Eternal Father
We already discussed what I mean before. I'm not going to explain it again.
Feel free to join the thread on Dromund Kaas at the same time. You can assume that you're already part of the Empire.Vyperion said:I just joined the Sith, Velok is offline as far as I can tell and I'm still in the factory with him with no ship
It can be, if it involves work. I'd consider Sidious VERY optimistic.Tirdarius said:Optimism isn't a very useful quality in a Sith there, Mikhail...
(semi IC) "Oi, I take offense to that."Tirdarius said:A droid getting in the way would end up being only so many spare parts anyway. When the Lords gather, anything that seeks to live had better hide.
And don't worry, I'm looking forward to seeing your interpretations put into practice here, Kaine. Should be fun
ICly, I know not of the leadership of the Sith, as my OC is a 2 year old assassin droid versionTirdarius said:That would be the problem here, Vyperion: which Empire? That of the current Emperor, or the one who seeks to dethrone him and become Empress?
Less talk here, more talk there.Tirdarius said:Is that so? You might be surprised.