Braze's expression shifted to one of contemplation as he listened to Jasper's words. The playful foxes, undeterred by Jasper's lack of interest, continued to frolic around his feet, their yips and chitters filling the air. Some of the more adventurous young ones even nibbled playfully at his boots.
"Replicate?" Braze echoed, his brow furrowing slightly as he turned his attention to Pyf, who had offered some insight. He glanced back at Jasper, studying his arm with a thoughtful frown.
"I'm not sure I could replicate them, even if I wanted to," Braze admitted. "These things... they just seem to happen on their own, don't they?" He posed the question, seeking confirmation or perhaps a deeper understanding.
Braze's gaze softened as he addressed Jasper again. "I just wanted to understand what it was like for you, what you learned from the challenges you faced. I didn't mean to bring up any painful memories," he said, his voice tinged with empathy.
"The Trial of Flesh must be one of the most difficult trials to endure," Braze continued, his tone gentle. "If you don't want to talk about it, I completely understand. It must have been an immensely tough experience for you." Braze was beginning to realize that delving into past trials and tribulations was a sensitive topic for many.
Braze emerged from the water, his gaze sweeping over the surrounding landscape. He paused for a moment, his eyes drawn to the distant sky dome, alive with vibrant colors and solar storms. The chaotic beauty of the display was mesmerizing, yet it carried an undercurrent of danger that was hard to ignore.
Turning his attention back to Jasper, Braze noted the Jedi Master's demeanor, sensing a certain unease. It seemed to Braze that Jasper might be struggling with being so far removed from his usual responsibilities, responsibilities that undoubtedly came with their own set of pressures and challenges.
"I think we've gathered enough for now," Braze suggested, glancing at their collection of goodies. "But I'm not quite sure how we'll manage to head back to camp without these little guys tagging along." He gestured towards the playful group of furry creatures that had taken a liking to Jasper, their antics showing no signs of slowing down.
Braze watched them for a moment, a small smile playing on his lips as he considered their options. "Maybe we can distract them with something, or find a way to 'gently encourage' them to stay here," he mused, his mind already working on potential solutions. "What do you think, Master Kai'el? Any ideas on how to handle our new furry friends?"