Sargon leaned back in the gunner's seat as the ships flew out of range. To him the end of the battle almost seemed unreal, nearly anti-climatic. He didn't complain though, he had enough letters to write up already. His men had served him well and he could only hoped he'd earn the trust they'd placed in him. He still wasn't sure about the leadership and politics of the Fringe, but he was damn sure about it's soldiers. They'd fought on selflessly and even given their lives up willingly to save their fellow soldier. There wasn't anymore he could ask for then for men as brave as the ones who fought besides them.
His orders were simply to standby and wait for a shuttle to pick them up. The company would have to be reformed it was well below combat strength, but until then he had no doubt the Fringe would find a place. He did have to write some recommendations out though. Funny he never thought he'd have so much paperwork after a battle. “Squad, the mission has been accomplished. You did me proud today, and I won't forget it, ever.”
Stripping off his helmet he closed his eyes as the swift breeze sent a chill through him. He'd never learn to love combat on these floating cities, but at least it was done now. The tibanna gas would increase coffers of the Fringe and reduce the its reliance on outside suppliers. The benefits were easy to see, and with heavy turbo blasters the way he figured it they'd save far more lives in the long run then they lost. Still he'd learned a few lessons he planned to follow up on.
First, he needed a proper defense against lightsabers and force users. He knew he wasn't interested in trying to fight with one of those fancy things himself but perhaps some type of shielding that could keep one at bay. Perhaps even an actual shield like he read about in the ancient history of Iridonia. After all if it worked against a blade then why not a different type now. As far as fighting these force users he'd have to learn how they fought what their limitations were. He owed it to the one who laid down his life because he'd given him the chance to learn. It was a debt he couldn't forget or erase, and he'd meant it when he said he would remember him.
As far as the refinery mess he knew there wasn't much he could have done differently there. He'd followed orders and it was simply a bad roll of the dice. What he would take out of it was to never again doubt a cornered animal. The enemy had become feral at that point, so desperate to escape death they were willing to do anything. Perhaps a bit more training in combat tactics would have prevented it, perhaps not. Either way in the end he felt he had done well overall for his first engagement with the Fringe. Now it was just a question of where to next, but he supposed he already knew that. He owed his boys a drink.
Turning towards his men he watched them all sprawl out throughout the platform. All the gunners still lounging now in their chairs. They needed some chow, a shower, a woman, and by his own word a good stiff drink. “Alright boys seems we are headed off planet, and back home. So lets get off this ball of gas and once our feet our on solid ground I'll see which one of you thinks you can out drink an Iridonian.”
::Command, this is Optio Sargon all objectives are accomplished. If we could get a rush on that shuttle I'd kill for a hot shower.::