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Lost In The Galaxy, We Find Each Others Arms Again [Coryth]

She nodded, "I suppose I get that."

"Hey!" She playfully cried out as he poked her and still very much playful pushed him away. "Soon? I already yell at kids to get off my dock... Since I really just live on my boat for the most part." That was her real home. The sailboat on Kaeshana now. And she'd always loved it. Just a simple utilitarian place for her to live her life. Though, that was changing as she acquired pets and the like.

"That's fine. The option is open if ever you want it."

For a moment she let him touch her nose with his, but pulled away feeling a little uncomfortable being that close with a guy again. But his intentions felt safe, just the closeness didn't. She didn't feel safe yet. Not completely with Josh. That was going to take time. She jumped as he smacked her rear, and looked a little like a deer in the headlights as she did so. It was so unexpected for her. It was one thing if a woman did it, that she was okay with but a man, not so much. "I uh ... Josh." Breathing in slow, she tried to compose herself. "No one's done that to me, at least not a guy .... I ... I don't feel safe enough for this yet. Please ... " Another deep breath in, "You have to understand I'm still healing. I need time. That is all."

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Josh laughed heartily when she mentioned already yelling at kids to get off her boat. Oh the jokes he could make with this down the road about "Old Lady Coryth yelling at kids to get off her boat". He could feel it formulating in his mind, the gears were spinning. He was so in the moment with the jokes and the teasing that he did not at all sense Coryth's uncomfortableness when it came to how close they were. He was on a roll. As he headed for the door after smacking her ample rear, to start their sparring session though... Her words would stop him cold.

He would look back at her when the "Uhh..." came out, tilting his head, before his face fell when she spoke. He bit his lip, that roll came to a crashing halt right then and there. How foolish he felt... He wasn't even disappointed that she didn't react favorably, actually, he would have been surprised if she had reacted favorably to that little tease, and would have asked if she was running a fever. He was disappointed in himself, in his own, rash, childish, foolishness...

"I.... O-oh...." He said softly, staring down at the floor for a moment, scratching the back of his head as a deep blush spread across his face in embarrassment. "I... I... By the Force, I'm... I'm s-s-so sorry, Coryth..." He added nervously, softly, looking into her eyes again. "I.. N-no, that was foolish of me, t-that was... That was my fault entirely... I-I apologize..." He would speak, taking a deep breath, looking away and biting his lip. It wasn't Coryth's fault at all, it was his. He'd made the mistake and he should have known better.

[member="Coryth Elaris"]
Coryth's eyes had dropped to the ground. "It's okay. It ... it happens." She managed a soft smile, trying to comfort him knowing it was more her than his actions. "Truly it's okay. I just need a little more time on that.That is all. I just ask you to be patient with me. Nothing more." The redhead knew she was interested in men now, however fear was still holding her back in so many ways. "But anyway ... Sparing .. We should probably head that way." Said softly as she started out the door.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
The blonde took a deep breath. That could have been bad... Really bad. "Again, I apologize... You're right, you weren't ready for that kind of thing" He said, scratching the back of his head. A minor idea for a flirt hit him right on the head.. But the time for joking flirts was over for a little bit, until the mood was back. And it probably wasn't the best thing to say to her right now anyway. Perhaps later, it was good to keep the other writer guessing and wondering in hopes of finding out, after all...

"I'm just glad you can be patient with me" He joked with a small smile, reaching over as they neared the door and with just one arm, pulling her into a gentle hug. Nothing perverted, or flirty... Just a hug. Just something to show he cared, that he was there for her. "Actually, Coryth... Before we do that... There's... Something I need to talk to you about.." He admitted softly, biting his lip and looking into her eyes. "It's.... Important"

[member="Coryth Elaris"]
"It's alright, truly." Coryth said with a sigh.

