Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Love is blind, good thing this ain't it (Blind Date by Invitation)

Everything word that he spoke throw his mouth came swimming at her now, question upon question. Giving a good shake of her head, taking a few more long sips. Only to find herself thinking more. Giving a good hard look around to see everyone else enjoying there date, coming to find her eyes back upon [member="Darth Veles"]. All that said then it started, You say I'm a killer I haven't pulled a trigger to kill anyone, what I smuggler is aid to those that need it behind ememy lines. ....I ..Closing her eyes once again all that was black and white was being blurred or was it something else that helping along. It couldn't be the wine she a Zeltron could hold her wine. It was something deeper inside of her she went to seek out, only to not find what seeking. I...a healer I make people better I save there lives...I bring...hope...I bring...peace...I don't see out to hunt I see out to help ....those that are hurting.

Could it be that when her Vine Cat Heta was killed she couldn't have stop it by calling her off and leaving the sith alone, as after he had killed her pet she got away. It couldn't be that way, no it just couldn't be for everything was clear to her a while ago. It had to be some kind of mind trick, some kind of illusion being used, twisting of works here it was thinking of all she had seen since being in the order. Knowing that she had to get a hold of herself, before she lost what holding on to. To turn them to a path of light to make them think that darkness is not a path that one should walk, Its the light that heals. [member="Darth Veles"]
The Sith did not know what to think about things the woman was saying. If she was not a killer, she should leave her group of rogue Jedi because as she said, they were training to deal with darkness, whatever she meant by that. More sips of her wine and Avreet moved to refill her glass for the last time this evening, as the bottle was almost empty by now. He stopped as his hand touched the bottle though, the former Jedi started talking in a ... weird way, to say the least. The Mon Cal felt a bit sorry for her, she was trying to persuade herself that whatever she was doing was right. Seeing her in this state, possibly slightly drunk, he leaned back, away from the bottle. Maya's had enough. Avreet shook his head and swiftly raised his palm in a gesture to calm the woman down. "Please, calm dow, Maya. Your intentions are good and you may not be a murderer, but you are still helping people that will inevitably cause much pain and suffering. I couldn't care less if your rogue Jedi target slavers and their kind, but we both know their list of...dark groups that need to be dealt much longer than that. It is only a matter of time before innocents get hurt. I sure do not want to get assassinated by them for being born in the Empire."

Slightly moving towards her to take a good look of her face, he continued, kind smile on his face. "You are right, your goal is a noble one. You are a healer, you want to save lives and bring hope. You are not of the them. You should leave them before you follow their path... Excuse me, but do you feel alright? I think you might have had a bit more alcohol than you can handle, my dear."

Rakaht Iuoh

Fy'y Roog! Fy'y Roog!
[member="Will Chain"]

"I am not sure my kind can drink that... But.." She replied, still in a monotone voice. "I will try." She said, taking the cup of Ale, taking a swig of the stuff. Rakaht put the cup down, her left arm twitching slightly. She swallowed the the alcoholic beverage. "Ehh.." She said, shaking her head. Her hand moved above the table, resting on it. Her fingers tapped the cold, smooth surface, As she looked at Will expectantly.
"Please, calm dow, Maya. Your intentions are good and you may not be a murderer, but you are still helping people that will inevitably cause much pain and suffering. I couldn't care less if your rogue Jedi target slavers and their kind, but we both know their list of...dark groups that need to be dealt much longer than that. It is only a matter of time before innocents get hurt. I sure do not want to get assassinated by them for being born in the Empire."

Taking what left of the wine letting it go down her throat, it was as if could have been on her forth battle by now. Calm down yes that she must do, it was as if what taking inside of her needed to be sorted out, pick over with a fine tooth. Murders had some of her fellow jedi really done all the stuff he told her. Teaching of jungle was to take life only when need to, that how they ate. Same with the those that wanted to hurt others to let them know the wrong if need to be to make the kill. This one in front [member="Darth Veles"]. Not one of them, should leave and go where, they show what could be when taken in a group, taught the ways. Do I feel right, no my head is spending for more reason, then just the good strong wine.

It was the look upon his face that told of something more to this one, having to give way to her hardness, to show a side of her true self, giving a emotion of understand, even if her was mixed up. It was something natural couldn't be help, or had the wine tooken some of her defense down, through out the evening with this one. Truly I'm no assassin, I was train to stock prey .....not intelligent beings to ...gather make or take a life no... As taking over with her empathy with in her reaching out to touch one of his web hands, to let the warmth from her flow from with in.

