He would smile faintly. "Sometimes, you gotta fight to protect yourself and those you love. Besides, didn't you fight that Sith guy? Y'know, the one who uh... Uhh..." He trailed off, scratching his head. How did he define someone who borked de borked her, impregnated her and then made her life miserable for the sake of the dark side? His hesitation should have been an indicator though, of who he was referring to. He could almost swear she had spoken of fighting him... Or something like that. But maybe he was mistaken.
"I train to fight, not because I like to fight. But because there are people that I care about. People I love. People that mean more to me then anything... And there are people who will hurt them. If you ever fight, Coryth... Never do it for the love of it. Do it because it is the right thing to do. And if you never have to, provided you don't, yknow, leave someone hanging and in need... Well, you can consider yourself lucky" He said, smirking a bit.
To the healing then, she would offer her help and he would smile. "Thank you, I'd appreciate it" He said, happy that someone would offer to help at least. Rianna Organa had given him a few pointers, to get him to the level 2 range... But not enough. It was never enough when people could use that healing. He would laugh when she told her story of the paperwork. "You? Doing paperwork? I never thought you the type" He would tease, nudging her side playfully and grinning over at her. "At least you don't have to now. I'd say you were getting old" He would tease with a chuckle.
To the Council, he would frown, and nod... Lowering his head. "Yes... Long ago, the Council, the Jedi... Was my life. The council could do no wrong in my eyes when I was with them. But now... When I am no longer in, and peeking inside from out, I see the truth. And I hate every bit of it. Sometimes... I wish I was still blind to the truth, I wish I was still naive. I wish I could go back to my old life, with the Jedi Order... But then I'd just be lying to myself, wouldn't I?" He would whisper softly, closing his eyes, seeming deep in thought... The thought pained him obviously. Something he had loved so much had turned into a monster... And it had cast him aside without a second thought despite all the years he had spent serving. Putting every inch of his heart and soul, his entire life into, just the one cause... Only for him to be cast out like trash and forgotten. It hurt. It hurt more then anything in his life, and he still couldn't figure out where he belonged... And even Coryth could feel in that moment... He hurt. He had lost the most important thing in the world to him. His life, his job, his lifes work. What did he have to show for it? He'd been cast out and forgotten.
He would let out a dismal sigh, burying his head in her shoulder for a moment, going back to the prior hug. He needed the company for a moment, trying to recompose himself.. Talking about the Council, the Order... It weighed upon him. Every day he thought about his old life and he longed for it. He longed for it like a childhood long gone and passed, never to be seen again.
At the mention of Kiskla, he didn't seem phased. He already felt betrayed by Kiskla, and looking back... Perhaps she was always as fake as she had seemed near the end. He felt no pity for her. He couldn't, even if he tried. Sure, nobody deserved to be captured by the Sith, but the empathy... Just wasn't there. Instead, he would respond when she spoke of company.
"Funny thing, actually..." He began, scratching his head nervously. "I was... Actually going to ask about if you'd want to come stay with me. Since I'm going to be hanging around Naboo a little while to regroup, and I own a property that's more then big enough for the both of us..." He began, taking a breath. He'd meant to ask before, but thought it silly. I mean, why would she want to? She seemed quite happy here. But it'd slipped out now. No turning back now. Of course, the property itself was big enough to support a family if need be, but since he didn't have that, a roommate was totally fine and then some. "I knew you'd been living alone for a long time, with little company. I've been thinking about this since I made the move to my new home here on Naboo... Not too far from here, actually"
He chuckled a bit sheepishly. "Of course... I didn't realize you'd been living with company lately. I kind of feel silly about the offer now. I should have known you were happy as is. Sorry about that" He said nervously. Well, he felt silly as hell now, didn't he? He smiled a bit when she mentioned she was on cleanup duty. "Well, at least you're doing your part. I'm just... Well, I don't know. I don't know what I'm doing anymore" He said.
[member="Coryth Elaris"]