The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
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From time to time the Kingdoms will come across another roaming fleet in their journeys, a group of ramshackled ancient ships patched together with scraps and whatever could be salvaged. They are the wandering Forge Ships of Khazund, once rumored to have shared the planet later known as Mechanus with the droids, these stout beings skilled in artificing and engineering have left for unknown reasons, taking to traveling through the cosmos. Since then they begun to employ themselves as mercenaries or wandering industrialists, creating custom weaponry, armor, and sometimes even ships to those with enough credits and materials to pay them off.
Still, even after all this time there is some resemblance between the designs of their Forge-Ships and the sections of the Hidden Citadel, as well as some of the Metal Lord city-ships. Some of the droids, especially the older ones, seem to be rather nervous around these beings, also known as Space Dwarves, and for whichever reason a shouting match seems to always ensue when the Khazund Longbeards come to meet with the Sparklords. Witnessing the event is usually described as "awkward".