind. “Directorate allows you to.”

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