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Private Lost Secrets of Aetherialynn


Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru Loomi Loomi K1[_ _] K1[_ _]
Tirin stood on the deck of the Aries, the sleek spacecraft that had become both home and vessel for Tirin and Valin. The gentle hum of the ship's engines filled the air as Tirin gazed out at the small planetoid known as Aetherialynn. It was a remote and mysterious place, covered in a thick, lush jungle that seemed to pulse with life.

The sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows over the dense foliage below. Tirin turned to face Master Pryce, the man whom, had recently come into possession of a curious artifact-like piece of wall. Braze had gifted it to him, but its origin remained a mystery to Tirin, one that Pryce was determined to solve it would seem.
A knowing smile playing at the corners of Tirin's lips as he spoke up. "Master Pryce. This is Aetherialynn, the very place where I have held training missive field trips for younglings in the past. It's also where I found Aliris and Braze many cycles ago."

As Tirin spoke, Valin his faithful companion and fellow crew member, joined them on the deck. Valin's mechanical limbs gleamed in the fading light.

"Set us down over there please, Rex." Tirin chirped to their pilot who did as requested landing the Aries in a nice clearing in a rich golden leafed orchard.

Valin chimed in, "Aetherialynn is a special place, Master Pryce. It holds memories for Tirin, and I."
As group prepared to disembark from the Aries and explore the dense jungle of Aetherialynn, Valin stepped forward, his mechanical limbs whirring softly with each step. He cast a concerned look at the towering trees and the looming darkness that awaited them.

"Before you venture into the jungle," Valin began, his tone cautious yet caring, " Aetherialynn may seem serene during the day, but it transforms into a different place at night."

Tirin nodded in agreement, their expression thoughtful. "Valin is right, Master Pryce. The creatures that inhabit this planetoid are not to be underestimated, especially after dark."

Valin continued, "There are creatures here that thrive in the darkness, some of which have evolved unique adaptations. The tree-dwelling bioluminescent serpents can light up the canopy like stars, but they are known to be territorial and can be aggressive if provoked."

Valin's mechanical fingers flexed, and he continued, "There are also nocturnal hunters that move silently through the underbrush, their keen senses allowing them to locate prey in the dark. We should stay close together, keep our lights on, and avoid sudden movements that might attract their attention."

Tirin added, "And, Master Pryce, be cautious around the rare flora. Some of the plants on Aetherialynn can be highly toxic, especially during the night. We wouldn't want anyone accidentally brushing against one."

Tirin led Valin, Master Pryce, and the group towards the makeshift workshop on the Aries, where they could discuss their plan for exploring the Sith tomb on Aetherialynn. As they entered the dimly lit room filled with holographic maps and scattered tools, Tirin couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for their two young Padawans, Loomi and Aliris. He knew the risks involved in their upcoming expedition and wanted to ensure that the Padawans understood the gravity of the situation.

Valin activated a holographic display of Aetherialynn, its dense jungle landscape hovering in the air before them. Valin turned to Tirin and said, "This is our best lead, Tirin. But I understand that the journey ahead is fraught with danger. The little ones are welcome to come along if they wish, but I want to make sure they understand the risks."

Tirin nodded in agreement, and he turned his attention to Loomi and Aliris. "Loomi, Aliris," Tirin began, his voice calm and reassuring, "This expedition to Aetherialynn is not to be taken lightly. We are heading into dangerous territory, and the place we seek is no ordinary tomb—it's a Sith tomb, haunted by the spirits of the past. You two are either welcome to join us or you may stay here on the ship with Rex. "


An old world. Forgotten even in the archives of the Jedi Order, yet Master Raene and Master Zenth claimed it was a world they used frequently for training. He'd heard of some Jedi in the old times, before the Gulag Plague and during the long period of Sith Warring States. Tumultuous times where secret Jedi enclaves and hidden troves of knowledge were held by singlular Jedi out of fear that the Sith would find and destroy them. Now though? It made him immediately suspicious of the two, even more so now that he knew the young girl he'd seen in his visions with Braze Braze was Raene's padawan. They'd had a long talk about that. He nodded.

"You as well Ryana, if you wish to stay aboard feel free to."

"I will stay aboard with the padawans then and-"

"Not you Wu Yong, we'll need you at the ruins." The archival droid slumped. "I'm ready when you are then. Show me this Sith temple."


"I... I'll go."

It was supposed to be dangerous, but Loomi didn't want to hide from her fears anymore. She wanted to get braver, stronger... This was a good way to do that, or at least she thought it was. Her antennae did shift nervously whenever the emotions in the room began to stirr. This Master Pryce, he seemed weary. Not off the tomb, but something else. That was strange. What else was there to be concerned about?

It was little things like this that she felt in the people around her that made Loomi a little more on edge, but the Godoan had committed to going. There was no backing down now.

"I will stay aboard with the padawans then and-"

"Not you Wu Yong, we'll need you at the ruins."

"It's okay, Mister," Loomi assured, scooting over to give the archival droid a pat on the back. "I'll keep you safe."

Or at least she hoped she would. It wasn't clear exactly what this excursion entailed.