"You're a friend dear, of course I can be patient. As long as you can be too." Smiling faintly as he pulled her into a hug. That helped bring some ease to her. A closeness without any sense of danger or fear. "Yeah, sure." She said softly, stepping back into the home for a moment. "What's up?" A hint of worry in her voice as she detected a bit of nervousness in him, and worry as well. "Let's sit and talk. It's fine."

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
He would smile somberly as he would hug her a little tighter, seeming to relax a bit in her embrace. Coryth was really the only person he truly trusted at this point. The other Jedi, for the most part, had abandoned him after he had left the Order for his own reasons, and he had dealt with naught but backstabbing and betrayal since. The only one who hadn't tried to kill him, or leave him for dead, was Coryth, even if he didn't really tend to see her all that much. But she still meant a lot to him, and he could only hope she felt the same.

He let out a sigh as he would release the hold and sit down, holding off on the sparring for now. "I... I don't know how to say this, Coryth. But... I need something from you. A favor. Because I'm... I'm going down a dark path" He would reveal, taking a breath. He didn't know how she would react, but hopefully she would give him time to explain fully.

[member="Coryth Elaris"]
Coryth took a seat, looking over to him with a bit of concern. She listened patiently. "How may I help you, Josh?" She asked softly as she tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ears. "Believe me, when I say I understand too well about dark paths. I've walked a very dark path myself for a long time." Most didn't know that she had fallen to the darkside once and the results were most grave. Something she didn't like to talk about, hardly able to admit it to herself. However, she'd been given a second chance that she never believed she deserved. "I'm here to listen and do what I can for you. You know that. So, go on. Tell me what it is that you need from me."

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
The blonde took a deep breath, moving the hair from his face. "I... I need you to do something for me, Coryth" He would get out, obviously a bit shaken up by what he was about to say. "You see... I've done a lot of thinking. About the dark side, and how it corrupts people. How it corrupts Jedi. And I've avoided it like the plague my whole life. But... I've come to want to... Learn. With no Jedi Order holding me down, I've had the urge to learn how to use the Force in it's entirety. Not just one side. But.. Again, it corrupts people. It corrupts Jedi. And it's very easy to fall to. You can try to use it, to help people even... And before long, you've destroyed the people you meant to help. But I thought... Well, I know that, and without trying to brag, I'm stronger in my faith, in my loyalty to the light side then many Jedi. Then most Jedi. So I thought... Well, if anyone can prove that it's possible to use the Force in it's entireity, without being corrupted... To show the Jedi in this galaxy that it can be done... Why not me?"

He would take a breath, scratching the back of his head. "I tried to learn from the dark jedi in the Ession Reformation. But none of them would even try me. So... I happened to find Circe" He would admit, with a sigh. "And trust me, this wasn't who I was hoping to learn anything from. Actually, if I had the chance, I'd probably gut her for what she's done to me, my friends and my family" He would explain. "But... She tried to get me angry. Harness the dark side in me. But... I couldn't do it. Somehow, despite thinking it was so easy to let go, I couldn't get angry. It just wouldn't come. No matter what she threw at me, I just couldn't. Before long, I found out that... It's quite possible that I'm immune to Sith Poison" He would reveal, cracking his neck. "She lost it. Flat out said that it'd be a waste of time to inject me with it, because it wouldn't even scratch me. And... That was when I knew that if anyone's able to pull this off... It's me" He said softly, looking her in the eyes.

"I want to learn about both sides of the force, and be able to use them for the good of the galaxy... To use the Force in it's entirety. But... I know that the dark side is seductive, risky... And very much able to corrupt even me. That's why... I need to ask a favour of you" He said, taking a deep breath. His eyes never left hers.

