Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Lost Children: Silver Concord Dominion of Krant

THe fighting raged on... the one jedi master was battling something else and he could see part of the abomination he had shoved a grenade into flopping around. The chunks missing maaking it bleed out and scream but he was done for. Shards of bone in his chest and face... coldness in his lower body and laying there he could barely lift the rifle as he felt the thing trying to grab him again. HIs arm flopping around and he grasped the priming trigger before rolling over and releasing it with his body being the weight. The thing picking him up as it rolling over and the muffled sound of the explosion as Manny passed.

The Valeyard though was looking at it, the forming entity and there were others now going to the center... her cue to not be there as fighting one on one was fine... fighting several at once only benefited you if you wanted to prove you were strong. She looked at the forming mass on the shore and it waas pulsating with the darkside.. she could hear the fighting outside and feel it in the force as well.. there was a distinct lack of decorum in these beings who were just not letting themselves die properly and get out of her way. HEr crimson blade deactivated as she set it on the sheath and was moving to the side back towards the shadows as the slithering thingmoved finally and the fleshy puppeteered limbs squelched on the ground.

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