Loomi Loomi Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru Tirin Raene Tirin Raene Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce Ryana mina Ryana mina

"Do you require additional help?" The commando-style battledroid stuck his head around the corner, putting in his own two credits. K1 had been hanging out in the engine room, letting himself charge after Aliris had invited him on board. He assumed everyone had already known she'd told everyone he'd been there.

The seven plus foot droid stepped into the chamber, ocular sensors looking to each person in turn as a mechanical hum sprung to life within him.

"I can remain behind to watch the ship, or come along if more protection is needed..." It was more of a factual statement than a question of preference, leaving it open for the mortals to respond.

Pryce nodded in approval at Padawan Loomi. She was obviously the more responsible of the two Padawans under Tirin's care. We Yong perked up at the offer of protection and nodded.

"Why thank you Padawan Loomi. While I am programed with all of the Jedi's lightsaber techniques and combat forms I prefer a life lacking in what Master Pryce simply calls 'Adventure' " The droid leaned in conspiritorialy, its photoreceptors narrowing. "Personally," it said just barely above a whisper, "I think it reminds him of his youth. Master Pryce was quite the handful as a Padawan and even as a young Knight after the war. Once he-"

"That's enough Wu Yong," Pryce said, face planted firmly in the palm of his leather glove. "You heard Master Raene, we have to get there before nightfall. We don't have much time." And with that he was off into the jungle, lightsaber firmly gripped in one hand but deactivated. Wu Yong's servos whirred as he looked from the Padawan to Pryce and back to Tirin before shrugging its mechanical shoulders and clanking off behind his master.
Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce Loomi Loomi . K1[_ _] K1[_ _]

Tirin listened attentively to Loomi's words, nodding in appreciation of her bravery. Valin stood beside him, a supportive presence as always. It was evident that Loomi was determined to face her fears and grow stronger through this experience.

"Your courage is commendable, Padawan Loomi," Tirin said with a warm smile. "We'll do our best to keep you safe."

Valin, ever observant, directed his attention to the emerging situation with K1, the commando-style battledroid. As the droid offered his assistance, Valin stepped forward, addressing K1 with a friendly tone. "Your presence is most welcome, K1. Having an extra pair of hands for protection can be quite reassuring in uncharted territory."

Valin handded him a larger blaster weapon.

Meanwhile, Tirin couldn't help but be intrigued by Wu Yong's mention of Master Pryce's youth. The notion of Master Pryce being a handful as a Padawan and young Knight piqued Tirin's curiosity. He leaned in closer to Wu Yong, his voice a soft whisper of genuine interest. "Later on i would love if you would tell me more about Master Pryce's earlier days, Wu Yong. "

Valin, knowing the potential dangers that lay ahead, kept a close eye on Master Pryce, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. He understood the importance of ensuring the safety of their group as they delved deeper into the foreboding jungle of Aetherialynn.

The jungle was teeming with life, but there was an ominous air about it as they ventured further. The dense foliage seemed to close in on them, and eerie, echoing sounds of unseen creatures surrounded them. The fading sunlight cast long, shifting shadows that seemed to dance with a life of their own. The group pressed on, their senses heightened and lightsabers and blasters at the ready, for they knew that the heart of the Sith tomb awaited them, shrouded in mystery and danger.

The group ventured deeper into the dense jungle of Aetherialynn, guided by the dim glow of their lanterns and the soft hum of K1's mechanical movements. As they continued their journey, the atmosphere grew increasingly ominous, and the sounds of the jungle took on an eerie quality. Ancient trees with gnarled roots loomed overhead, and the underbrush seemed to close in around them, as if nature itself conspired to keep them from their destination.

Tirin led the way, Valin at his side, their steps careful and deliberate.

After what felt like hours of trekking through the unforgiving jungle, they arrived at the precipice where the entrance to the Sith tomb once lay. But now, the scene before them was dramatically different from what they had anticipated. The ground had given way, and a large section of the jungle floor had collapsed, leaving behind a sheer drop into a deep ravine below.

Tirin approached the edge cautiously, drawing a golden saber. His lightsaber casting a soft glow over the edge. The precipice was lined with jagged rocks and remnants of what once was the entrance to the tomb. It was clear that the temple entrance had collapsed, leaving behind precarious ledges that clung to the cliff's edge.

Valin peered over the edge as well, his mechanical limbs providing him with stability. "It seems the entrance has indeed caved in," he remarked, his voice tinged with concern. "This is a treacherous situation."

"K1 Please scan the area." Valin requested.
Should K1 scan the area he would percievea, the distant sound of rushing water echoing from the depths of the ravine.


Tags: Tirin Raene Tirin Raene , Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce , K1[_ _] K1[_ _]


"It seems the entrance has indeed caved in," he remarked, his voice tinged with concern. "This is a treacherous situation."

Loomi had been pretty quiet since they had begun walking. The atmosphere became tense whenever Master Pryce shot down their droid companion, and she had continued on in silence. Now they were standing before a chasm, one that stretched quite a bit of distance. She wouldn't fret over it like she usually would. The Godoan was going to be strong, sit down, and think of a solution to the present situation at hand.