"If... If I fail. If I fall... If I become something that you can't even recognize anymore... I need you to save me. I need you to bring me back to the light so I can drop this stupid crusade and go back to being who I really am" He would ask her, biting his lip. "And... If you can't do that... If you've exhausted every possible option, and there's no choice... Coryth... I want you to kill me. I would rather die then serve the Sith. I would rather die then be a Sith. But I can't trust the Republic's Jedi, or even the Silver Jedi with this... It's why this falls to you. I know that they won't even try. They won't even try to save me... They won't hesitate to kill me, and use me turning as an excuse for it. They're as corrupt as the Sith themselves... That's why I trust you... And only you"

[member="Coryth Elaris"]
Coryth listened carefully to every word. He was expressing fears, that she too had. Reasons she long ago had asked Siobhan Kerrigan to make sure her life was ended if ever she fell to the darkside. The same had been asked of HK-36, who thought she still could be saved even if it happened.

She sighed softly, "While I understand why you seek to do this, it is an unwise path. I cannot sit here and not at least tell you that much, that I don't quite approve. It would not be right or fair to you, to not be completely honest with you." Reaching up she brushed her hair back from her face. "It is not that I judge you, I don't. Just, be careful on this journey. There is always a chance it can consume you." Whether or not that would happen had yet to be seen.

The seriousness of the request he made of her, pulled her into silent thoughts for a moment. Pondering if she was truly capable of such. After a few quiet moments, she nodded slowly. "It is a heavy weight you place upon my shoulders. A burden I have laid down myself at the feet of two beings I trust more than anything." One last sigh fell from her lips, "I will do ask you ask. You have my solemn word." A promise, her word given ... It might as well have been written in stone with how seriously she took promises. Coryth never made a single promise she knew she could not keep. Only ever giving her word when she knew she could make good on it. Further more, should Josh fall to the darkside, it would be for the best for many many people if someone made the attempt to save him, and if that failed end him.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
He nodded slowly. He knew the risks. He knew it was unwise. But this wasn't just for the Jedi... There was one more reason.

"There's... One more reason" He spoke quietly, looking her in the eyes. "Its... Its my little brother, Coryth. When we were separated as kids, he was alone, left to rot in the world... He became a bounty hunter, and ended up eventually in the claws of the Sith years later. That Sith in particular is one you know well... Circe" He spoke, with a hint of bitterness in his tone. "He's fought me. He's tried to kill me, Coryth... All because Circe took him away from me. Because she corrupted him, made him into nothing but a slave to the Sith... I've tried so much to try and reform him... I don't even care if he becomes a Jedi or not. I... I just want him away from this dark path..." He whispered. His grip on her tightened, as he took a breath. He felt... Short of breath for some reason.

"We fought one last time before... He... He told me, after I won, after I tried to reform him... That he thinks he's too far gone... Once you've learned enough of the dark side, there's no going back... There's no living a regular life with that knowledge... I... I have to prove him wrong, Coryth... I have to prove it to him..." He whispered. She might note something she likely never would have dreamed seeing from him - tears. Sniffles. He was crying. "He can't accept me as his brother, not while he's like this... He thinks this is the end all, be all for him... But he wants to be free... But he doesn't believe he can be free... I have to do this... I don't care if I risk everything, Coryth... He's all I have left. He's the only family I have!" He sobbed, letting go of her as his hands balled into fists and he sunk into a chair. He wasn't ever this distraught very often... But a lot had been on his mind as of late.

"I have to do this... I have to. I can't leave him like this. I can't leave him to die as a Sith. I have... I have to undo what Circe did. I have to save him..." He spoke quietly. "I'll never sleep at night until I do... That's my mission now. He needs me... He needs his big brother, and for all these years I've failed him... I didn't know he was still living... But I'm here now, I know he lives, and I need to do something. I'll never forgive myself if I don't, and if I have to die as a Sith trying to save him, so be it... All I can ask is you catch me if I fall, or put a blade in me if I'm too far gone..." He spoke in a whisper, looking into her eyes. This obviously meant a lot to him.

[member="Coryth Elaris"]
Coryth just let him speak without interuption, listening to his story. It took her a little by surprise as he spoke of his little brother. She hadn't known that he had a sybling. Her brow furrowed "How could you go to Circe to ask for this kind of training, knowing what she did to your brother?" That part didn't make a whole lot of sense to her. That was something the little redhead couldn't imagine doing, for her desire for revenge would have been too great. After all she was human and as unjedi-like as the thought was, Cory knew too well it would be there gnawing at her. Gently she squeezed his hand, trying to be as understanding and comforting as possible.

