Judah Dashiell
Salvage Empire
Judah ran a hand down his face as he read a series of messages between a contracted shipyard and the head of vehicle and vessel management. Salacia had been in dire need of new deep-space research exploration vessels. There seemed to be a disagreement on price and speed of build. Not the first time they had ran into problems and it made him tempted to build a shipyard for their own personal vessel use. He started a message to finance and property acquisition while it was fresh in his mind.
Until a notification from one Doctor Sade T. Nova popped up in the lower right hand corner.
Woostri Archives is not the type of pit-stop I would make on my own, so I have not had the chance to visit. I do not remember spending much time on planet and this was ages ago. More than likely more aquatic than land activities were had.
How goes your flight? From what I can tell it seems aggravating. Business as usual on this end.
Sadie Nova
Until a notification from one Doctor Sade T. Nova popped up in the lower right hand corner.
Woostri Archives is not the type of pit-stop I would make on my own, so I have not had the chance to visit. I do not remember spending much time on planet and this was ages ago. More than likely more aquatic than land activities were had.
How goes your flight? From what I can tell it seems aggravating. Business as usual on this end.
![Sadie Nova](/data/avatars/s/0/930.jpg?1595100926)