Will Chain

Legitimate Independent Freighter
This is a good start, Will thought with a smile. Rakaht took a swig of the Ale and made a noise and movement that suggested she didn't like it. She looked to the blue skinned Wroonian expectantly. "Alcohol is more of a acquired taste," he said pulling the drink to him, "I remember my first time. Snuck out to a party. Lots of beers way too fast. I threw up but I still managed to get home without anyone noticing."

Will looked at the glass deciding whether to drink it or not. He took his hand of the glass. Drinking out of a glass someone else drank wasn't someone did on a first date. "That was a lifetime ago," his voice filled with nostalgia before he returned his attention on his date, "So what compelled you to sign up?"

[member="Rakaht Iuoh"]
Despite apparently having enough, the pink skinned rogue Jedi finished the bottle of wine. She will likely have a terrible headache in the morning. The lovely Zeltron even confirmed the wine was partly to blame for her state, indicating she was intoxicated just as Avreet thought. One of many reasons he did not drink alcohol, it messed up with one’s head and mind and made them do things they would not do otherwise. Avreet patiently listened to her, his cold expression softening and becoming a bit warmer. There was no guarantee her words were something more than lies though. Jedi Order has been known for its lies and deceit, the young woman might as well be an assassin sent to track down the Sith remnants. An attractive woman who could use pheromones to appear even more attractive; a very effective way to lure horny men into false sense of security and end them. If that was the case, she’d find Avreet was not one to think with his genitals. Controlling his hormones and with not a single drop of alcohol in his blood, he would not go down without a fight.

[member="Maya Whitelight"]'s hand suddenly reached out and touched his. To the Mon Cal’s surprise, he could feel a flow of empathy flowing through her, pleasant warmth spreading through his body. His hand clasped her and held it gently, yet firmly. “Can you say the same about the rest of your group? Or are they preparing to fight the darkness, as they call the ones not following their religion? Bound by no rules and laws, they will wage their personal war. Innocents will die. Do you want that?” The amphibian asked calmly, almost whispering. He had no intention of letting another group of zealots take roots and destroy the galaxy, the rogues had to be removed before they became a problem.
Feeling more then seeing the thinking this one did behind those eyes of his. Tilting her own head towards, even what she thought knew about the sith being cold hearted even those he was an aquatic in nature. Strangeness taking hold of her as if to think of what could be said about the rest in her group. In the out flow from her came something else just what was happening. At first it was nothing more the faded back ground then came forth more clearly that as if they wasn't even in the bar any more. What fade into its place was that of vegetation lots of it. Sounds of the jungle came alive then came a slender women that look like her own older, out with her came 4 others dressed in nothing but skins, with staffs in their hands, even on looked to be different. To one it would like some jungle planet to her it was Hurran Kal. Came the voice only to once again be around the room, just what happen as room did come back into focus. Could this be the rogue group she spoke of?

Head was swirling around now more like a top spending on its top around it went like that of one circling its prey, finding it better to close her eyes firmly. Feeling some what drained from the whole thing, as if it took some power to do what did. Opening her own eyes looking puzzled what must just took place. Had been seen a part of her home world, with some of the tribe members. Shaking her head some what as the words came back to her mind, finding it harder to stay up right one could see as to much wine, but was it or what been flowing out of her. I don't want innocents die with my abilities I feel more so then others, its a stabbing heart, life to be cherished, more then every I want peace across the galaxy. ......I want there to be no wasting of be in harmony with all that flows around, like one opens to the force to flow throw all living., Veles......What do you want there to be? What came to be in her eyes was nothing but the passion that flow through her but differently as to how control keeping it in cheek. More deeply was something else her eyes told that of something more then some pretty Zeltron that could use her pheromones to get what need or wanted. Picking up her now drained glass looking at the bottom of it. Then back upon her eyes that had a softness upon them. here here to flow of force nature..of it all peace be built..harmony ...marmony [member="Darth Veles"]
Avreet could feel something weird through the Force, the connection he shared with [member="Maya Whitelight"] suddenly shifted and no longer the touch felt good. Taking his hand back in surprise, the Mon Cal just watched the rogue Jedi, unsure of what happened. Was it a trick, or had she just experienced some sort of flashback and entered a transe-like state? Maybe a spontaneous Force vision showing her a glimpse of the future? It did not last long, any non-Force sensitive being would have guessed it was the alcohol finally taking effect, but trained Force user like the Sith noticed there was more than that. He watched it with a frown, though not pursuing the matter when his date came back to her senses. A brief glance around the place to make sure nobody paid any attention to them and the Mon Calamari focused his gaze back at Maya again. Deep inside, she had to know her fellow rogue Jedi will cause much chaos, or so Avreet guessed, as she avoided answering the first question. The answer to the second one was not surprising at all; only a psychopath would have wanted innocents to die.