A heavy sigh fell from her lips, she didn't want to tell him that she did believe there was a line... A line in the sand that was too far gone, that once crossed you could never come back and be entirely the same again. There was a such thing as too far gone.

At the same time, there had been a point when she herself believed she was too far gone, beyond redemption. "I understand, more than you know. I understand his view, more than you can ever imagine." This was something she chose not to elaborate on. That was not a story she wanted to tell today.

"I understand the need to safe your family. I'd do the same, if the situations were reversed." Alas her own biological family was all long gone. Her parents both dead. Though she did have a daughter out there somewhere. One who she wondered about often of late. Reaching up, she gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze as she hear the sniffles and saw the first traces of tears. It certainly wasn't something she expected from him.

"You have my word, Josh. I will do as you have asked of me. I promise. I'll catch you should you fall, and if that fails I'll do what needs to be done."

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
He nodded a bit, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Thank you..." He spoke quietly, taking a breath as he straightened his shoulders. "Heh... I probably look like a sodding mess right now, crying over this. But I went for years with the pain of knowing that my family had been taken away from me because the Sith had hired people to take out my folks so they wouldn't come back to the Order, while they were the least protected then they had ever been. I finally find out that my one surviving family member is out there, only to find out, in person, that the Sith got to him first. I'll do anything to rectify that mistake, Coryth. Anything. I don't have a whole lot of people close to me left in this world. If there's a possibility to save the one surviving relative I have, then I'll do it. No matter what it takes" He said as he gently squeezed her hand.

He bit his lip at the mention of Circe. She had a right to be concerned. "Yeah... I figured you might make the connection between the dark side learning attempts and the Sith Poison thing earlier. She was really the only option I could think of, for... Certain reasons" He would explain, letting out a sigh. "Thing is... As much as I hate to admit it, I needed Circe to start me off. I've trained my whole life to overcome anger, not let it get to me, Coryth. But because of that, I can't release it. I calm down almost immediately. Circe is a witch. She takes pride in causing pain and suffering to people, even ones she pretends are her friends. I knew she'd jab daggers at me, using the fact she turned my brother to get me to lash out. And she did. Like the bitter shrew she is, she poked me about what she's done to my family until I snapped. I let out my anger. And you know what?" He asked, eyeing her... With the most satisfied grin that she had ever seen from him.

"I enjoyed every second that I got my hands on Circe. The first time was when she decided to slap me. I didn't attack at first, as I hadn't snapped, just slapped the taste out of her mouth. The second time was when I got angry and lashed out at her. She probably thought it was a breakthrough. It was. It was exactly what I wanted. I needed that let out in me because everything else she had tried had failed. And I beat the ever-living bantha chit out of her. I made her pay Coryth" He would remark with a chuckle. He shouldn't be taking joy in hurting someone, but oh how satisfying it was in Circe's case...

"I made her pay, not enough of course... But for just a bit I got a measure of revenge for all she's done. I punched her until she was unrecognizable. I used the dark side that she loved so much to zap her to oblivion. I attacked with the Force with reckless abandon, throwing that witch around like a rag doll. She didn't see it coming, she couldn't stop me. And as much as I hate this, I enjoyed every bit of it. And I would gladly do it again" He said, taking a breath. "Not to anybody else, of course... Circe is a special case. I will never forgive her for destroying my family" He spoke.