She sat down and crossed her legs, beginning to pull threads from the force around her and began to weave. Loomi was much faster than when she had first begun with her secret instruction from Auteme Auteme , able to make simple things with much more ease than before. Her plan was simple, of course. All they needed was a way to propell down safely.

A ladder.

"Mister K1," Loomi began after her Master's request. "Can you please tell me how deep the chasm is? I'll need to make sure this is long enough."

There was rushing water that she could feel at the base of the drop. That was where they would need to go, she reasoned. All Loomi had to do was weave the ladder into something stable at the top, like a tree.

Hopefully this was a reasonable plan.

K1 whirred loudly as his ocular sensors lit up a bit. In reality it looked like he was leaning over the edge, looking into the chasm, and shining a flashlight from his eyes.

He stared for almost a whole minute, probably uncomfortably close to the edge from the view of others, before finally turning back around to the others.

"It's deep." He stated in his matter of fact monotone voice. "There seems to be a water flow down there; and no sure handholds for climbing." A few gears clicked as he turned his head to Loomi, detailing to the young female a rough estimate of how deep it would be.

He'd turn back aftward to look at the ravine again. "Did the underground water flow cause this collapse...?"

Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce Tirin Raene Tirin Raene Loomi Loomi

"Later on i would love if you would tell me more about Master Pryce's earlier days, Wu Yong. "
Wu Yong perked up at the Master's inquiry, his photoreceptors flashing rapidly.

"I would be honored."

The trek through the jungle was as uneventful as he'd imagined it would be. He'd been to some of the most dangerous jungles in the Galaxy searching for old Jedi artifacts or chasing down down rare force user groups for study. If he could handle the viscous Aklay of Felucia and the Force hunting poison hounds of Myrkyr he could handle a jungle with some angry vines. The end of their trek was equally underwhelming and disappointing.

"A cave in..." Suspicious. These temples lasted for thousands of years. He'd heard of instances where temples, once their true purpose in the Force had been served, decayed rapidly or sunk into the earth, their secrets and mysteries forever lost to time. Lothal had been such a case until Palpatine's Empire dug it back up and dismantled it. Since then there had ben near a dozen similar smaller enclaves dotted throughout Lothal's hillside, implying a much stronger connection to the Jedi Order than previously assumed. He'd seen it in Sith temples as well, but not a modern example.

He felt the Dark Side here regardless, its stink thick to him in the Force. He reached into his utility vest and pulled a glowstick from within, cracking it and activating its deep red glow. He dropped it over the edge, influencing its path slightly with the Force to keep it close to the sinkhole's wall. It fell and fell and fell and fell and when the stick stopped he could barely hear the sound of plastoid on stone through the constant din of jungle insects in the night.

"Not too far down," he muttered. "Are either of you two strong in telekinesis? I'm good with small things but..."
Loomi Loomi K1[_ _] K1[_ _] Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce

"That's a good idea Loomi... Let me scout ahead. Of course, I'm rather gifted with telekinesis. " He offered to Pryce. As Loomi worked on her plan to create a ladder from the mist weaving, Tirin thanked her for her help. "Thank you, Loomi," he said, appreciative of her resourcefulness. Tirin carefully made his way to the edge of the chasm and began to climb down. His movements were deliberate and cautious, using the Force to guide his descent. He knew that they needed a safe way to reach the bottom of the ravine, and Loomi's plan seemed like a viable solution.

Valin, on the other hand, watched Tirin's descent with a hint of reluctance. He wasn't particularly enthusiastic about trekking down the chasm, but he trusted in Tirin's judgment and Loomi's abilities. Valin knew that they needed to proceed carefully, especially given the unpredictable nature of the Sith tomb they were about to explore. HE offered assistance in tethering off the rope ladder once Loomi finished securing it neatly.

Tirin, now safely at the bottom of the chasm, called up "It's quite an intriguing situation we find ourselves in," Tirin commented. "The collapse of the entrance is suspicious, and the presence of the Dark Side is strong here. It looks as if the walls were engineered to fall away as if it were part of some massively elaborate mechanism. We must proceed with caution."

As the group descended they could see further, and they could see that they had reached the vast opening that served as the real entrance to the Sith tomb. It was a breathtaking sight—a massive cavern that opened into the side of a sheer cliff face. A river ravine cut through the cavern, its waters rushing below. The entrance was adorned with ancient Sith hieroglyphs and carvings, an ominous welcome to the secrets that lay within. The group stood at the precipice, ready to cross the river and enter the tomb.

Master Pryce's flashlight illuminated the hieroglyphs, revealing a poem, its dark verses calling out to those who dared to enter:

"In shadows deep, where darkness dwells, Lies the path to forbidden spells. The spirits await with bated breath, To grant power, to bring death."

The words seemed to resonate with a malevolent energy, the very essence of the Dark Side echoing through the cavern. The carvings depicted scenes of conquest, betrayal, and the pursuit of absolute power, all wrought in chilling detail.

With the echoes of the poem lingering in the air, the group prepared to cross the river ravine and enter the Sith tomb, fully aware that they were treading into the heart of darkness itself.

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