"Peace," Avreet simply answered her question, his tone neutral and not giving anything away at first, but it was apparent he was slowly getting passionate. "Eternal peace. Innocents have suffered for far too long. And they will continue to suffer because of bloodthirsty fools on all sides. Image, what if all hateful religions and prejudices disappeared? The whole galaxy united under a single banner, its people placing common good above their selfish wishes? No Jedi, no Republic, no criminal syndicates. One goal. One voice. One faction." The Mon Cal finished and his passion died, disappearing from his tone and his heart as he suddenly switched the topic. "The rogue Jedi you spoke of. Where are they?"
Feelings that now swirled inside of her, was more then could take, for the time she closed her eyes to refocus. Finding opening her eyes once again to [member="Darth Veles"] it wasn't how he looked at him. Feeling that came to be flowing from him, at first wasn't anything but slowly feel the passion come form with in him, growing as if one planted a seed taking root as it slowly grew. Flowing of his words so smooth, as if icing was being put on a cake. All he was saying is what she desired most. Knowing go well the selfish out there, going from one part of the galaxy to the others part. It always there lurking in to find some weak fool to have to trouble. Once that there was one unity could there be peace, harmony. Among this asking a question a very simple, one that she started to answer, only to bite on her bottom lip.

Lending forward once again so close to his face. Her brothers and sisters would it be true those that would just have gone after his head, not to speak, having a talk with him could it be it was the Jedi that had it all wrong. No it could be, only to fine as salty taste in her mouth. There all around, this galaxy one could call them nomads roamers, visit planets of Glee Anslem, Dac, Raxus, Hoth Nar Shard many others to number to count. Letting her lips curve into a smile of her own, it would take a lot more then some fancy words. Could it be that there wasn't thing but her own words that there was many scared among the stars now to many to count. It was true she had visited all those planets at one time to scout, maybe she was with in question many things talked but one listen, a little on the drank side or not, he would have to do better, or was it that she was playing with him. Flowing in her mind was one of danger but it was something about his words, there it was again the little seed it was a weed among flowers. Pulling at it all she could try only to have it stay there for now, until....
Staring into her eyes again as she leaned closer, the Mon Calamari silently listened, he answer less than satisfying. The way she avoided it worried him a bit; he may have pushed too hard and the young woman might be way too defensive now to get any straight answer from her. Nevertheless, Avreet decided to push further, determined to get the location of the new Jedi movement. The information was too important to leave without learning it, he disliked the idea of accidentaly stumbling upon a planet with these fanatics. "I see," he leaned towards her as well, placing his large webbed hand on her hand, gently touching it. For anyone around, the scene might look a bit romantic, two lovers looking at each other and holding hands. "Nomad roamers. That is a gentle name for them. Let's call them heavily armed and extremely dangerous religious fanatics who went rogue, throwing all laws and restrictions behind their heads in order to blatantly murder those they deem as evil without any sort of trial. That does not sound as good, does it?" The Mon Calamari said softly, almost whispering. "Of course, they will call themselves peacekeepers, protectors of the weak, the righteous and just ones who only want to eliminate the bad people. I do not doubt they see themselves as all of these things, but that is what makes them even more dangerous. A paramilitary group adhering to no laws or restrictions, only their own twisted sense of morality. Now let me ask you," the Mon Cal leaned even closer to [member="Maya Whitelight"].