"But... I don't need her now. She unwittingly played a cruel, ironic part in reversing her own damage. And she will never be one the wiser. Now I can move onto the next step, and that's continuing my training. I can do so with anyone now. The hard part is over. I hate doing this, I really do... I feel disgusted whenever I use the dark side. It eats at me, tears at me... But I have to. Its the only way to save Nick. Its the only way to save my brother. It tortures me inside to do it, but... I have to"

[member="Coryth Elaris"]
She nodded slowly, "You're welcome. It's the least I can do." Though she hoped it never came to be. That was not something she wanted to do. Nor did she want his blood on her hands. A soft smile spread across her lips, "It's fine I understand." Then she quieted, and listened. Waiting for a moment to speak again. "I'd do the same in your shoes, believe me." Alas her own family was long gone, aside from her daughter whom she had yet to contact or find. Soon enough though, that would fall into place. Coryth just didn't know it yet.

The redhead nodded, remembering Circe too well from a prophetic nightmare that thankfully never came to pass. A small chuckle left her lips, "Knowing the queen from a vision... She's one creature I'd never want to meet, but I can get why you would go to her. I'm glad someone finally beat her ass. It's well deserved for all the pain that being has caused across the galaxy. A special case indeed."

She nodded again, "I see. I'm glad you have moved beyond her. Still I must caution you to be careful. But I understand your reasoning." For Coryth knew too well where this path led. It ended in bloodshed and much death on her end. Something few people knew. A same she would never openly share. Not when she personally had been responsible for the death of an entire outpost after her own torture, where she slowly slipped away to the darkside without notice. It took a hell of a lot to bring her back from that, nearly dying at her fiance's hands and him to her own hands. Given a second chance that she still never believed she deserved. No one deserved to come back after that. To be allowed to do what she had. But alas, now was not the time to share such a shame and burden.

"I understand, I do... Truly."

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
The Jedi Master nodded after a short silence. "I'd appreciate if you'd be able to help me with... Learning all this, if at all possible. After all that happened, I doubt Circe's going to want to help me anytime soon. She took way more abuse then she was likely expecting" He would admit and request. It was true, of course. He was sure Circe would be quite sour for quite awhile, and honestly, he would prefer to learn all this from someone, like Coryth, who wouldn't try to turn him and use him for their own ends at every turn. That, and he trusted Coryth more then anyone else in the world. She was the only one he could trust for this, now that he no longer needed Savan for this nigh-impossible goal.

He chuckled a bit when Circe was brought up and the beating he handed her. "I suppose nobody could really blame me, Jedi or not. It wasn't something I wanted to do, of course. I don't really... Y'know, deal in merciless beatdowns. But with it being Circe... I guess I can let this one slide" He added, laughing as he scratched the back of his head. "You mentioned your vision before... Odd. I guess she even haunts our dreams" He joked. Eesh, she certainly haunted his. Though some he even killed her. Those ones came more frequently as of late, though they usually involved some sort of seductive position turned into him stabbing her in the throat and decapi-Y'know, we shouldn't get into this, bloody thoughts are a bad thing for a Jedi right? "Honestly hope someone rids the galaxy of her eventually. I've..." He took a deep breath.

"I've actually considered killing her myself"

That was the first time he'd admitted that to anyone. He never wished death on anyone before. He never even had considerations of cold-blooded killing someone before. But as his brown eyes stared into Coryth's own, he was serious. "She's destroyed my family. She was behind the murder of my best friend, her ex husband. She's betrayed and hurt my friends and people I care for, and she's become this menace. And the last time I saw her, she'd used the genes of people she'd... Y'know, and created these... Monsters, these children out of her seed. And uses them as her servants. She karking used one as a training dummy for me to drain the life out of!" He let out, realizing he was raising his voice as his frustration grew. His eyes widened and he quieted down. He hoped he didn't scare Coryth with that. "S-sorry... I guess talking about it gets me riled up. "She's... She's a monster. And the only person I'll ever say I've considered hunting down and killing. I just hope someone does before I have to" He whispered, staring down at the ground.

"Y'know... We never did do that sparring session" He suddenly piped up, wanting to change the subject. "Sorry for suddenly springing all this. Shall we go?" He asked, getting up, the smile back on his face.

[member="Coryth Elaris"]

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