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Public LOTS │ Epoch [Open to All Sith]

He had piqued the Chiss' interest but also provoked further scrutiny. Kal had no doubt that he wanted what he had to offer, which was a good place to start, but also that he was too clever by half to agree to anything overly compromising. Not that such a deal would even be desirable, these Lords of the Sith seemed the kind that needed to be kept moderately happy lest they set out to change the terms of the agreement.

Spreading his hands in a gesture of appeasement, Kal smiled, the expression seeming quite natural on his youthful body. "We are not unreasonable. A foundation for further cooperation will be plenty, say, freedom of movement and commerce within your territory?"

The backing of some sort of centralised authority would do wonders to protect their interests if this little association's conquistadorial ambitions bore fruit. The last thing they needed was a constant stream of petty kings and feudal fools putting obstacles in the way of free commerce.

Their commerce, anyway. Kal could not care less what they did with the bloated corporations of realspace and their hosts of workers. Theirs was a more elegant endeavour, less teeming masses and gargantuan freighters more well-placed contacts and specialised competence.


Aspect of Victory



Qual'al chittered in some approximation of a chuckle. "Sith such as them are seldom unoccupied. They flit between projects like scavengers among corpses."

She looked out to see Maliphant leaving. Bored already. The Half-Bothan, meanwhile, was desperately trying to make himself scarce. But none could hide from Qual'al-Selim. Not when they were directly in front of her, anyway.

"You will become much like them. I sense this. For now, what I shall ask of you must remain between us, yes?"

The assembler leaned away, looking towards something that was off-camera. She gestured with one large appendage - like a shooing motion - then returned her attention to Melydia.

"You will find instructions on your ship."

"Sure," Bourous said, so quickly it almost sounded like he interrupted Kal.

Freedom of movement and commerce? In their little slice of heaven, their sparse little scattering of maligned and deprived worlds? Far be it for Darth Bourous to not acquiesce to such a simple and kindly demand. He showed a wolfish grin.

"Your little group will have the full blessing of the Worm Emperor in traversing our space. And I'll even make sure everyone knows it."

The part he left off was, "for whatever that's worth to the entire rest of the Sith."


Kal Kal

It was clear that the Sith Lord thought it a bargain, which was just as well; Kal had always favoured the mutually beneficial agreement.

"That seems reasonable, yes." Would it offer any protection from double-crossing opportunists? Perhaps, perhaps not, but it would get their name out there, likewise with the distribution of some number of Contracts to the Will. Equally importantly, it would ensure that any attack on the interests of his associates came from individuals, not institutions. Individuals could be subverted or their rivals funded. Could even be assassinated outright.

Not that Kal was partial to assassination specifically and violence generally, but he knew enough of the Sith to recognise the potential necessity.

"Another associate of mine will ensure you are given access to a supply within the immediate future." A supply which would, of course, promptly dry up if his end of the agreement was violated in any way. "We look forward to working with your, ah, ravenous horde."

Better that than be their enemy, certainly; business resolved, he turned his attention towards the many novel dishes on display. Was that Jedi?

Melydia nodded, excited by the notion of business, of going from one project to the next, even if it was more a declaration of precognition than actuality, at least for now anyway. "We can be very good at keeping secrets," she promised, which was only partially false.

The creatures she told secrets too often had no mouths to repeat them. Just as they seldom left her side. It was an effective means to achieve the pseudo-catharsis of telling secrets without the damage of them getting out.

"Then we shall head that way. Tha-" she stopped herself mid-word. A 'thank you' would imply there was a debt to be paid, something Melydia wasn't willing to lock into, not now. "Your guidance is most appreciated," she offered instead, torso dipping in a slight bow towards the hologram. "We are curious to see what more you might offer."


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