"How exactly will they determine who is evil? If they are the very apex of good as they see themselves, everyone else has to be less good than them. That means everyone outside of their group is potentially evil. And potential evil has to be removed before it becomes real evil. Do you see where I am headed, Maya? Peacekeepers and protectors who maintain peace and protect by murder. What will that achieve, really? If I understand their idea right, they see evil as something physical, something that can manifest itself into a sentient being. Something that can be completely removed by killing it. That is not true though, there is evil in all of us, it is up to every being and their journey through life how they'll control it. So what will they achieve?" the Mon Cal raised his voice a bit to give more strength to his words, "Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Because they do not bother to deal with the cause. Why is someone evil? They should ask this question and find an answer to stop evil from taking roots instead of murder. They are too blind to see that though, they want to quickly solve everything with their lightsabers. I will ask you again, Maya. They have to have a main base of operations. Where is it?"
State of mind being in at this moment, just what had she saw, had it been a warning from her mother, to drawl strength from the warrior within. Finding her way back to see him looking at him as if to stare into the very depth of herself. Looking quickly downwards to see his web hand upon hers. Titling the head side ways, to look upon him, to listen, had she really asked all these question or just followed blindly or listening to the force itself that was always her guild.

Speaking of the evil that all have inside, this only got her shaking head once more, as to say that couldn't be true closing her eyes, started to speak, as if didn't heard the last part his question again. There is no Emotion, there is Peace.There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge.There is no Passion, there is Serenity.There is no Chaos, there is Harmony. There is no Death, there is the Force. I can't I just can't ...I have so much spending around up here reaching with her other hand to the side of her face. Only to bring it down upon his hand patting it only to find herself once again looking deeply. I know they are good, I haven't see them kill anyone. Again just starting to find a closest with some of them, to open up one self to the teaching fully. In fact all the mission done so far has been to build up the order to get it started to raise the temple, that the masters had envision.

Coming to her like a flood, reaching out with in the force to draw upon, still in a state of mind, to feel his very force to feel the different from her own, was he truly filled with darkness. Or was she the evil one here that couldn't be as she let this roll around in her mind, letting her lips part mumble out nothing more then whisper if one wasn't truely listen would, known she even spoke. I can't be the one that is evil Avreet, they can.. I want harmony, I want to seek the knowledge show ignorance I want to know what its to have peace. oh please no what is all good in the force I can be on the path that takes me to find evil. ....path I"m on is a good one, the ones I have came to call brother and sister wouldn't kill with out cause would they? would they? the last few words was more for herself then anything else to sort through some that had been over loaded in her mind. It always seem to be clear stand on moral ground know what is right and wrong, to know to respect all live around to give life to not take with out need.

I have only killed when I was in need to feed myself on the long jungle hunts we used all parts we let nothing go to waste, we always took only what was need for the tribe. That last part to one that didn't know where she came from only looked at her being a Zeltron wouldn't know what lay beneath the very clothes that now covered that was tattoos, warrior ones to mark her training with in the tribe to make what she had became in the tribe of unity. No this had to stop, wanting so much to run to flee, why did she want to flee was it because of the fact that something wasn't right or was it because he had made her self doubt her chosen path. I don't think ....... Trailing off once again.... deep in thought closing her eyes again, as if the whole world was spending around, to much wine, but she a Zetlron can handle twice or even then a normal one could, her mind being so filled.
[member="Darth Veles"]
She avoided his question once again, but Avreet did not interrupt [member="Maya Whitelight"], letting her finish what she had to say before speaking again. Her repeating the Jedi code indicated she realized he was right, she just refused to listen. Many Jedi started repeating their code over and over when in denial. It certainly looked to be the case, the Zeltron's Jedi side facing the truth that was the opposite of what she believed. She wanted peace, harmony, which he did not doubt by now, but the idea of being on the wrong side did not go well with these things. The Mon Cal tried to gain more information from her words, noticing her mentioning a tribe and jungles, perhaps a place she was born. Upon feeling her other hand touching his, one of his eyes briefly darted down to look at it before swiveling back to stare into her eyes. "I believe neither of us is evil. It is very possible you are just misguided, following the wrong group of people. The code will not help you with this. To make the right choice, let go of it and follow your heart and best conscience. I am not asking you to stop following your ideals or betray people you love and trust, as I find the very idea dishonorable; I ask you to think about what I said and consider that you might be helping a movement that will envolve into something terrible and its members might not be what they seem and claim to be... talking the talk without walking the walk." The amphibious Sith Knight said in a somewhat ominous tone.

The Mon Cal's face moved a bit closer, studying the woman's face, particularly her eyes. "I apologize, but it seems you've had enough. Alcohol, I mean. It looks it might be slightly influencing your way of thought. One of the reasons I do no drink...," he chuckled softly, realizing the Jedi was slightly drunk. It wasn't every day one could see a drunken Jedi, but it also posed a danger considering her current mental state. "If you'd let me accompany you on your way home... alcohol is a powerful depressant and it seems pursuing the matters further would do more harm than good. I want you to think about what I said, but not before taking a nap. Let the worry flow away on the tides of peace. Are you here by a ship? If so, I suppose I should fly...," the Sith offered and stood up, awaiting to see Maya do the same and support her if needed. Who knew if she could even walk after drinking the entire bottle by herself, but she certainly could not pilot a ship while intoxicated.

Rakaht Iuoh

Fy'y Roog! Fy'y Roog!
[member="Will Chain"]
The Vong shrugged, or what seemed like a shrug. "I do not know." She said blatantly. "I needed something to do."
Her fingers were tapping on the table, like she was waiting for something. Her eyes were on her own fingers. She looked bored out of her mind, just sitting there.

(Sorry this one's so short, I've been busy.)
Have I ? I guess I might have a little much alcohol, just ....Maybe? In reality it was all this put together, the using of her force powers on him, to feel him out more of what kind of darkness he was if one at all. Giving a very quick nod of her head which shouldn't done that. Taking one deep breath, before giving a push way from the table. Standing up only to find herself falling, just how did this happen. Maybe just a hand to my ship. At less then if only then did [member="Darth Veles"] having her security measures.

With that let Veles help her out not before she looked around the much spending room. Only to see something green out of the corner of her eye, could that be [member="Hasjo Hallu"]. Shaking her head he would told her so couldn't be. Oh we have to pick up our weapons, something .....about ....taking them...before coming into this place. Giving a chuckle to the fact that the one taking all hers filled arm of the big brute.

When they made their way over to the weapon cheek point, there would be small throwing knifes, with her belt with her pistol and other three Akk tooth knifes to any one look like they was just right out of some medival time. Then came her hair clip, giving him a play full wink. Yea about this I almost go by with keeping her, but those stupid ..... stupid... It look harmless looking clip that had jewels on it with what looked to be very old perious metal. Putting it up in her hair it being smaller then most lightsaber. Lovely isn't it.
Just as he thought, the woman had trouble with maintaining balance after drinking so much. It was almost surprising she could think so much. The fact that she arrived by her ship made it a bit more complicated, as she simply could not be allowed to pilot. "Maybe?" The Mon Cal chuckled softly as he swiftly dived under the pink skinned woman and caught her in his arms before she completedher fall. "I am fairly certain about that." One arm wrapped over her shoulders and supported from the back, while his other arm gently kept her balance from the front. Again, she had proven she could use her head despite her state when she reminded him of their weapons. With a simple and plain nod, the Sith helped the rogue Jedi walk through the room and guide both of them through other sentients. Avreet had to smile, he would have never imagined himself helping a drunken Jedi get safely to her ship.

When the duo approached the exit and were given back their weapons, the Mon Cal stared at his companion's small armory in disbelief. With his 2 lightsabers and one short sword, he seemed like an amateur compared to her 17 weapons of various kinds and sizes. The galaxy was a dangerous place for a lone woman, but having 17 weapons for self-defense did not sound right. "It is," was Avreet's only reaction to her lightsaber disguised as a hair clip. Beautiful, yet he realized better than most being how dangerous and deadly weapon that was. Quickly finished with clipping his twin lightsabers to his belt and sheathing the sword in his right boot, he waited for his companion to take all her belongings before offering his support of her stability again and allowing her to guide them both to her ship.

"As you know, you cannot pilot a ship until you get some rest and sober up. I haven't been drinking anything, so if you wish, I will fly you home or wherever you want to. I'd also like to talk about what we have discussed back there once you you can think... more clearly, mistress." Avreet noted as the two slowly walked towards the hangar and Maya's ship. He hoped she already knew he had no intention of spending a night with her, despite this being a "date". While [member="Maya Whitelight"] was an attractive woman, Avreet would not break his vow of celibacy even if he wanted to. He felt a bit of pride because of that; many men would use her current state to get her into bed and disappear after the night. Avreet planned the exact opposite; to ensure she rested properly and and stay somewhere on her ship so they could talk again once she woke up.
Hasjo Hallu glanced back to Dia Evans who had altogether become anti-social, the night taking a spin for the worst. It felt like he was talking to a brick wall. His eyes began to drift around the room. He saw the familiar smooth, skin of a Zeltron. His smile dropping. Why was she here? He thought. He had been here originally to look for someone, but his friends in the CSF from his time there, had placed him into a blind date spot without his knowledge, and now he was here. How good that worked out. His eyes followed her movements as she stood from the table, and he knew too well that she had been drinking. A Mon Cala moved alongside her. He knew not the man, but hoped he had good intentions. The Nautolan looked to his date, giving a nod and wishing her well. He stood from the table and marched behind the two.

They retreated down into the bowels of the space station as Hasjo halted to retrieve the single weapon. A Lightsaber Pike. He clipped it to his belt upon his hips. His head snapped back up, and his superior vision glanced down the hall. He saw their fleeting bodies move down another corridor. He followed, with the intention to bring Maya safely back to the Order to rest. He drew his cloak around him, shrouding himself in its warmth. His leather boots slapping against the metallic surface of the floor. His long, powerful strides quickened shortened the distance between the two. He smiled warmly as he parted his lips to form the words "Maya." It could be heard in his voice that his species itself was not naturally attuned to speaking above water. He looked to the Mon Cala, bowing his head, then to Maya "Do you require assistance in getting home? My date has grown terribly quiet, and I am on my way home now."

@[member="Darth Veles"] @[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Will Chain

Legitimate Independent Freighter
[member="Rakaht Iuoh"]

Quite frankly, Will wasn't quite sure what to do next. She didn't want to talk much, which was fine with him, but he wasn't sure what else to do. Every rap of her fingers meant to him another moment closer to her leaving. Suddenly his yellow eyes lit up. "Do you want to go dancing?" he asked.

He can dance. That was one thing he knew for sure he can do.
The Mon Cal's eye darted towards the Nautolan as he heard him speak and also felt his signature. A Jedi no doubt, this started to look like some sort of gathering of their kind. Or maybe this was all a trap, and Maya's question if there would be a goon waiting for her once she left the club had a completely different meaning that Avreet thought, a subtle foreshadowing of things to come. The Nautolan Jedi obviously knew the Zeltron by her name and offered her a way home, indicating the two knew each other. Considering this and their allegiance, it was entirela possible the Nautolan, too, belonged to the group of rogue Jedi. The young Sith did not stop though; he kept walking towards [member="Maya Whitelight"]'s ship, and gently but firmly helping his companion in her way, just in case she lost her balance again. "Excuse me, sir?" Avreet loudly exclaimed at the Jedi's words and the fact he adressed only Maya, completely ignoring the person who's been obviously helping her, "If you haven't noticed, this lady already has someone to help her on her way, so she does not require your assistance. And may I say, it is incredibly rude to leave your lady behind in search of another because you have grown bored of her. Be ashamed of yourself. You should go back and apologize for your behaviour." Avreet said briskly to [member="Hasjo Hallu"], turning his eye back to watch the way towards the ship.
"Excuse me, sir?" Avreet loudly exclaimed at the Jedi's words and the fact he adressed only Maya, completely ignoring the person who's been obviously helping her, "If you haven't noticed, this lady already has someone to help her on her way, so she does not require your assistance. And may I say, it is incredibly rude to leave your lady behind in search of another because you have grown bored of her. Be ashamed of yourself. You should go back and apologize for your behaviour."
"Pardon me?" Hasjo glanced to him. He didn't know this man, and could be good friends with Maya, but on a night full of blind dates in which he was with her. It seemed unlikely. He took his gut instinct, but the man put him off. He began to turn the situation around, choosing his words carefully to manipulate the conversation, and Hasjo knew it too well. He'd dealt with this type of behaviour as an officer in the military. He looked to the Mon Cala with a calm expression, and spoke "We parted ways on good terms, there was nothing rude about my departure from the room. Nor am I seeking out another lady, merely helping a good friend of mine home. After all, I was taught regardless of your age, it's never a good idea to be intoxicated and left alone with strangers." He spoke in a formal matter, but in the dead-seriousness that Maya would know Hasjo to be. It wasn't a matter of being rude, as his friends knew, it was just how he spoke more-often-than-not. He didn't bother to comment about the Mon Cala's attempt to manipulate the scenario in his favour. He just hoped Maya had a good sense of judgement. "Regardless, we seem to be both departing at the same time, and we're neighbours. I can safely take her home" Hasjo reassured the man with a respectful bow of his head.

@[member="Darth Veles"]
@[member="Maya Whitelight"]

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